《billy loomis imagines ♡》♡4♡


that's all you were to people.

a final girl.

a girl who escaped death from the hands of her boyfriend.

you cheated death and all you had to prove was the memories of that night and the physical wounds.

gale was probably the luckiest ones out of the three of you. kicked in the gut to pass out, wake up and shoot the killer saving you and syd.

syd and you carried bigger baggage then gale.

both being hunted by two killers and beaten.

bruises and scars to show what went down that night.

you tried to forget those ugly memories, but they kept coming.

how did anyone expect you to move on?

how could syd and gale do it so easily?

all you could think about is how the one person you loved could scheme a plan to kill you and all your friends!

how could they expect you to forget the feeling of getting stabbed!

but you had to right? move on and try to live a normal life?

the only person you trusted was randy meeks.

another person who had lived that night. surprisingly.

randy had been shot, because you thought it'd be a good idea to give the gun to your boyfriend!

although randy forgives you, he was gonna shit himself when he found out what you were hiding.

hell everyone was gonna shit themselves.


it was 12:50 pm when you got the call.

you couldn't sleep. you kept having vivid nightmares of that night.


"what's your favorite scary movie?"

at first you didn't think much of it, in the beginning people called sounding like him with the shitty voices boxes that were being sold in stores, but you could obviously tell the difference.

but tonight was different. everything felt....off.

"funny, i'm calling the cops." you were so close to hanging up, ending the dreadful feeling in your gut.


"do it, the cops won't track this call." now that was strange.

"this isn't funny asshole" and with that you hung up. maybe it was him?

but he was dead! you saw him get shot in the chest! the cops put him in a body bag!

the phone rang again startling you out of your thoughts.

"listens asshole"

"NO YOU LISTEN, hang up again and i'll gut you like a fish! understand?" you cried quietly, you knew it was him!

he's back and that thought made you wish they had killed you that night.

"no, no, NO! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" you screamed, clutching the phone for dead life.

"should've made sure of that, dont you always know the killers come back for a sequel?" a sequel?

he was back to finish what he started.

how were you supposed to be okay now?

it's been ten years since woodboro, you were older now and couldn't run away this time. you felt weaker.

"why?" you asked locking up every door and window.

"why not? better get ready y/n because this time i'll make sure you stay dead!" and with that he hung up the phone.

how could he be so heartless towards you? you loved him and you knew he loved you at some point in his teenage years!

all these questions resurfaced after all these years.

of course you knew loving billy was wrong, but he was your first everything.

god you sounded crazy. i mean who loves a psycho, you thought to yourself.


it had been a week since that phone call. it surprised you that billy hadn't tried anything, but maybe he was waiting for the reunion he wanted.

and he was gonna get that. you called randy once the week had ended.


and here you were in a tiny little diner waiting for randy to come.

you would be lying if you said you weren't scared. this was huge thing to keep! even for a week.

you would've told him sooner, but you needed time to think things you didn't want them to know.

because in all honesty you weren't prepared for another fight. you barley even survived the first, how were you gonna survive this time?

if it wasn't for randy and syd tackling stu and billy you would've been dead!

although billy did manage to get one good stab in before he was tackled.

you didn't know exactly when he had stabbed you, but you do remember sliding down the cabinets as billy let you go to fight off randy.

your sight going blurry as your blood left your body. you heard one gun shot as you saw billy slowly fall to the floor next to you, grabbing your hand and reaching out to hold you.

his touch alone was almost enough for you to forgive him in your last moments.

but when you woke up in the hospital with randy next to you, you broke down.

if he was able to kill you, then why show you affection in his last moments?

"hey y/n." randy smiled going in for a hug just as you got up.

"hey, long time i see. i've missed you randy." you said smiling up at him.

you weren't lying, you had honestly missed randy. you guys would check up on each other, but you needed him and you hated the fact that you did.

it made you feel weak in away. like being alone scared you and in those moments you wanted the

one person you trusted to hug you and say everything was alright, but randy moved on and you didn't want to make him relive those moments.

"i do too y/n. you know you can always call me when you need me." you nodded your head slowly and turned back to the menu.

"so what's up? why the sudden call?" randy asked eyeing the menu as well.

maybe if you didn't make eye contact and said it all nonchalant he wouldn't freak out that bad.

"well i got a call a week ago and it was you know...." you paused finding the courage to say his name out loud again. twice in the span of two weeks, that was an accomplishment really. you hasn't said his name out loud since that day.

"must have been one hell of a call. you sound scared, if everything okay?"

"it was from billy." you finally looked up at randy and noticed how calm he was.

"he's dead y/n." you scoffed at randy and rolled your eyes.

"well apparently he's not randy! because i got a call from him and do you really think i would call you if i wasn't sure!" at this point you were annoyed with randy.

why would you lie about this.

"this doesn't make sense." he says

"yeah well you're a horror movie geek, shouldn't you have seen this coming?"

"we're not in a fucking movie y/n! and that was years ago. we're almost 29! why now?" gee not like i had those questions, you thought.

"to finish what he started. so call them all up randy, because this isn't over until he's dead or we're dead."

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