《Forgotten | TechnoXOC》Will you be my queen?




Later on they decided to return to the Antarctic empire, of course Quackity came along, not wanting to separate again from the only family he had left. Dream and Sapnap, who in the meantime had been revived on the promise to make amends for what he did, so did Dream, and they remained in Orior.

Skeppy and his friends also decided to remain for a little longer so he could study more in the detail the Nagas, needless to say Abby was enthusiast to know that she could party more with her friends.

Angela spent a lot of time with her father, catching up on the time they had missed, he told her that when he woke up, he had been saved by a group of geological spirits, who were drawn by the fire and noise.

Apparently him and a few more were the only survivors, his wings had been gravely injured during the fire and one, the right one, had to be amputated in order to save him, while on his left one most of the feather had been burnt.

She asked him why he didn't ask Foolish to grow it back like it did with hers.

"He and i made a deal"

"A deal?" he nodded "He agreed to tell me all he knew about you, that was my wish" he sighed "Unfortunately, his powers only allowed him to see if you where alive and sometime saw bits of what you saw, which didn't really help, since it was often blurry" she awkwardly chuckled.

"That's probably due to that forgetting powder" she mumbled.

Time went by fairly quickly and it was already early spring again.

"Another ball?" Techno asked annoyed at Phil's suggestion "Phil i don't want all those ladies to swarm up to me again, besides, i already have Angela" he commented.

"No, i mean a commemorative ball, hasn't it been nearly two years since you met Angela? And didn't you meet her at your ball? I mean, aside from the lake encounter" he explained, giving him a sly smile "And if i remember right, you seemed to enjoy yourself quite a lot while dancing with her" he teased, earning a glare from the king.

"Fine, i guess we could hoist another party" he mumbled, signing the paper he had been working on, handing them over to Ranboo "I need you to deliver those as soon as you can, and also take care of organizing the ball as well" Ranboo nodded, quickly leaving the room.


After he had been freed from the void's control, Eret came back to the void dimension and began helping his people, freeing those who were being kept there by force and allowing who wanted to stay. His son often came to visit and they spent a lot of time together now that they could.

"Another ball?" Angela asked to Sam, from whom she learned about it "I think the king wants to commemorate the time and place of your first encounter" she blushed a bit, appreciating his thought.

So as the day of the ball arrived, hundreds of people showed up, as well as the king and queen of L'Manberg, alongside their son, who was now almost eight years in spirit's age, so he was behaving quite well for a kid his age.

"Dad could you please leave?! I need to change!" Angela shouted, her father didn't trust the servants to help her put on her dress and he wanted to stay "I'm your father, you don't need to be ashamed, i've seen you naked plenty of ti-" she threw a pillow at him, taking advantages of him being stunned to shove him out of the room, locking the door.

Hannah, who was there to help her choose the dress, tried her best to suppress a laugh, so did many of the servants in the room.

"Not a word" she growled "Our mouths are shut don't worry" Hannah assured in a joking way.


Techno dressed elegantly, as always, and was almost immediately got surrounded by girls asking him to dance or just bothering him, needless to say he was very grateful when Philza used an excuse to pull him out and away from them.

"Where is Angela? Is she not coming?" he asked, not seeing her around and getting worried "Apparently she had a bit of a-uhhh... 'inconvenience', but she assured she'll be joining us soon" he lifted his gaze, clicking his tongue "There she is"

The king immediately lifted his gaze, his eyes locking on a beautiful sight. Angela was walking down the stair that lead into the ball room, accompanied by Hannah, she was wearing a long, deep blue dress, slim and elegant, nothing too fancy, just like when they first met.

He smiled, walking towards her, taking her hand and kissing it "You look dazzling tonight" she blushed, looking away "T-thank you... you look nice too" she mumbled, smiling. Hannah nudged her, catching her attention.


"Imma go look for my husband now, have fun you two" she teased a bit, leaving them alone. The music soon started and many girls started to swarm back up to the king, longing for the first dance, but Techno had other plans.

"Shall we?" he asked, offering his hand to Angela, who chuckled, talking it "With pleasure" they were about to head into the dance floor when Quackity placed a firm hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"You better not step on her feet" he threatened in a low voice, making Angela roll her eyes, knowing that it would likely had been the other way around, but he nodded nonetheless, the two walking on the center of the floor, starting to dance.

"I missed this" she mumbled, smiling shyly, which made the king snicker "You could have asked me out on a dance anytime you wanted you know?" he teased a bit, she stepped on his foot as response, making him flinch "Is the man who's supposed to ask the lady to dance, not the other way around, even i know as much" she reminded, making him snicker.

"Then i guess i'll ask you out on a dance a lot more often from now on" he said in a soft voice, she placed her head on his chest, the two dancing for a few hours, the type of music changed several times, as well as the dancing styles, but she was a fast learner and enjoyed dancing with him.

The council, on the other hand, as well as the many girls who came specifically for the king, weren't happy to see him dance with her and only her throughout the whole ball, someone wanted to go voice their thoughts but Philza kept them away, knowing that Techno wasn't in the mood and would likely get very angry.

As the night came to an end, the last song soon ended, the guests starting to leave.

"Wait up everyone!" the king called, surprising them "I have an announcement to make" he looked down at a very confused Angela, smiling and looking back up.

"I thank you all for coming to this ball on such a short notice, and i apologize for any trouble this might have caused you" there was a murmur among the crowd.

"I am... touched upon seeing so many beauties come for me" Angela flinched, her gaze lowering a bit, causing Quackity to grit his teeth, glaring at him.

"But they won't have to come anymore" his last words caused the murmur to get louder, as he looked down at Angela, taking both her hands, smiling.

"T-techno?" she whispered, not liking the many eyes on them "I love you" she blushed instantly "I can't imagine living a single day of my life without you being by my side. You are my first thought when a wake up and the last one when i fall asleep" Phil was smiling in the background next to Ranboo.

"So Angela, today, exactly two years from the day we met, i wanted to ask you something..." he went down on one knee, causing the whole room to gasp, as well as Angela, who placed a hand in front of her mouth.

The king reached inside his pocket, taking out a small black box, opening it and showing a beautiful ring with a sapphire shaped like a Veronica Persica.

"Angela..." he smiled "Will you become my queen?" the room fell silent, everyone holding their breath. Angela didn't say anything, her eyes filling up with tears as she nodded, causing Wilbur and a few other people to shout excitedly as the king stood up, slipping the ring on her finger.

"I can't believe you just did that... in front of all these people" she murmured in a wobbly voice, Techno smiled, wiping away her tears with his thumb, gently pulling her into a soft kiss.

Philza nudged Ranboo "Pay up, i called it" he rolled his eyes, giving him some gold coins "How did you know he would do it during the ball?" he smiled "The papers he asked you to deliver, they were the documents for a custom-made ring, and seeing the fact that the ball was due in less than a week, he wanted it as soon as possible so to make it special" he explained, receiving a groan from Ranboo, he patted his back.

"Cheer up mate, now you have to organize the wedding as well, be ready" he groaned louder.


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