《Fell For You》1. " I Killed Her"


Four years later


I was brought out of my thoughts of a conversation years ago I had with Chelle by my mother calling my phone. I knew exactly why she was calling to

My eyes landed on her picture on my desk as my jaw clenched.

Damn I miss her everyday

Answering the phone I greeted my mother " hey mama"

" hey baby you know why I'm calling just wanted to know about tonight?"

"ma. I haven't seen or talked to them since the funeral and I don't plan to " I spoke to her through the phone as I got up from behind my desk going towards the file box in the corner of my office

" They will be at the main house tonight at 7:00 and you will be there to show our family's respect Nasir Jacy"

I sighed at 22 my mom was still letting me know she could beat my ass if need be " yes mother I'll be there"

" I know. Love you got to prepare!" She hung up before I could even respond back.

With taking extra classes over summer and winter breaks I graduated a year early getting my bachelors degree in business. I started my own company it wasn't like my fathers many business's but it was my pride and joy.

" Jasmine!" I waited for my assistant to come in. Jasmine was a sophmore in college she was my aunt CeIlias friends daughter who asked me to give her a job when I first started the business. I needed the help so I hired her.

She popped her head in "Yeahhh?"

" Where the hell is Hakeem?"

Over the past few years Hakeem has chilled out extremely and everyone was grateful for the change we saw in him and we have his fiancé to thank for that.

After the big affair and divorce scandal by our parents that was aired out a few years ago we all really didn't even care about the image that we had for years. Now we let everyone think what they wanted about the Morgan family.

She shrugged her shoulders " I'll call him"

I nodded my head taking out the paperwork in the file cabinet that I was looking for.

I had a few more days to open this shelter and I was stressing about it cause I needed it to go perfect without any problems from the contractors or paperwork not being up to code.

I leaned against my desk looking at the floor plan to the shelter and how I wanted everything placed around. When I heard my door opened I waited until the person spoke up.

" Jacyyy!" A smiled spread across my face as I picked my head up and saw Daisy. She was growing up to fast for my liking

"Hey Daze how you get here?"

She looked behind me out the window as she spoke ".... dad" and as soon as it slipped out her mouth my father came in as if he owned the building.

"Nasir my boy" he strolled into my office sitting on one of the couches making himself comfortable.

Because Daisy was present I decided to be cordial " hey dad. What brings you by?"

He sighed "Just came to drop Daisy off your mother doesn't want anything to do with me unless it pertains to one of y'all.... I hear that she's having company over tonight. I'll be there"

I clenched my jaw as I watched him " dad... don't"

" I'll be there Jacy to show my respect."


I knew there was no point in arguing with him so I just gave a short nod and told Daisy to sit at my desk while I finish a few things before we leave

" So how's business going ?" My father asked me.

My businesses wasn't about really making a profit but giving back to the community and helping where I could as long as I can.

"Everything is going great dad" I smiled up at him as I saw Daisy roll her eyes.

" I heard there's a bit of setbacks on the shelter because of some contractors"

How does he even know this?

"No issues or setbacks everything has been sorted out. Don't worry about my company dad it's going well alright."

I don't know why but it feels as though he wants me to fail and come crawling back to Morgan industries but that's not what I wanted. I needed to do this shit on my own no matter how long it took me

I thought he would have understood where I was coming from but I guess not.

"Daze you want to go somewhere before I take you home?" I asked her ignoring my fathers stare.

After sophmore year I decided on moving out of the mansion and get my own place. Don't get me wrong I'm always over there bothering Xavier, getting on my mother's nerves, or whenever Daisy is home from school I'm there.

" um... can we go by Nikkis house?" Throughout the years they have gotten closer ever since that day.

I tried to hide the sad expression that crossed my face but I know she saw it. I cleared my throat " they'll be over at the house tonight. So let's go get something to eat and by the time we get there they all should be there. Alright?"

She nodded her head going back to her phone.

My dad got up from his chair putting his phone back in his pocket "well I have a business meeting in a few minutes I'll see you both tonight.... come give me a hug Daze"

Daisy reluctantly walked up to dad and gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.

She didn't understand what was going on a few years ago when my mom sat us down explaining to us what was happening

All I thought she knew was they wasn't together anymore. I don't know if she knows the exact why but she'll soon find out. Especially from the kids she goes to school with all uppity privileged kids who stay in gossip.

"Bye son ill see you soon"

"Yea dad" I let out a exasperated breath as soon as he closed my door.

"Jacy?" Daisy called my name as she came to sit down where my father once was

"Yea Daze?" I watched her facial expression and movements as she sat down

" kids at school keep telling me that mom is a whore that doesn't know how to keep a man and dad doesn't know how to leave it in his pants. I'm not dumb I know that dad cheated on mom. I knew since I saw him kissing on other woman that wasn't mom."

She looked me in my eyes and asked me the question only Mom could answer for her " But why are they calling mom a whore? She did nothing wrong she's the one who was hurt right?" She scrunched up her face in confusion

The thing about being in the spotlight the media loves to intrude on a persons life and they keep digging and digging and digging until they find something worth airing out.


