《The Dark Knows Me || Tokoyami x reader/oc》9 | Fight With The Truth
"Why won't you use your Quirk?" The blond asked, a wicked grin is shown on his lips as he glared at the green haired boy in front of him. "Are you saying you can win even if you don't use it?"
The combat training has begun. The first teams went first and it currently doesn't look good for either of the villans and heroes. Bakugo already landed a surprise attack not too long ago. Midoriya looked beaten up, the half of his mask was blown off from a while ago, showing half of his face.
Even though this is just a test, it suddenly got way out of hand. Anger got the best of the young blond and decided to make this fight personal.
"Oh dear.. This doesn't look good at all." Lily muttered, worrying like a mother as she watched her two friends fight each other. "I wish this would just end well."
This isn't an easy sight to swallow for Lily either. She can't do anything but watch her two childhood friends get hurt along with her classmates. She tried calming herself down, telling herself that it's only just a test and there won't be too much fatal injuries.
But then again, there's Bakugo. It's the blasty blond we're talking about. Knowing him and after what she's seen, he has already given in to his burning rage.
And then Midoriya's Quirk that she hasn't figured out yet. Whenever she tries to ask about her friend's new Quirk, there's always a convinient excuse for him to drop the topic.
The white haired girl sighed, knowing that she's unable to get rid of her worrying for the two.
The girl got startled by the sudden voice, making her flinch a bit. The voice was from a shadow-looking creature of some sort that looks a bit like a crow. "Tch, Dark Shadow!" The crow headed boy ran up to her side as soon as he noticed the shadow figure approach his classmate.
"Greetings..?" She greeted the creature, despite everything going on right now is confusing for her. She doesn't know who or what exactly she's talking to, she just knew it popped up right next to her for some reason. "-"
"Dark Shadow. Stop it." He scolded the creature, making it whine before returning to its rightful place. The girl thought of it as weird since she just saw a shadow figure go inside her classmate's body as if it was its nest. She took a second to analyze the situation and thought of the possibility that this might actually be his Quirk.
"Ah, Yane we meet again. My apologies." The boy bowed.
"I-It's quite alright Tokoyami, really..!" Lily said, trying to tell him that it's no big deal and brushing it off. "If you don't mind me asking.. What exactly was that?" She asked out of curiosity, starting a quick small conversation with him.
After worrying like a mother, this is actually a nice distraction for her.
"That was Dark Shadow, my Quirk. My Quirk allows me to manifest a sentient shadow monster from my body that I can materialize and contact freely."
"Ah, I see.." the girl said, being intrigued by this new information. "This is the first time I've seen the creature this close before."
"In my opinion, it's honestly a pretty nice Quirk."
"Really? Well, you have my deepest gratitude." The crow headed boy gave a little grin. Since the conversation is going smoothly so far, Lily decided to give him another compliment.
This is how you keep a conversation going.
"I-I like your costume. It's quite simple." She said after taking a glance of his outfit. His costume consists of a black robe, but tinted a dark purple where the light hits it. It covers his entire body, only stopping halfway down his shins and knee-high black boots. At least, that's what she sees from only the outside.
"Ah, thank you. I think your costume looks quite charming, it honestly suits you." He said in response.
Lily sighed in relief, thinking that the conversation was a success and managed to not embarrass herself this time. She was also grateful for the small conversation, she seems more relaxed now.
The relaxation was fun while it lasted.
The two students were too immersed in their simple conversation that they weren't keeping track of what was happening in the combat training.
They immediately turned their heads to the source of the loud yelling. It was their teacher, All Might trying to command one of his students to stop their actions. "Are you trying to kill him?!"
Tokoyami and Lily faced the monitor. They saw Bakugo aiming his gauntlet (that's from his hero costume's description) at Midoriya with his finger ready to fire the trigger.
The students in the monitor room can't hear what the people who are in the battle are saying. The cameras are also in fixed positions, so it's quite difficult for the most of them to analyze each team's moves.
