《If Only ✔》Chapter 1.


I took a deep breath and turned off the shower. I dried myself off and got changed into my usual white shirt with jeans and a flannel.

It was the first day of school and I already want summer back. The days when it was just Daniel and I. Now I'll barely ever get to see him with all the girls surrounding him. Not to mention he's now the captain of the soccer team which makes him 10x more popular. In our school, the most popular groups is the soccer team and the basketball team. During summer vacation- or anytime there's no school- Daniel and I spend every single minute together. We have been the best of friends since...I don't even remember how long. Typically, our days are spent lazing off and pigging out on junk food and ice cream. Once a week, we'd go to the beach or the carnival or anywhere where we can have fun. This summer, we spent most of our time at the beach. We even fells asleep there accidentally.

I packed my bag and went downstairs. There I saw my little brother, Matt. He was a good kid unlike other brothers. He was never annoying and always there for me. Matt and I live by ourselves. Our parents are divorced and live in different countries. Matt and I didn't want to choose which parent to go with, so we stayed with our grandparents till I was 17. Our parents make a lot of money and tend to send us a lot. Our grandparents raised us not to be a spoiled rich kid so besides our important necessities, we save our money.

"You ready for your first day of high school?" I asked. He nods, grabbing his bag. We got into my car and I drove us both to school. We blasted music and sang along to get rid of the terrible thought of going to the hell called high school.


"V, I'll take the bus later today" Matt says as he gets out of the car

"Okay then. Have fun in your first day of hell" I say making him chuckle

"You too."

I fix my appearance, making sure I look okay, before I get out of the car.

Daniel used to pick me up for school, but he also brought his friends along. I got quite uncomfortable, so I decided to drive myslef to school. As I get to my locker, I'm sure that I had a mini heart attack.

"Hi V!!!!!" Daniel yells in my ear. He gives me a big squeeze from behind. This made me scream loudly, turning a few heads to our direction.

"Daniel!! Must you give me a heart attack everyday?!" I say, hitting his shoulder. He makes me look straight to his eyes; I will myself not to get lost in his emerald green eyes. He does this a lot. He'd lean in so close that we were almost kissing, not breaking eye contact in the process, then he'd pull back and bop my nose.

"Yes." He smirks and bops my nose. I roll my eyes in annoyance. Not because of the heart attack thing, but because of the fact that we were so close we could've kissed. It was really hard to be in love with your best friend.

"I'm gonna inspect your schedule" He announces, taking my schedule while I fix my locker .

"Yes! We got most of our classes together" He grins like an idiot.

"Damn. I just can't get away from you" I say jokingly.

"Yup! We don't have first period together though, which sucks, but that's okay!!!" He says. He then loops his arms with mine.

"Come my dear Verdana! I shall escort you to your classroom!!!" He says in a posh accent. I giggle at his craziness.


Once we get to my first period my stomach hurts from laughing. Daniel is not funny. He's far from it. I'm laughing because his jokes are so stupidly hilarious. As we stop at my classroom, he glances inside through the window and smirks in the player kind of way.

"Hey V, who's that?" He says as he checks out a girl with gorgeous, surprisingly not fake, blonde hair, perfect body and a pretty face. I shrug at him even though I know who she was. She was Julie. One of the most gorgeous and perfect girl in school.

"Verdana......." He says, looking at me with an evil smile. Damn. He used my full name. This is serious.

"Yes?" I string out the 's'

"Could you pretty please get her number for me? For your bestest friend in the whole world" He says, giving me his puppy eyes. I groan, my only weakness. No, not the eyes, but him in general. He was my weakness. This love for my best friend is my weakness.

"Fine." I roll my eyes. The familiar feeling of jealousy bubbles within me.

"Yes! You're the best V." He hugs me tightly before walking to his classroom while I go to mine.

I sit on my usual seat, by the window, and take out my headphones and phone. But before I could do that the very person Daniel wants me to hook him up with, taps me on the shoulder.

"Hey!! So I'm gonna get to the point. I saw you and your friend there, and I think he's really cute. Could you uhm do me a favor and give me his number?" she smiles sweetly. Geez, way to be blunt.

"I uhm sorry but my phone is dead" I say. Luckily I haven't brought it out yet...

"Oh...bummer. Okay then!! Can I at least know his name?" She says, and I sigh softly as I answer her.

"Daniel Lloyd"


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