《Fell For You》2. " Who Are You?"



"Uh who are you?"

"What tf going on ?" The guy said looking at everyone in the room

He was cute but who was he ?

I walked closer to Megan and Mikey to keep some distance between me and the guy I didn't like the strange reaction I got when he tried to touch me. Like I wanted him to grab me close and not let me go.

"Mama Wright what's going on? Mikey? Josiah?" Hé was asking my family staring down at me with such a confused expression

"Are you okay? You said you killed someone. Why is no one taking that seriously? The man looks distressed." I asked no one was helping him he looked like he seen a ghost as if he would pass out.

" that's why I wanted you to come tonight Nas. It's a lot to explain baby"

"CHELLE! I've missed you soo sooo much!" A girl close to Nikki's age came and ran to me "uh hi"

" I know it wasn't right to keep her from you all so the memories of who you were... who we all were. I erased us from her life so it may take some time for her to remember. But I needed to make sure Sarah wouldn't be a problem to Chelle and her families safety ever again. Which means I orchestrated faking her death and she proceeded finishing school and everything elsewhere for awhile until I weeded out Sarah's family out and ruined them Nas and with our own families problems it took longer than I expected."

"Starburst" he moved a step closer to me and I moved back even when my heart was telling me to let him reach me but I'm... scared?

I looked down at the girl still holding onto me " so you don't remember me Chelly?"

"I'm sorry I don't" I told her she was familiar too. They all were it was on the top of my tongue but I just couldn't place it and it was frustrating like the day I woke up in the hospital



Hospital four years ago

" so she has no recollection of certain things so please just take it easy with her alright" I heard an unfamiliar voice speak

I fluttered my eyes open seeing my mom,Mikey,Josiah and some small little boy

"Water." I croaked out

"Mama she's up she's up !" The little boy spoke up grabbing everyone's attention to me

" Hi Ms. Wright I'm Dr.Reynolds how are you feeling?" The doctor asked me

Damn can I get the cup of water first ms girl.

After taking a sip my mother poured for me I answered "fine my head hurts that's pretty much it. What happened to me?"

" you were in a car crash chelly. You and Mason"

"Mason? Uh is he okay?"

Josiah looked at me "Chelle do you remember who Mason is?" I shook my head no

" Do you remember Megan, Nasir, Unc, Xavier?"

I again shook my head no " I want to leave I hate hospitals"

"I know Chelle but you gotta stay here a couple more days for observations okay" mama said giving me a sad expression

" Do you remember who I am Chelle?" The little boy asked me grabbing my hand staring at me intently. I started crying shaking my head no because I knew I should but I couldn't.

" it's okay. Your memory is a bit hazy right now with certain things, people, and places but it shouldn't last a month."

"Just surround her with immediate family first then show her pictures of family friends it may jog something and her memories may return" my doctor stated to us all

I just nodded as I closed my eyes with tears still running down my eyes.

I looked at the little boy "what's your name?"

" Zachary Ezekiel Wright your little AND favorite brother" he smiled at me


Josiah and Mikey shook their heads laughing at him. " that's a damn lie Zay don't believe him Chelle he a scammer"

" nah believe it nugget" I told the little boy

* End flashback*

"Chelly you want some fruit? I think we got some pineapples in the kitchen your favorite right? " The little girl asked "yeaaa it is. What's your name sweetheart?"

"Daisy. But you always call me Daze or pudding" I nodded at her as we made our way into the kitchen hand in hand. Where the guy and everyone followed us

Why is everyone being weird right now.

There was a chef in the kitchen cooking something that smells delicious " it smells great in here" I said

He turned around dropping his spatula wiping his hands on his apron "I-I i didn't believe it when Ms. Rosemary said I—" He came to me pulling me into a tight hug practically cutting off my breathing. " I cooked all your favorites Chelle"

" Uhh Thankyou." When mama asked me to come to a friends house to meet people that missed me I didn't know it would be this much people. It's overwhelming a bit.

But I didn't feel any bad vibes from no one just love and concern whenever they would look or speak to me.

I usually just smile and nod if I don't know the person. But I have currently meet Daisy, Gran, Dominic, Cheyenne, Ms. Rosemary, and Nasir the fine ass chocolate of a man.

"We got off on the wrong foot but I'm GiGi" I turned to a pretty young girl smiling at me with her hands out ready for me to shake. She look unfamiliar but that's not new. Everyone looks unfamiliar to me

"Hi Michelle. I love your hair"

"Thanksss" she started piling food on her plate and wen ahead and went to the room with everyone.

I looked at the spread on the kitchen table that Xavier placed and it was really all my favorites kidney bean rice, fried plantains, fried pork, veggies the whole nine and I was ready to dig in.

I licked my lips as I grabbed a plate after everyone got theirs and went into the dining room. I started making my plate filling it when I heard someone pick up a plate besides me. I turned my head seeing Nasir as we just stared at each other " I see you never lost that appetite I love"

I titled my head to the side staring at him. He makes me nervous a little bit when he stares at me with those grey eyes like he's searching every part of my soul.

He came closer to me until I was straining my neck to look up at him

" I've missed you starburst." He pushed a stray hair away from my face as I shivered from his light touch on my cheeks " I know you don't remember me but you will. Whatever it takes you'll remember me Michelle"

I stared up at him searching for something recognizable in his eyes but I didn't. he left a small kiss on my lips before walking away to the dining room

"You'll remember us Jelena.I'll make sure of it"

I stared at his back waking away into the dining room

If nothing else.... I want to remember what it is me and him had.

And fast


Hope everyone had a great Christmas!🎄❤️

Chelle lost her memory yall!!

Nasir seems distraught as fuck


Sorry for any grammatical errors


Sorry for the delayyyyy

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