《Motherly Love》15


I haven't heard from Jay since he left my house a week ago and the boy's weren't showing up too school.

I had just dropped Hailey off to school and I was heading to school, I got there and turned my car off.

I started my walk to the avid store just looking around but stopped seeing Jay standing there.

I looked at him before shaking mh head I walked through the other double doors taking the long way.

I turned the corner seeing Jay standing there making me sigh and slowly turn around.

"You gon keep tryna avoid me?" He asked and I just kept walking I heard him jog up to me.

He grabbed my arm turning me around, "I'm sorry Kayla I had to handle something." He said.

I moved his arm stepping back then looking at him before I started talking cause this is just.

"If you would have said a relative died I would understand, but you had to 'work'." I said turning around.

He grabbed my arm agian and I sighed he about to piss me off for real now atp.

"Okay great stop touching me." I said yanking out of his hold and starting my walk again.

He followed me and I hugged, "Can you like go some where i'm not?" I asked looking at him.

He looked at me and kept walking in the same direction, "You really not finna talk to me?" He asked.

I looked at him and hugged, "I just said I don't wanna be near you." I said looking at him like he was dumb.

"Can I at least come over to see Hailey?" He asked and I looked at crazy, "Hell no." I said.

He grabbed my arm looking at me crazy, "Why? Cause we got problems?" He asked.

"No, it's cause she kept asking for you and where were you? You were at 'work', so just leave us alone." I said.

I moved his arm again and walked away grabbing my snacks from the avid store and walking to the gym.


But when I got there the gym was clearing out and we we're going to class, damn.

Then I gotta see this nigga in class, I walked out the gym eating gummies and walking down the hall.

I didn't have anything to put in my locker right now because I already had what I needed.

I felt some body grab me and I hugged turning around to the person, "What?" I said.

It was a boy and he was tall asl, I have never seen him before so he must be new around here.

"Sorry I was asking for directions." He said putting his hands in the air and I sighed.

"Sorry, where are you looking to go?" I asked and he looked down at the paper confused.

"I don't kno how to say it." He said and I grabbed the paper looking at it and nodded.

"Ms. Nyguen, she is down the hall 2nd door on the right." I said and he smiled, "Thanks." He said.

I nodded walking off towards my class sitting in my seat, I could feel Jay staring at me.

I looked at him rolling my eyes before looking back at my phone, he was really annoying me with all that staring.

I like damn I kno I look good but not that damn good, "Can you stop staring at me?" I asked looking at him.

He stared at me before shaking his head and pulling his phone out and I shrugged he stopped staring.

Fuck his attitude🤷🏾‍♀️.

I took my head phones out my book bag and started listening to music while I looked at outfits on Instagram

The day went by pretty smoothly, and I found out that the new kid that asked me for directions name was Xavier.

I was walking out the school till I heard my name being called and I turned around seeing Jay.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around and continued my walk down the hall.

I felt myself being pulled in a class and the door close and I looked at Jay crazy.


"Boy i'm finna hit you hard." I said looking at him and he smiled at me making me roll my eyes at him.

"We need to talk." He said and I looked at him, "I can't I have to go get Hailey." I said.

He looked at me before nodding, "Alright let's go." He said and I looked at him crazy.

"Me." I said walking out with him following me I walked to my car and looked at him.

"See ya Jay." I said unlocking my door and getting inside and he looked at my car as I pulled off.

Why do I have to go for the crazy ones? Why? Why he can't just take a break up like a normal person?

I huffed pulling up to Hailey's school and getting her putting her in the car as we headed to the house.

"Mommy I missed youuu." She said making me smile, "Aww, I missed you too." I said.

She smiled pulling her phone out and I shook my head should of got her a IPad instead.

We pulled up to the house and I got our stuff walking to the thing going in the elevator.

We went on our floor and walked off heading towards our apartment I took my keys out and looked up.

Jay say right there with his arms over his knees and his head down, "Daaa!" Hailey screamed.

He looked up and smiled at her and I rolled my eyes I told him no, he just so fucking, whew.

I opened the door and told Hailey to go to here room, "Jay!" I whisper yelled for Hailey's sake.

He looked at me, "What you said we couldn't talk you had to go get Hailey." He said.

I rubbed my head, "What, what do you want?!" I whisper yelled and he looked at me.

"I just wanna talk you don't wanna talk to me and I wanna explain myself." He said.

I sighed sitting on the couch and looking at him, "Talk." I said looking at him impatiently.

He looked at me before shaking his head, "You kno what..." I heard him mumble and I shrugged.

"I had left that night to do something then I ened up having to go out of town and I forgot to tell you, then I was so busy that I couldn't text and i'm sorry." He said.

"Okay." I said and he looked at me, "Okay?" He asked and I nodded looking at him.

"Okay as in you can go now." I said and he looked at me rubbing his head, "I just.." He stopped and huffed.

"Okay and Hailey was crying asking for you I was worried something happened to you and you just left with out a word and you want me to welcome you back with open arms? Boy fuck you, like I said okay as in you can go i'm done, see ya, bye, adios nigga!" I whisper yelled.

He so fucking lucky Hailey here or I promise you, whew calm down Kayla it's okay chillll.

He looked at me, "I said I was sorry I apologize what else you want me to say?!" He whisper yelled back.

He stood up and I looked at him, "Fuck you and that sorry, see ya adios, bye shit." I whispered.

I sat down rubbing my head then looked at him motioning towards the door as for him to leave.

"I'll bring your shit to you and grab mines." I said walking him to the door closing it and locking it.

I huffed and calmed down wasn't finna cry over a nigga anymore, just focus on me and my daughter.

I walked to Hailey room seeing her asleep with her TV and her phone on making me chuckle.

I turned them both off and walked to my bed stripping and getting in the shower before getting out and going to sleep.

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