《billy loomis imagines ♡》♡ 3 ♡


"i hate living like this dewey. it hurts so much! h-how could i love someone like him still? he murdered tatum, casey, and attempted to kill randy, syd and you! am i messed up or something?!"

dewey didn't know what to say. he was in pure shock from this all, he had lived to see another day. he didn't even suspect billy and stu to do such a thing. he's known them since their freshman year of high school for gods sake.

to everyone billy seemed like the perfect guy and boyfriend.

and to you he was the perfect boyfriend.

he did everything to make you smile and you did everything to make sure he knew you loved him.

but how could he kill so many people? and how could you still love him? and why didn't he murder you that night? did he still love you in his last moments?

"i-i don't know y/n. love is strong and soon you'll find another. i'm not justifying his actions y/n, but everyone knows he loved you." just the thought of loving someone who wasn't billy made you want to puke.

didn't help that you were pregnant either.


"y/n!" billy rushed into the bathroom to pin your hair back while you threw up last nights dinner.

"it's been a week babe, don't you think you should go see a doctor?" the question and tone of his voice made you laugh.

he could be so dumb sometimes, but you loved him for his blonde moments.

you already knew your were pregnant it was just a matter of time till you told him.

"i think i know what's wrong will me babe." billy furrowed his eyebrows looking at you with curiosity in his eyes.

"ok? what's wrong then?" you took a sharp breath in and slowly exhaled. tonight was not the night.


"how about i tell you after the party?" you quickly got up to brush your teeth and get ready for one last night of a normal teenage life.

"are you sure, we could stay in?" billy suggested rubbing your back.

"no i'm fine, i know you really wanna go and i don't wanna stop your fun." you said leaning in to kiss him.


"we were supposed to start a family, i was gonna tell him! why'd he kill all those people? it doesn't make sense to me dewey!" you yelled hugging dewey like your life depended on it. you were afraid of being alone with a baby, utterly upset that he was gone, and questioning if you even knew the real billy loomis.

"i have something for you. while we were collecting his things, i saw a letter for you. i didn't think it be good for you till now." dewey took a tiny envelope from his back pocket and slowly handed it to you. scared you were gonna jump him for withholding this information from you.

"i haven't read it or anything, but i hope this gives you closure."

you slowly took the envelope from his hand and opened it.

dear y/n,

if you're reading this, then i guess i didn't make it. i'm sorry for the trouble and stress i must've caused you. but i wanted you to hear it from me, i love you so much babe. i'm sorry things ended like this. i can honesty tell you that the day we met i knew i loved you and wanted to start a family with you.

i just had to fuck it up. i went to that party with the intentions of not hurting anyone anymore, but thinking of what sid caused me and my family, i couldn't let it go, i wanted to change! i really did, i tried, but seeing her happy made me sick. i'm sorry to have ruined the family we had yet to have.


just know i'll be here for you, maybe not physically like i planned, but i'll always be watching over you and our child. i'll always love you y/n and i hope you can tell our child the good i had and not the bad.



you felt numb. he knew and he still chose to murder people.

you looked up at dewey with glossy eyes and got up slowly.

"i think i should go to bed." dewey nodded his head and let you pass him.

it was hard. you wanted so badly to believe he couldn't do such a thing. he was your world.

but your world was now gone.

you had a kid on the way, it was time to forget him.

you walked up the stairs and entered the babies room, smiling at the clothes you had already gotten.

it hurt knowing you'd have to one day tell your baby about him, but you had dewey still.

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