《Alpha Human》The Assasination


I sat on the plane thinking about everything. About my dad, about his brother, and Harry, and about Raegan. I hated my father, but I couldn't help but let his words haunt me. I knew Raegan would never hurt me, but how could I be certain that I was getting the whole truth.

The plane began to descend and I put my worries to rest. As I sat up I grabbed the small black carry on and stepped into the isle, pushing past people. I wasn't used to being in such a crowded area, since Raegan usually flew me on a private plane. His punishment for me being late was that I had to fly coach.

The city was crowded, and obnoxiously loud. There were too many people, so it was hard to get taxi. Once I finally got a vacant one, a man pushed me away from the door to get to the taxi. I could've taken him, and flung him across the street, but then again it would alert the city if I did.

Instead I waited another ten minutes for another Taxi. I got in, and shut the door. "Take me to the Cathedral de Vivre" I said to the driver.

"Alright" he said in a think Borlandian accent, then took off driving.

After twenty minutes, and several failed attempts to make conversation, he finally pulled up to the location. "Thirty dollars" the cab driver said.

"That's a pretty hefty cab fare" I said to him.

"Yeah, well there's too many people and not enough cabs you know how economics works" he said sarcastically.

I did a fake laugh, then grabbed him by the neck, "look I've been through hell my whole life, and my day isn't getting any better, so excuse me if I don't remember much from my economics class" I said as he gasped, struggling to let in air, "and since you feel so deeply sorry for me, you will give me the ride on the house...or on the car I should say"

"O...okay" he squeezed through.

I smiled and let go, hopping out of the cab. I walked to the front of the building and observed it. There was a lot of security and they weren't going to let me in for no reason, that was unless I was a part of the security detail. I ran behind the army truck, and yanked one of the soldiers away. I knocked him out with my fist, making sure he would be out for a while.


After I changed into the uniform, I ran into the crowd of soldiers, and joined them. They walked into the main room where the conference was taking place. It was hard to concentrate in such a large crowd, but I spotted the prime minister on the third floor.

The general in charge of us paced the floor in front of us, observing every one of us. "What's he doing?" I asked the man beside me.

"He's trying to find someone to watch the third floor. Apparently the guy who was supposed to keep watch went missing" he said.

"I'll do it!" I said to the general eagerly. Since I needed to get up there, having access up there would make this job a lot easier.

He gave me a hard look in the eyes. "I wasn't looking for volenteers." He said to me, "You look new, speak out of line again, and I won't be so generous" I wanted to kill him for thinking he could give me orders, but I had to keep my cover and stay cool.

"You" the general said pointing to another kid. "You're up" the soldier listened, and stepped up.

He stopped in front of me, "Can you speak Lavakian?" he asked me. I nodded, lying. "Then its your lucky day. He'll need a translator"

I submerged my anger, then followed behind the soldier. "Just stay out of my way" the soldier said to me rudely, "the last thing I need is someone to babysit"

"Then I guess it's your lucky day too" I said to him, and knocked him out with the back of my gun. I dragged his body to the side door on the steps so no one would be alarmed.

I walked to the top of the steps where I was stopped. "Who are you?" the very brolic looking man asked me.

"I am the soldier from Borland sent to keep watch, they sent me up here saying you needed an extra guy."

He nodded, and allowed me to pass. "Thank you" I said walking by. I was on the same floor as the prime minister now. I could see him in front of all of the security detail ready to sign the treaty.


Before he could meet the pen to the paper, I took a gun aimed, then put a bullet through his head. The room erupted in shock, and bullets were fired at me, but I was too fast. I ran out of the room, and through the back exits leading into the streets.

My ride was supposed to be here by now, but leave it to Harmattan not to set it up on time.

"What did he do to you?" A voice said behind me. I did a sharp turn.

"Dr. Keeley" I said recognizing him.

"You know who I am?" He asked. "You remember me?"

"Yes...no" I answered confused. I could hear the soldiers in the distance coming, so I tried to run, but I found myself going at a normal speed. "What the hell" I said confused. I couldn't outrun them like this.

"I had Ziroy atomized into a gas state, and now when you breathe it in it becomes effective."

I walked up to him and grabbed him by the shirt, "My powers aren't the only thing that make me powerful" I threatened him.

I was ready to punch him in the face before another man came in and threw me off of him. I stood up with scratched on my hands. Usually I would heal, but these injuries stayed. "You're going to wish you hadn't done that" I said to them angrily.

"It's too late, Chris, he already killed the prime minister." Keeley said. "And ignited a war"

"You know I like you better when you had morals" The kid called Chris said.

I rolled my eyes, and backed up.

Thankfully a White House car pulled up with the door wide open. "Get in!" The driver shouted. I didn't think twice, I jumped into the car, and we drove off. It was only when I settled in had I realized who it was.

"Harmattan?" I said.

"The one and only" he responded.

"Since when did you become liscenced?" I asked sarcastically.

"You really think I need a liscence to get a car?" He asked rhetorically.

"Why are you here, you wouldn't be here for no reason" I said getting to the chase.

"I'm here to deliver a message. Raegan wanted me to tell you that you did your job, now you need to lay low." He answered.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means that you just murdered a world leader on national television. You're not going anywhere near the White House giving us heat." He answered. "Besides we have another mission for you"

"Yeah, and what is that?"

"Your daddy and his merry band of idiots are planning a move against us. We need you to go back and act like your on thier team, get Intel, and report back to us."

"But what if he tries to kill me?" I asked. "He tried when I was young, he wouldn't hesitate now"

"That's not my problem, your mission is what it is" he said, "There's a suitcase of clothes in the back, and an IPad with all of the info on everyone."

I reached in the back and yanked up the black backpack. I opened it up and pulled it out. I scrolled down the word document reading about who my father thought I was. Apparently I was supposed to be sarcastic, broody, and loyal. Doesn't seem like much of a change from who I was now.

I looked up the information they had on my father's brother. So he was his twin after all. Then why are the only memories I had of him emotions? Just looking at the image, I felt this feeling of nostalgia.

The car came to an unsettling halt, jerking me around. "We're at the private airport" he said to me. "It's time for you to return home"

For some reason I felt so used to that phrase. No matter how many times I tried to leave that city behind, I always came back to it.

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