《Family Issues》17


Amelia's P.O.V

We were now at our house and I was walking downstairs to go to the cafe until I was met with Jason Jackson Chris and Dean

"Are you sure u want to go" Dean said putting his hand on my shoulder

I rolled my eyes and shrugged his hand off my shoulder before sighing and looking at him with a bored look.

"I'm going to be fine I'm not a weak little bitch what is wrong with all of you? when I go to school with him ur not scared, so why in a goddamn cafe" I said getting annoyed

"Knowing that he killed his father he could do anything to u and u won't be able to fight back why don't u understand that?" Dean said angrily

"Listen for now Chris and Noah will be there with me but when I come back why don't u guys start training me then I mean I'm sure u guys all train ur all covered in muscle except Jason sorry I love u tho" I said smiling at Jason at the end who looked offended

"Hey these muscles are gorgeous" he said kissing his bicep which caused me to roll my eyes then laugh

"But are u sure u wanna train it's pretty hardcore and we do it with most of the gang so about 150 to 200 people" Chris said crossing his arms

"I'm sure u guys will go easy on me I'm ur sister" I said looking at them

They raised there brows but nodded their heads



"Hi" I said sitting down in my seat infront of Dylan

Noah was sat in the cafe at the far end drinking a cup of coffee. He was here before both of us so it doesn't seem suspicious

Chris is outside the cafe because Dylan knows what Chris looks like and if he saw him then he would probz know that I'm helping them

Another thing, I have that weird ear piece thing in my ear and little device inside my shirt just so Noah and Chris can hear and tell me what to do. I know dramatic much?

"Hi how are you feeling?" He said looking up and smiling at me

"I'm doing better now what about u" I said giving him a smile

"I'm good thank you" he said taking a sip of his coffee

"Oh I already ordered u one it should be coming any minute" as he said that a waiter came and put down a delicious looking coffee infront of me

I thanked her and as I was going to drink it I heard Noah's voice in my ear making me flinch


"What's wrong" Dylan said looking at me worriedly


"Nothing it's just really hot" I said

"But you've not tried it" he did

"It looks hot" I said quickly

He nodded his head and looked back at his coffee as I shot a quiet glare to Noah as he mouthed sorry

"So how are you after finding out the whole thing about ur brothers" he said as I stiffened abit at the question

"I don't know what to do" I said looking up at him

Dylan's P.O.V

I looked at her hazel eyes getting lost in them for a second. I snapped out of my daze. What the fuck am I doing

"So you've not told them what you saw" I said putting my hand on hers

Her hands were small and soft I could hold them all day

"I'm too scared to" I heard her angelic voice say

"I don't blame you Ameels" I said giving her a small nickname

"I still can't believe that they are in a gang it's quite shocking u know?" She spoke up after a while


Right she doesn't know they are in the mafia. She is going to be more than shocked when she finds out.

This will be fun

"I heard they are in the mafia" I said looking to see what her reaction was

Her mouth dropped and she looked like she was going to cry

Amelia's P.O.V

"What" I said making my voice crack

Thank you Mr Anderson for teaching me how to be a dramatic bitch

I made my eyes water abit to add more of an effect

"Your joking that- that can't be true" I said beginning to breathe heavily

He looked at me with concern as he squeezed my hands whilst giving me a sympathetic smile

"I'm sorry Amelia you really don't deserve this" he said rubbing my hands with his thumb

"Get his fucking hand away from yours right now" I heard an angry voice say through my ear piece

That wasn't Chris or Noahs voice?

That was Adam?

Them guys can see us??

"Now" I heard deans voice say

I looked up and saw the cctv camera

Of course they were staring at us through the footage

I slowly took my hand away from Dylan's and wiped the tear that came out

"W-What should I do" I said looking up at Dylan who was now giving me a sympathetic look

"I'm not sure but I suggest try to keep your distance from them, I mean they are murderers" he said

I heard scoffs from the ear piece

He's calling my brothers murderers?

Didn't this manwhore kill his dad?

