《Tiny Dancer》🚫{o16}🚫


I screamed as he re-entered the motel room. He ripped the phone from my hand before whipping it at a wall, smashing it to pieces. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" He screamed at me.

I didn't answer just stayed where I was in the fetal position, trembling as sobs wracked my small body. He reached forward and grabbed a fistful of my hair yanking me toward him as I cried out in fear and pain.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I sobbed.

"You're supposed to be mine!" Jeremy screamed at me angrily, spit flying from his mouth and spattering my face. "You stupid bitch! Why is it so fucking hard for you to see it should have been me?!" He yelled jerking my head to make me look at him.

"No Jeremy. I love Opie." I cried.

CRACK. His open palm collided with my cheek making my head whip to the side and my face burn. A fresh wave of hot salty tears cascaded down my cheeks. "I'll show you who can love you better!" He screamed at me.

"No! No! Please Stop!" I begged as he began to remove his clothing.

Opie's P.O.V

"I think I should tell you about Jeremy and Alyssa's past..." Chibs said scratching the back of his head as he looked between Jax and I. We looked at one another and sat down, Chibs pulling up a chair in front of us. He sighed heavily. "I don't even know where ta start..."

"From the beginning Chibs..." Jax told him.

"Jeremy and Alyssa met in Houston, Lyss just started teaching there, where Jeremy was already there. He seemed like a good kid at first. Always very polite, treated Alyssa amazing. I didn't really mind him at first. They were together for two and a half years before he showed who he really was. A right bastard. Alyssa had a small pregnancy scare, I went up to be with her until she found out, but because of Caylee she was terrified. Jeremy lost his bloody mind apparently. She told me he freaked out told her they either have to get married the second they knew for sure or she had to abort it. She refused both of course. Then more things started happening, he was possessive, controlling. She wasn't even allowed to hang out with Desireé. She was to go to work and come straight home to clean and cook. If their place wasn't clean or she didn't have dinner ready he would call her horrible names... There was a lot of times she would call me crying she was so upset. But, my girl and her huge heart forgave him. She'd never tell either of you about all of this herself, she'd never want either of you to worry about her. He was always really competitive with her as well, if she was praised more than him, he'd throw a fit. Don't get me wrong he never hit her, but he never had many nice things to say to her... Eventually he called me, asked if he could propose to her. I said no. He did it anyways, she finally said no and ended it. She told him that she couldn't fully give him her heart when it had belonged to someone else for so long. After that we didn't see him again up until the B and E on her house."


Just after Chibs finished his story everyone came through my front door. Juice stepped up first and Jax began barking orders, my head was still spinning. The woman I loved was gone because of her psycho ex boyfriend. God only knows what he's doing to her now...

Alyssa's P.O.V

I fought hard against the tie of the robe I had worn that he used to restrain me to the bed. A washcloth from the bathroom had been jammed into my mouth to keep me from screaming. Hot tears flowed down my face as I finally gave up. All I could do was cry as he grunted and groaned in pleasure. The pain from him doing this was excruciating and I let my body fall limp as he did as he pleased to me.

What felt like forever it was over and he put his boxers back on and gave me a sick smile. I looked away and couldn't help but wonder if Opie was coming for me. Jeremy left me tied to the bed but removed the cloth and exited the room. The tears had finally stopped by this point I had just gone numb. My mind and body were completely exhausted eventually I just passed out.

Opie's P.O.V

Jax Chibs and I sat at the table drinks in hand and I still haven't said a word. All I could do was imagine all the things he could be doing to her. Was she hurt? Did he rape her? Was she dead? I was just taking a sip from my drink when Juice burst in.

"I think I found her!" He said out of breath.

I jumped up, "Where?" I demanded.

"Motel. Just outside of Lodi. He has two rooms rented. I pinged the phone she called you from and got a hit at a place called Lost and Found. It's just off the highway on a dirt road." I barely let him finish before I was out the door.

All the guys were hot on my tail as I ran out jumping on my bike, we all sped off toward Lodi. I could only hope she was okay... I don't know what I would do if I lost her...

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