"Don't tell me that.." Lily's eyes widened at the sight before her. Knowing Bakugo and his Quirk, the equipment he's about to use would do something dangerous or even deadly.
But the blond didn't listen and pulled the trigger, releasing a massive explosion that's enough to blow a hole in the side of the building and send the green haired boy tumbling.
The students in the monitor room were also a bit shaken by the explosion. "T-This is supposed to be a class!" The red haired boy said after being startled by the sudden giant blast. "Young man! Young Midoriya!" Their teacher tried calling out to his other students.
After the smoke cleared up from the massive explosion, Midoriya and Bakugo were seen on a camera. The green haired boy was sitting on the ground with some of his clothes blown off and a few marks left on his skin. The blond stood angrily in front of him, preparing his next attack.
"Sir, you should stop them!" Kirishima exclaimed. "That Bakugo's really crazy! He's gonna kill him!"
"This is insane.." Lily stood still with her eyes glued to the screen, trying to register what just happened. "He had his costume made so that his Quirk would work even for long distances.."
"Young Bakugo, the next time you use that, I'll stop the fight and your team will lose!" All Might warned the boy. It seems that he won't stop the match even after the huge damaged that's been done by the big explosion. "To attack on such a large scale inside is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That is a foolish plan for both heroes and villains!"
"Yane, are you alright?" Shoji asked, noticing his teammate being a bit shaken up at the moment. "H-Huh? Ah, yes I'm quite alright." She replied with a straight face, yet her hands were shaking.
"Don't think about it too much. This will all work out in the end." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder as an attempt to calm her down. He was being kind, despite not knowing why she's reacting this way.
"If you can not bare the violence being shown, you may simply just look away. Do not worry, we won't judge." Tokoyami added.
They're both being so thoughtful even though this is the first time they fully met. After the times that she has been treated awfully by her old classmates, it's a nice change for once being treated like an actual individual with feelings.
"T-Thank you. Don't worry, I can handle this. I was just quite shaken up at the sight of my close friend being hurt." This has lifted her spirits and given her the strength to watch what happens next.
Bakugo showed no mercy at all, not even letting his opponent time to think. "He can capture him for this exercise by just wrapping the tape around him!" One of the girls exclaimed. "H-He's now running away?"
Midoriya ran near the broken window before facing the blond who is angrily walking towards him. "I-Is he planning to..?" Lily said barely above a whisper, looking like she has a clue of what the green haired boy is about to do.
Even if the students can't hear anything from the monitor room, it looked like Midoriya said something for Bakugo to snap. The two ran up to each other with their fists ready, as if both of them were about to use their Quirks for a final clash.
"This looks bad! Sensei!" The red haired boy tried to protest but their teacher didn't budge.
At the last second, Midoriya aimed his fist upward and used his Quirk to smash the ceilings from every floor of the building. This smash creates enough debris for Uraraka to use on the floor that's above them. She uses her Quirk to make the debris float and sends them flying at Tenya.
The boy was startled at their sudden plan and held his arms in front of him to defend himself. The brunette then uses this chance as an opening to grab the weapon and secure the victory for Team A.
"Hero team wins!" As if it was perfectly timed, the timer was up as All Might announced the winner team of the match.
Even if they did win, one of them got hurt very badly. Midoriya's body was seen on the floor, barely seen moving. His Quirk and Bakugo's explosion really did an impact on his body.
"What the heck? The losers are practically uninjured, and the winners are on the ground..." one of the students said. "Don't you think this is a bit too intense for their first time training?"
"They lost the battle, but won the war it seems." Tokoyami commented. Meanwhile, Lily couldn't stop thinking about her friend's severe injuries, making her worry.
The crow headed boy spoke once again to reassure her. "He will probably be fine. This is U.A. after all."
Lily nodded her head. "You're right. All we can do is hope for the best."
