《The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand Walsh》Chapter 7


Samantha's POV

I was sore after I had been flung off the road with Brand, I stood up stumbling as my head was spinning. I had another scratch on my face and I saw I had a scrape on my left palm. I looked around and I couldn't see Brand anywhere and I started to panic. I couldn't lose him, he means the world to me.

"Brand!" I shouted staying still, I got no response.

"Brand!" I shouted again running, well stumbling around looking for him. Once again I got no answer, what if he's dead?! What if he's badly injured? Oh I'm going to kill Troy!

"Sammy!" I turned around and saw Brand. I got teary and ran as best as I could to him. I stumbled into his arms and hugged him tightly, he wrapped his arms around me taking a long sigh. I felt tears run down my neck, they weren't mine because mine were soaking Brand's jumper.

"I thought I lost you" I whispered my voice breaking.

"I'm okay you see? There's nothing to worry about. Are you hurt?" He asked looking at me, he saw the scratch on my face he gently touched it cleaning blood off of it. I wiped my tears away and then he saw the scrape on my palm. He held my hand and winced at the look of it.

"What about you? Are you hurt?" I asked but then I saw the fresh scrape on his face. He gave me a reassuring smile, I sighed and hugged him again.

"Does it sting?" I asked gently touching it, he shook his head and smiled.

"I'm going to kill Troy" Brand said, I chuckled and nodded.

"I'll hide the body" I said smiling, he chuckled and we began walking to the old, run down building. We walked in the building, I saw all the boys but Mikey. I was quite pissed off, leaving me locked in a bathroom and Brand tied up in his couch he was hyperventilating for crying out loud.


"What the hell is wrong with you all!" I shouted at three of the boys.

"Look do you know what could've happened if we didn't come and follow you! You could've died! You could've gotten yourselves hurt! You made Brand's bike tires flat, it cost him a lot to get that thing!" I ranted, I love the boys a lot. To me they're my younger and annoying brothers.

"We're sorry Bowie" the three said looking down, I had calmed down and sighed.

"It's alright, but don't do anything like that again" I said they nodded with a smile and hugged me.

We all pulled away and I saw Mikey being slung on Brand's shoulder. Brand walked over to us and we were being ushered out by a woman.

We sat on some rocks, I was next to Brand and Chunk. Mikey was going on about some thought of creature.

"They've got an it! When it came into the light it was all gross and distorted and all the parts were mixed around" Mikey said super fast.

"Just like your brain. Say goodbye to your little pals" Brand said holding Mikey by his arm.

"Hey look there's a van!" Chunk exclaimed.

We watched them intently, wondering what they were doing.

"I wonder what's in the bag" Data said.

"Uhhhh restaurant trash" Mikey suggested.

"You sure?" Data asked.

"Positive" Mikey said.

"That big and that much?" Data asked not believing Mikey's words.

"Their were bullet holes, this big in the car. Come on Mikey are parents are worried it's dinner time let's just go home" Chunk said.

"Home? What home, in a couple more hours this won't be home. Come on guys this is our time, our last chance to see if there's any rich stuff we've got to" we all nodded looking at each other.


The car was driving away with the woman and two other men it in. "Get down!" Mikey whispered we all ducked being the rocks and watched the van drive away.

"Ahhh!" All the younger boys shouted, we turned around and saw Andi and Stef.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Chunk said still scared from being scared my the girls.

"We followed you, to make sure you were okay Brand" Andi said looking into Brand's eyes.

"Ouch that looks like it hurts" Andi said looking at the scrape on his face.

"I'm good" Brand said his eyes trailing to me, I was a bit behind Andi as I couldn't take it. She doesn't really care for me, so why hang around people who don't care? He gave me a look of sympathy. I shrugged my shoulders with a small smile.

Brand's POV

"Andi, you know Sam was hurt too" I said. I didn't get Andi, she didn't like Sam for some reason and treated her like she doesn't exist. Stef on the other hand gets along with Sam quite well and made sure she was okay.

"Troy was being such a jerk, he was moving the mirror so he could look down my shirt so I elbowed him" she said proudly.

"That is a pretty jerky thing to do" I said looking back at Sammy and Stef who were talking about something. Sammy looked like she was about to cry and it made my heart break.

Sam's POV

"I just don't get it Stef, why doesn't she like me? I don't think I've ever done anything to hurt her" I said getting teary.

"Sam, don't worry about her okay? You've got the guys and you've also got me" she said giving me a hug. I smiled and nodded.

"Samantha, I don't dislike you I absolutely hate you! You don't deserve these people, I do!" She shouted. I walked past her and let the tears fall. What did I do? I thought.

"Sammy? What happened?" Brand asked hugging me.

"I don't know what I did to make her hate me, she said I don't deserve you guys" I said crying. Brand made me look at him, he dried my tears with his sleeve and smiled.

"You do deserve us, we all love having you as a Goonie. You're amazing Sammy, don't listen to her" I nodded and smiled kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Brand, you're are amazing" I said smiling. He nodded and slung his arm over my shoulders and we walked off.

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