"But I just want to let you know that u have me and I'll always be here for u" he said giving me a smile that was probably meant to look reassuring


In reality he just looked like an uneven cow

"Come back home now that was absolutely pointless" I heard someone say through the ear piece

I mentally rolled my eyes

Atleast he now knows that I've not told them anything and that he can have my trust

it's called baby steps boys


As I walked into the house with Chris and Noah all the boys were stood there in a line

"Why were u guys watching us" I said crossing my arms

"Not important Jackson tells us u want to start training" Adam said crossing his arms

I rolled my eyes then said

"Yes u guys want me to be able to defend myself then train me simple that's what mum wanted" I said sitting down on the couch

Adam took a deep breathe before sighing

"There's gonna be a lot of guys there" Danny said

I shrugged

"If there's no 50 year old pedos I don't mind" I said

"Alright early morning we are training" Dean said smirking

I looked at him weirdly Jackson began smirking too as did Noah

What the fuck


"NOO ITS FUCKING 4 IN THE MORNING I AM NOT GETTING UP" I said to dean Noah and Jackson who were either holding my arms or legs

"Get out of bed u wanted training u got it.we always start at 4 in the morning" Noah said laughing

"U GUYS ARE LITTLE BAST-" I began but got cut off

"Don't you dare think about finishing that sentence young lady" Adam said walking in with just some shorts on

Right now I was hovering above my bed in a star shape due to dean and Noah holding each arm and Jackson holding my legs

"Put her down we need to go" Adam said rolling his eyes before walking away

"Get changed and come down in 5 minutes" Dean said before they all walked out

I huffed and got up to get changed

I wore this and walked downstairs to find that Dante and Grant were also there

Once they all saw me all of my relations looked at me jaw dropped whilst Dante looked me up and down and smirked. Grant covered Dante's eyes making me chuckle abit

"Not happening" Dean said picking me up and putting me on his shoulder

"What? No! Dean let me go" I said hitting his back which didn't seem to hurt him one bit

"Make sure she wears something appropriate" I heard Adams voice say making me roll my eyes

Do they want me to die of warmth?

Dean put me down in my room and crossed his arms

"Change right now I'll be downstairs" he said walking out whilst closing the door

I huffed and turned to my closet

I thought they wouldn't mind me wearing this I mean the gang would know not to look at me knowing I'm their leaders sister right?

I got changed into this

Which was slightly more appropriate

I walked downstairs and saw Adam give me a nod

"I don't like the leggings" Jackson said

"I do" Dante said smiling at me

"Shut up Dante before I personally put a bullet through your head" Adam said

I widened my eyes abit and looked down

I'm still not fully used to this killing shit

Everyone went silent and Adam soon realised what he did

"Oh I'm sorry baby I didn't mean it like that i wouldn't really do it, I don't kill innocent u know tha-" he began rambling on before I said

"It's okay Adam" smiling abit

He shut up and gave me a hug

"Tell me when any of this is getting too much for u okay" he whispered in my ear

I nodded. He kissed my forehead then pulled away

"Let's go"


We drove to a hidden place in the middle of the forest. It was covered and was quite big.

We all walked to a one floor building.

We were outside the double doors, I could hear talking but as soon as Adam opened the door and walked in everyone went silent

I walked in last and felt everyone's eyes on me

There were a lot of people by a lot I mean like 180 people they were all a mixture

Some were short some were tall but they were all very muscular.

And they were all just wearing shorts, meaning I could see there sexy ass six packs

I heard a wolf whistle which caused my eyes to widen

"Who the fuck just wolf whistled at my sister" Adam said using his scary voice

Everyone's eyes widened and mouths dropped at the sister part

No one dared to speak up

I'm not surprised Adam looks god damn scary when he's doing his mafia work

"It's alright Adam they didn't know" I said to Adam

He looked back at me and nodded his head

"Before we start training I just want to tell u guys this is our sister Amelia and she will be treated with respect and nothing but respect, I want you guys to take care of her as if she was your own, she means a lot to me so she should mean a lot to you and when I say this I mean it absolutely no flirting with her or I'll have ur head understood" Adam said raising his brow daring anyone to defy him

A chorus of yes sirs were heard

I gave them a small smile to show them that I'm not a bitch. They all smiled back.

"Now lets begin training"

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