As they went through my fathers many affairs and mistresses and painted him out to be the dog he was. They started in on my mom on how if she knew how to keep her man satisfied maybe he would have never step out. That's when the digged into her life more and came up with a piece of information that was indeed worth airing out

"Ma!" I yelled for her as I walked into the house. When she answered me back saying they were in the living room.

It was a few days since Chelle & Masons accident and I didn't know what was happening at all. Josiah & Mr. Banks wouldn't let me near the waiting room. I didn't even know if they were still alive right now. They just handed me a envelope " We don't need you near us right now Nas... especially her. Not if it's risking the lives of people we love"

"What's happening? what's going on?" She asked me as Daisy, GiGi and Dom where the only ones there waiting on any news

I handed the letter I read over and over and over again coming here knowing who it was and what it meant.

"Nasir I miss you baby and I'll get you back by any means necessary..... and I truly do mean... Any means."

" she's back ma... Sarah's back"

As soon as I said that her phone started going off as she picked up

" Hello..."

Her eyes darkened as she looked at all of us. Then her eyes landed on Dom who had too step away from his own phone call.

My mother hanged up the phone as she looked at Dom's direction "Gigi take Daisy upstairs please"

"No! I wanna know if Chelly and Mas are okayy!!" She had tears running down her face as she watched everyone around her " Tell me their okay !"

But I said nothing I didn't have an answer for her cause I truly had no idea of they were okay. I hugged her as I told her to go with Gigi and I'll be right there.

She nodded going with Gigi as I heard my mom crying. "Dom wait please!"

She was trying to hold his hands but he kept backing away from her

"What's going on?"

He glared at her as he turn the tv off mute to a local socialite gossip show as the show person began speaking I focused on her and listened

" Trouble in Paradise. Seems our most esteemed couple isn't so perfect after all. Looks as though Multibillionaire, Owner, husband, and Father Mekhi Morgan has a problem with keeping his business in his pants. Numerous females have come to us disclosing a sexual and intimate relationship with the esteemed Mr.Morgan who has allegedly three sons and a daughter with But reliable sources indicated that Dr.Rosemary has a few dirty secrets herself.

Sources tell us our first Morgan son Dominic Morgan isn't a Morgan at all but the son of Morgan Sr longtime rival .... Derrick Davis CEO of his growing company—

He took the remote and shut the tv off. Throwing it behind my mother breaking a glass vase " Dom chill" I told him as he paced back and forth.

"Baby I'm sorry I'm so sorry I was going to tell you. I really was. I just didn't know how"

He stopped in his tracks and looked at her and without saying a word he grabbed his keys and left

"Well Daze mom did something that she's have to tell you when she's ready. How bout we get some chick fil a before going to the mansion yea?"

She simply nodded as we made our way out the building


Morgan Mansion

It was going on 8:00 and they still were not here and I was getting nervous. What if they didn't come? What if they didn't want to see us? Or have anything to do with us?

"Where are they?" I whispered getting a bit worried that they would show up.

"Now Nas you know they always late for everything. Especially Arthur's ass unless foods apart of it he gon take his time

I let out a soft chuckle cause it was entirely true

I was getting more nervous as the seconds passed when we heard the doorbell ring.

I saw mama, Daisy, Dom,and Xavier get up to go towards it but I was just stuck in my seat just staring out. I wanted to move but I couldn't I just sat there stuck.

"It's gonna be okay baby" I heard Gran say to me.

"Nikki!!!!! I missed you so much we have to catch up" I heard Daze yell

I could hear them as they approached the family room. I stood up as I saw Zay and Mason running towards me "hiii Nas."

"Can't believe I actually missed you" Mason said. Still a smart ass I see.

I greeted everyone as they came in the room. Nikki is basically a teenager. Mason and Zay still are troublemakers, Megan was pregnant, Mikey was rubbing on her belly guiding for her to sit down.

I heard awhile back that they got married but as always I kept my distance even when they sent me and invitation I decided it was best if I just not attend for everyone's safety. Josiah looked happy. His construction company has been taking off well. Mama Wright got her own building for her catering & decor business. I missed the grand opening

"Boy why didn't you come to my grand opening? I ought to hurt you?" She said bringing me into a hug.

I embraced her like I didn't want to let her go anymore " I am so sorry mama Wright I am so sorry"

" it's okay sugar it's okay you had nothing to do with what happened that day"

I couldn't hold it back anymore all these years the tears fell in front of everyone and I didn't care. I missed my baby. "It's my fault Mama if I didn't bother her or came into her life she would still be here with us. Her and mason would have never got into that car accident. You'd still have your only daughter alive and well...I...I killed her"

"Nasir we have something—" she was interrupted by someone walking into the room

"Killed who?"

I froze

I didn't turn around. Didn't move when Mama Wright stepped away from me. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to have my hopes up so I didn't move until i felt mama Wright turn me around .

My eyes were shut tight I didn't want to open them until I heard her speak again.

"Killed who?"

There she was standing there watching. I stepped towards her wanting to reach out and touch her to make sure she was real "Chelle.... baby?"

She looked around the room then at me again as those three little words felt like a knife through my heart

" who are you?"


Michelle and lil Mason are alive and well!

What has happened over the years ??

Stay tuned and find out


I'm back

Sorry for any grammatical errors


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