《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Meeting the parents




After the initial shock wore off, Quackity demanded some explanations, so they made their way back at the temple and gave him one, needless to say he wasn't happy to hear his daughter died because of Techno and he had been staring daggers at him ever since while the king sulked.

"Angela can i talk to you" he shot Techno a hard glare "Alone" he nodded, leaving to go join Phil, who patted his back "It's alright mate, don't worry"

"Angela is he threatening you?" his question caught her off guard "What?"

"Is he forcing you to stay with him? You can tell me, i'll beat his ass in a second" he growled "No no! He's not forcing me, i'm staying by my own free will"

"But why?! He hurt you! He killed you! He took you away from me!" he shouted angrily.

"So did i!" she shouted back, her words stunning him "Wha... what do you mean?" she took in a shaky breath "I... killed his family... i'm no better" she clenched her fists hard "I killed his mother.... i killed his sister... she was just a toddler... i... i've done horrible things too... " she let out a small laugh "Heck i don't even remember the majority of them but i'm sure there's more" Angela lifter her gaze to look at her father.

"He might be a murdered... but i'm a monster" he quickly pulled her in a hug, gently caressing her blond hair "I..." he looked down at her leafy wings "I'm sorry.... i should have been with you... i should have been there for you but.... when i found Stephanie i thought about the worse and..." he tightened his grip "I'm so sorry.... i promise i'll never let anyone hurt you ever again" he growled.


"And i'll make those two who hurt us pay" Angela flinched "Uhhh... about that..."


Needless to say that once Quackity got word that Dream and Sapnap were in the city he fucking went on a hunt to get them, luckily, Foolish stepped in and stopped him in time, talking him out of it.

"Hijo de puta, los mataré. Les cortaré la cabeza." he swore, Angela couldn't understand what he was saying but she was sure it wasn't something nice.

"Uhm... dad?" she called, catching his attention "What happened..." she hesitated for a moment "What happened to mom and Stephanie?" he stopped on his track, his expression saddening, he didn't say anything, just offered his hand to her, she took it and he started guiding her through the streets of the desert city.

On their way they ran into Techno, who awkwardly went to greet them.

"Oh hi-uhm.... where are you heading?" he asked, trying to break the tension between them "To visit my family" he answered coldly, making him know that he wasn't welcomed. Angela tugged his arm.

"I... would like for him to come..." she mumbled, giving Techno a kind smile and making Quackity sigh "Fine, he can come" Techno immediately piped up, going to walk by her side, murmuring a 'Thank you' which made her chuckle.

They kept walking in silence for several minutes, until they reached a graveyard, which made Angela tense up. Techno noticed and took her hand, squeezing it a bit in a reassuring way.

They walked up to two graves.

'Here lies Alyssa, beloved mother and wife, you will be dearly missed'

'Here lies Stephanie, smart and caring friend, you will never be forgotten'

Techno worriedly looked at Angela, noticing that she was shaking a bit, she let go of his hand, plucking a few flowers from her wings, placing them on the ground in front of the two graves.


"I'm sorry..." a few tears escaped her eyes "If i only came sooner... if i only was stronger... then maybe... you would have still been here..." she then directed her gaze at her mother's grave "I'm sorry... i wanted..." she took in a deep breath "I at least wanted to make you hear my song... at least once..." she broke down, starting to cry.

Techno and Quackity exchanged a quick look, silently agreeing to put their differences aside, at least for now. They both kneeled down, going in to hug her, staying by her side until she calmed down.

She was sad, really sad, but also... happy? She got to see her friend and mom one last time and say her goodbyes, as well as her father.


This was all she wanted.

It was all she needed.

She felt a weight being lifted by her chest, her eyes returning their natural azure color. Her regret has been fulfilled.


Later that day, Foolish noticed her change and proposed to bring her back to life, she agreed, the group walking into the temple.

"It might hurt a bit, so please bear with it" she nodded, giving a calm smile to her father and Techno, who were worriedly looking at her from the distance "See you in a bit then"

Foolish placed a hand on her heart, a magical circle appearing below her, soon creating a wall of golden sand that engulfed them both, the sand then slowly started to flow in her body, soon filling it up, before letting out a bright light.

Once the wall dropped down again, Angela was no longer a ghost, she was an Elythrian again, her wings were still leafy and there was a golden strand running from her heart up to the base of her neck, symbolizing the way she died.

She opened her eyes, gasping and almost falling face first, not used to her weight after being a ghost for so long. Luckily, Techno caught her in time.

"Did it work?" she asked, looking up at him, he smiled, pulling her closer and into a passionate kiss. She closed her eyes, God had she missed this. As a ghost she couldn't feel the same things as a living, many of her senses were dulled or just didn't feel the same anymore.

They broke apart soon after, both smiling "Yeah... it did" she chuckled lightly, looking at her father and seeing him on the verge of tears.

"Uhhh dad?"

"Hija mía!" he joined in the hug, crying his eyes out, which made Foolish laugh as well, he had never seen Quackity cry before, he was always very serious and quick to anger, but he didn't expect him to be this much of a softie deep down.


'Son of a bitch, I'll kill them. I will cut off their heads'

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