《If Only ✔》Chapter 20.


Oh god oh god oh god okay.

So let's try to get things clear.

Bella like Chris, Chris and Logan like me, I like Daniel and Daniel likes god knows who.

"Drew you have got to help me. I don't know what to do!!" I exclaim and Drew just chuckles for the nth time. I was back home and explained everything to Drew. I've been ranting and all he's done is sit there in amusement.

"Sis, you wanna get over Daniel right?" He finally says

"You know that Bella and Chris will be OTP right?" He continues and I nod yet again

"Then you already know who to choose" He says

"I just don't want to break anyone's hearts here." I sigh

"Oh don't worry about it" He waves it off

Suddenly, an angry Daniel bursts through the door.


"You can't tell her what to do, mate." Drew smirks at him. Daniel glares at Andrew

"I can date who I want Daniel." I say

"Yeah, I mean aren't you happy that she's moved on. You can be best friends without having any feelings in the way. Plus ,I mean, you can't tell her who she can and can't date. You didn't hear her say no when you started dating Julie." Drew smirks and for a moment I saw something flash in Daniel's eyes before going calm and collected.

"Shut up, Andrew. I'm just....just worried for her. I don't ever want her heart broken." He says

"Like how you broke her heart" Drew says, his smirk staying on his face

"I will punch that smirk off your face." Daniel glares at him, making Drew's smirk go even wider

"Can't do that. V will hate you and that's not what you want huh? You want the opposite of hate." Drew says, snapping the last straw in Daniel's patience. Daniel tackles Drew to the ground. They wrestle for a while till Daniel ends up sitting on top of Drew.


"Now shut up." Daniel glares at him. Drew nods while laughing.

"How are you even so calm?! You're supposed to be an overprotective brother!!" Daniel exclaims as he gets off of him.

"Well for one she doesn't need an overprotective boyfriend *cough* you *cough* and an overprotective brother, so I'll leave that to you. And for two, Logan and Chris already told me about it. I was the first to know. I've already had that very peacful, non threatening talk with them" Drew smiles innocently

I blush a little hearing Drew imply that Daniel was my overprotective boyfriend. It was a nice thought, okay?

"I said shut up." Daniel hits Drew at the back off the head. Drew just laughs in his response.

"I need to meet up with the boys. I'll see you soon guys." I say. Daniel's eyes widen in alarm, but Drew rushes me out before he could stop me.

I start walking to the ice cream shop where they said we'd meet up. When I got there, the two were already there looking nervous. I sat down and looked at Chris sadly. He smiles and sits next to me. He hugs me tightly before letting go.

"If it'll make you happy then it's okay. As long as we'll still be friends and you always have that beautiful smile on your face, then I don't care who you're with." He kisses my head

"Thanks Chris...You're an amazing guy and I'm sure you'll end up with a great girl...someone who's actually closer than you think" I say, making him look at me in confusion. He shakes his head and puts a bright smile

"Just stay happy V. That's all I want" he says and hugs me one last time

"I have to go now. Bella and I have a project due tomorrow" he smiles at me. I smile back and he leaves. Logan sits beside me this time and hugs me tightly, snuggling his head on my neck


"Thanks for choosing me...I promise I'll make you happy." he says. A waiter comes and puts down our ice cream and my eyes light up in delight seeing the ice cream.

"How'd you know???" I ask taking the mint chocolate chip ice cream in my hands. He blushes and eats his ice cream

"I've seen you order it from time to time, so I guessed it was your favorite" He says and I chuckle.

"Staring, aye?" I say

"Well it's hard to look away from your beauty" He says making me blush this time.

I think this just might work.


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