After reviewing the results from the previous battle, All Might chose the two teams who are going on next. Lily and Shoji were up against Hagakure and Ojiro. Their match took place in a different building, mainly so each round would be fair and probably because the last one was almost blasted to debris.
"Now, let the second indoor person-to-person combat training match begin!" And with that, the timer started counting down. They only have 15 minutes to capture their opponents or safely deactivate the fake bomb by touching it.
Once Team B entered the building, Shoji quickly used his Quirk to track down their opponents. He then created a replica of a mouth on the tip of one of his tentacles while his teammate walked next to him. "One is in a room on the fourth floor. The other is somewhere on the same floor..and they're barefoot." He reported, easily locating their opponents.
"I see.." Lily responded as she took out her pen and notebook, a plan seemed to have popped up on her mind. "So the invisible one is coming to ambush and capture us, while the other one guards the bomb." The tall boy gave his thoughts on the situation.
"Shoji, I think it would be best if you distracted Hagakure since you can sense her better than I do. I'll go for Ojiro and try to immobilize him and go for the bomb." Lily instructed after already forming a plan. "If I can't beat Ojiro, I'll call you for help."
"Here." She handed the boy a long coat and a can of spray paint. "I think these can help in capturing her easier."
"Sounds great." He nodded in agreement while hiding the equipment handed to him with the use of his Quirk.
And with that, they started their plan and walked deeper in the building. Shoji went first as Lily followed behind him. The boy used his Quirk along the way to keep track on his invisible opponent. Who knows what their opponents are scheming after all. They moved as quiet as they can and checked each corner they encountered to lessen the chances of being caught.
Once they reached the third floor, Shoji stopped in his tracks, making the white haired girl behind him stop as well. Lily kept quiet, knowing that he's trying to focus on his senses. "She's close." He reported, trying to keep his voice as low as possible for the enemy not to hear.
The girl nodded before quickly heading off to a small space for somewhere to hide. For their plan to operate smoothly, she needs to be not seen by Hagakure so Shoji can distract her and make her own way to the fourth floor.
The boy walked near the sounds of bare footsteps, letting her know that he's there with her on the same floor. He walked past her, pretending that he has no clue about her presence. Playing as the bait and waited for their enemy to strike.
Shoji caught the invisible girl's arm -that's what he felt anyway- and blocked her attack. She fell for it. Once she occupied herself with him, his teammate took this chance to dash off onto the fourth floor.
Having faith on her partner, she left him with his part and proceeded with the other part of the plan. As she explored the fourth floor, she was cautious of her surroundings. Analyzing her opponents, Hagakure probably already alarmed Ojiro about Shoji. If this is the case, it would be better to catch bim by surprise as soon as she's got the chance.
After inspecting each room carefully one by one that she's encountered along the way, she finally found the location where Ojiro was guarding the bomb. He was on his guard and it looked like he wouldn't let anything get past him.
Lily took out her pen and notebook before quickly scribbling in it. A net gun appeared in her hand. She just needs to immobilize him, so capturing him by surprise isn't really that hard, right?
Fortunately, she knew how to use a net gun.
After reading simple instructions of how to use a net gun, she readied herself to start her ambush. She aimed at her target before pulling the trigger.
Even if it looks like the hero team is winning, the match isn't over yet. With his decent eyesight and reaction time, Ojiro dodged her attempt of capturing him by quickly moving out of the way of the net. The girl wasn't exactly disappointed since not everything is gonna fall according to plan. If she can't capture him, well it's time to show off their fighting skills.
She dropped the empty net gun to the side before scribbling into her notebook once more. A pole staff with no sharp edges that's made by sturdy wood appeared in her hand as her weapon. She didn't want this fight to become bloody, hence there being no sharp edges. Fortunately, she knows how to use a polearm.
The two students faced each other and readied themselves to fight. They know that the only way to pass this match is to get through their opponent. They both stared at their opponent, eyeing their every move.
