《If Only ✔》Chapter 2.


I usually sit with Daniel and his friends for lunch but when I noticed Julie was sitting next to him, I really didn't feel like it. Jealousy has been bugging me since this morning. All he's been talking about is how he's gonna "Get lucky". I tried looking for another vacant table. I barely even ate. I just sat there writing down on my journal. This journal holds everything I feel about Daniel. I can tell him any secret except for one. The fact that I love him.

Last period is Homeroom. I was sitting in my place while listening to my music when I felt a tap. I turned to look at who tapped me. Geez, is it interrupt-Verdana-as-she-listens-to-music day?

"Uh...yeah?" I asked confused that someone is actually talking to me. Don't get me wrong, I have friends. It's just they only talk to me when they have no one else to talk to. Plus this guy is hot, and I'm quite far from it.

"Hey!! I'm Andrew." He grins

"Okay. So?" I say. My voice was dripping with annoyance. It's been a bad day.

"Well aren't you a ball of sunshine" he chuckles

"I woke up on the wrong side of my bed but it seems you woke up on someone else's bed" I say making him laugh

"Nice one!!" He says. I give a little bow

"Thank you thank you" I say. He gets up and plops down next to me with a big smile.

Immediately, my mood was brightened thanks to my new friend.




After school, I was walking to my car when Daniel ran up to me.

"V!!! Wait up!!!" He says. I stop and turn to him

"What's up?" I ask.

"The guys and I are going bowling this Friday. You wanna come?" He asks


"Sure! It'll be fun." I nod, thankful that he still wants to hang out with me.

"Great! Oh and by the way, I got her number. She's way hotter up close" he smirks

"You're such a player" I roll my eyes.

"It's what I do sweetheart" He winks at me. Well...ahem that's a first. I keep trying to tell my heart not to freak out. It was just meant to be a joke or something. It was no big deal. It was just a pet name that was typically for flirting or for couples. God...I'm so weak.

"Whatever. I need to go home. See you, Daniel" I say. He hugs me bye and walks off

I get in my car and take a deep breath. I hate my over reacting heart right now.


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