《What happens in Vegas》4| Sharing


"I am full of it?" she scoffed but continued dancing with me nonetheless. 

"I suppose you're not very fond of me," I stated. 

"No," she answered. 

"But you're dancing with me. Why?" I smirked. 

"You grabbed me," she retorted. 

"Do you want me to leave?" I questioned. 

"I don't care," she shrugged.

"Sure you don't," I scoffed. 

"Are you drunk?" 

"No, but you're tipsy," I stated. 

"How would you know that?" She arched an eyebrow at me. 

"Well, I saw you," I shrugged. 

"So you've been watching me?" 

I spun her around before pulling her against me. "I suppose you can say that." 

"I suppose you can find another girl to dance with," she smiled before pulling her hand out of mine and then walking away, disappearing into the crowd, leaving me hanging. I shook my head while biting back a smile. 

Bella Miller. 

She doesn't even have a valid reason to hate me, apart from the fact that I acted like an ignorant prick throughout high school to her. I try telling myself it would have been different if she was a student and my school, but it probably wouldn't. If people from her school didn't already hate me enough, people from my school hated me too. I was just an asshole. To everyone. 

I looked at the bar where I saw Charlotte sitting and talking to Oliver, Bella was heading to the bathroom, and Ava and Lucas were both missing. They had a one night stand in junior year and it became a whole ordeal because Ava was a virgin. He didn't know, she didn't mention it, they didn't have anything going on and they just ended up sleeping together at a party, both of them tipsy. 

And I don't think she's told, anybody. Even her friends, but Lucas told us. If you ask me, they both were at fault. She should have mentioned it, and he shouldn't have suggested sleeping together when they were both drunk. But it happened. 

I snapped out of it when someone bumped into me before I pushed past the crowd and headed to the bar. "Three fingers of scotch, please." I sat down on an empty barstool, leaning against the counter and watching the crowd stumble and jump around. 


I looked to my left when I heard footsteps and a door close and saw Bella walked past while adjusting the straps of her stunning dress. I grabbed her wrist and she turned around in confusion before her eyes formed into a glare. "Can I at least buy you a drink?" 

She didn't answer, just eyed me warily. "I won't say no to a free drink," she shrugged but still only stood there. 

"A Glen Moray for the lady please," I said to the bartender before pulling out the stool beside mine. She rolled her eyes but sat down, waiting for her drink. "I wouldn't think you'd be the whiskey type," I said while taking my drink. 

"Why is that?" 

"Because normally the girls who drink whiskey have good stories to tell," I smirked, "Would you say you have any?" 

"I'd say egging your house with the team was great fun," she smiled. 

"You were there with the team?" I chuckled. 

"Sure I was. My dad wasn't your coach anymore, you were always a dick to me, I took the opportunity," she shrugged while taking the drink from the bartender. 

"I wasn't even playing then," I laughed. 

"Oh, that's right. Something about the ankle, wasn't it?" 

"Yes," I answered. 

"You were still the captain for the soccer team, we took our chances," she replied. 

"You played the odds knowing my dad is the sheriff?" I asked, amused. 

"It was partly my idea, didn't wanna chicken out," she shrugged. 

"Your idea?" I questioned. 

"Did you just buy me a drink to talk about the rivalry of teams or..." she trailed off questioningly. 

"We can talk a little less if that's what you prefer," I smirked, leaning closer to her. 

We both turned around when the door slammed shut to the bathrooms and out walked Ava and Lucas. Together. Both of them seemed flushed and looked like a mess. "Will you tell Charlotte I went back to the hotel? I'm not feeling too well," Ava said to Bella before getting out of there faster than you could say 'Mississippi.' 

Lucas took the seat beside me before getting himself a drink. I turned my attention back to Bella who seemingly pieced it together. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows as if I was supposed to know what they did. I gave her a shrug, "Don't look at me." 


"Man, I think I'm gonna head out to the hotel. I'm feeling a little tired," Lucas said, patting my shoulder as he stood up before leaving. 

I turned back to Bella who was staring at me, "What hotel are you staying at?" she questioned. 

"The one down the street," I chuckled. It clicked in her eyes before she facepalmed. "My room is actually next to yours." 

"What?" Her head snapped up and her eyes locked with mine. 

"Yeah, I saw you when you checked in last night, you even bumped into me in the lobby when one of them left their phone behind, you just didn't turn around when you apologized. And I bumped into you this morning when you were asking for the hotel car, someone named Mr. Jenkins, I believe." 

"You've known that was me this whole time?" she asked. 

I nodded in response, "I wasn't sure when I saw you last night, but then this morning I was pretty convinced it was you." 

She narrowed her eyes at me, she does that a lot. "You knew I was here and just happened to be at the bar we're at tonight?" 

"For your information, we got here way before you. We've been here for almost three hours now," I smirked. 

"What the hell have you been doing for the past three hours?" she asked. 

"Waiting for you to come in, actually," I said, leaning my elbows on the counter and leaning forward slightly. 

"You're hilarious," she rolled her eyes. 

"Thank you," I smiled, "So, are we going to the hotel now or what?" 

"Excuse me?" 

"Your friends are gone, so are mine. We're the only two still here, sweetheart." 

She looked around and realized that I was right before she started gathering her things before downing the rest of her drink and then standing up. She stumbled slightly, the alcohol probably hitting her all at once. 

"Easy there, darling. Give it a minute," I chuckled, grabbing onto her arm and waist. 

"Do you always act like such a playboy? Give it a rest," she scoffed while letting her hair down. 

She shook her head and ran her fingers through it as it cascaded in waves down her back. "You can stop staring now, goodnight," she said before stabilizing herself and heading to the entrance/exit. She pushed through the doors and I downed my drink before going after her. 

"Bella!" I called out. She kept walking but turned around to glance at me while reaching the street. "Bella, just wait one second!" 

"You just don't give-" She gasped when I grabbed her wrist and yanked her bag, saving her just in time from the car flying by with drunk people screaming to songs in it. 

I glared at the car going by while a girl and a guy stuck their heads out of the window before it turned the corner and disappeared. "That could have been a little gruesome," I mumbled. 

"Thanks," she mumbled absentmindedly. 

"You okay?" She simply nodded before looking both ways and continuing her way to the hotel. I rolled my eyes before jogging and catching up to her as she reached the doors of the hotel. I pulled the doors open for her as she walked through and walked with her to the elevator. 

We stepped in and she leaned in against the wall while I pressed the button to the sixth floor. The elevator dinged open and she pushed herself off the wall, almost falling out. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her up, putting an arm around her waist to steady her. "I think you've had a little too much," I chuckled. 

"Maybe a little," she mumbled while grabbing the wall for support. 

"Can you walk?" I asked. 

"Probably not," she laughed. 

Oh no. She's getting drunk. Like really drunk. I stopped and looked at her, trying to think of what to do. I can't just leave her drunk in her room, can I? What if she breaks something? Or like falls off the balcony? I should drop her off with her friends, shouldn't I? 

"Can I sleep with you?" she hiccupped. 

"What?" I gaped at her. 

"Sharing is caring, share the room, neighbor," she slurred. 

"Um- how about I just tuck you in?" I asked before bending my knees and picking her up. 

"But sharing is caring," she mumbled, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Sharing with a drunk person? Not so much, darling. I'm not looking for a mistake in Vegas," I said while opening her door, balancing her on my knee and one arm before pushing the door open with my back and then placing her in bed. 

Not that anything with her would be considered a mistake.

I didn't expect our first interaction to go like this, I must say.






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