Ojiro made the first move as he ran up to her before attempting to punch her. The white haired girl swiftly blocked it with her arm, countering his attack by hitting him in the stomach with the polearm. He let out a grunt.
He spun around, successfully hitting her with his tail. It looked like it didn't do much damage to others who were watching, but it felt quite painful and made her move back a few steps. She knew that he was skillful at using his tail to his advantage.
Lily targeted her pole and swung it onto his chest. The boy swiftly dodged her attempt and kicked her back, making her groan as she stumbled forward.
She quickly turned to face him as she threw her weapon at his face which caught him off guard. After him being distracted for a quick moment, she took this as an opportunity to use her legs and kick his feet. She literally swept him off his feet, making his body drop to the floor along with her polearm.
The white haired girl immediately took out the capture net that was stashed inside her pocket all this time and threw it onto Ojiro, immobilizing him. She placed extra capture net in her pocket just in case.
Always be prepared, kids.
"You won't get away with this!-" The boy grunted as he struggled to be free from the net. Lily dashed over to the bomb and placed her hand on it, quickly securing it as well as a sweet victory that came along.
Welp, she got away with it.
"!" All Might announced wholeheartedly through the mic, letting everyone know who won the match.
Ojiro stopped struggling and sighed in defeat, knowing that he has failed to fulfill his duty as the villain. The white haired girl turned around and walked up to the boy who was still stuck in the net on the floor.
She knelt down in front of him before untying him, setting him free from the device. "Thanks." He said as he sat up.
"I..er.. apologies." Lily bowed her head.
"Eh? For what?" The boy asked, a bit surprised by the sudden apology.
"Didn't it hurt when I swept you off your feet?"
The boy suddenly bursted out in laughter.
His reaction stunned her and just left her confused. "W-What's so funny..?"
Once Ojiro calmed down, he faced the girl to have a small conversation. "Sorry, I thought you weren't serious when you asked that. You see, it kinda sounded like a pick-up line."
Lily nodded her head, slowly understanding what he's trying say. "Oh, I see.." She stood up before helping him do the same. "I have to admit, you were pretty good out there."
"Thanks. You put up a good fight." The boy raised his hand, waiting for a high five. She hesitated at first but returned the gesture.
"Both teams, return to the Monitor Room. It's time to review the results." All Might instructed through the mic.
It was the girl's first combat training with other students, and her team fortunately won. It didn't show on her face, but she was relieved and joyed that their plan worked.
After the combat training session with All Might, the students aside from Midoriya continued with their afternoon classes. It was the end of the day. The students were in the classroom, waiting for themselves to be dismissed.
"Hey, Lily." The girl turned to the person who called her name, only to be greeted by a tall male figure. It was Shoji. "Ah, Shoji-kun. Do you need my assistance?" She asked in response. After the previous training from being partners, the two have gotten a bit close to one another.
"So I've been thinking, would you like to eat lunch with me tomorrow?" He asked. "There will be others that are gonna join us too."
The white haired girl was thrilled to be invited for once by others and gave an immediate answer. "I-I'd love to!- I mean..I accept your invitation." She realized that she almost lost her control and immediately composed herself.
"You did swell out there, distracting your enemy and taking the opportunity to secure the device." The two got startled by the sudden voice who joined in their conversation.
They saw a certain crow headed boy seated on the top surface of his desk, unintentionally making a cool pose as he did.
'K-Kakkoii!' Lily thought to herself, admiring him in silence. When he has his eyes closed like that, he really does look like a model in a way.
"Thanks Tokoyami. You did great with your match too." The tall grey haired boy complimented back.
The crow headed boy then turned to the girl. "Are you feeling alright now?" He asked, still remembering the incident from a while ago in the monitor room.
"Y-Yes, I'm quite alright now. I thank thee for asking." She responded while shyly placing her hands behind her back. She wanted to smile from the thought of having new friends that actually care about her.
It felt nice.
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