《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》30


Once he had left, Klaus had brought Hope and a reluctant Ophelia to St. James' Infirmary.

Meanwhile, Klaus was sitting at the bar of the club, upon which he had placed Hope and her car seat. Ophelia sat next to him, resting her head against the bar counter, "You're keeping something from me. What is it?" He asked Ophelia, who remained silent.

"You keep secrets from me, why shouldn't I do the same to you?" Ophelia retorted with an attitude, causing Klaus to sigh.

Before Klaus could continue speaking to Ophelia, his phone buzzed, and when he checks it, he finds it was a text from Marcel that told him that he had found Davina.

Just as he was about to speak to Ophelia once more, Cami walked into the club and made her way toward Klaus, "Camille, I need your help." He began to say, only to be cut off by the woman.

Cami laughed bitterly and held up a finger to silence him. After a beat, she sarcastically and mockingly pretended to be Klaus and had a conversation with herself, "'Hello, Klaus.' 'Hello, Camille. Thank you so much for convincing my furious siblings to join my Machiavellian plan!' 'Yeah, that was good times. Oh, what did you say?" She continued on, raising a hand to touch her neck, "'--How is my neck? It's healed, thank you so much for asking.'" Finally, Cami dropped the mocking act and took a deep breath before continuing, "Now, you were saying?"

Klaus was clearly taken aback by her suddenly outburst before he finally spoke up, "I had to make it seem as if I cared for nothing, for no one." He informed Klaus, quickly glancing over at Ophelia before back at Cami, "Our battle is not yet won, and I need you to protect the two most important things in my life. I need you to do it here, where magic is void," He paused, looking guilty, "And, I'm sorry."

Cami smiled weakly and nodded in agreement before Klaus turned to Ophelia, "Do not leave this bar under no circumstances," He ordered, causing Ophelia to roll her eyes and lift her hands up in mock surrender before she nodded her head.

After Klaus left, Cami walked closer to Ophelia, who avoided eye contact with her, "'The two most important things in my life'?" Cami asked Ophelia, a smile on her face, "Is Klaus Mikaelson finally coming to his senses when it comes to his feelings for you?"

"It doesn't matter," Ophelia replied with a sigh, "I'm spoken for and Klaus is only acting like that because he's trying to win me over after betraying me in a way that I don't ever want to forgive him for."

"You talk as if it's expected that you will forgive him." Cami stated and Ophelia nodded her head in response, "Why's that?"

"There's something I figured out when Klaus had Dahlia placed the curse on my pack. There's a certain reason why I wasn't affected," Ophelia confessed, "But the problem is, there are two different answers to how that 'reason' happened. And I'm afraid if it's the reason I think it is, everything will be going to shit real soon."

Cami's eyes widened and her mouth gaped open in shock, "Are you saying that I think you're saying?" She asked Ophelia in concern, gesturing down to Ophelia's stomach.


Ophelia remained silent, nodding her head as tears filled her eyes, "I slept with Klaus not even two weeks before I slept with Jackson, Cami," She admitted to Cami, beginning to tear up, "Which means I have a bit of a problem."

"Oh, Ophelia," Cami sighed, quickly hugging Ophelia, who began to cry in her arms.


About an hour later, Vincent had arrived to the jazz club, where he found Ophelia, Cami, and Hope sitting at the bar, "When I invited you to meet me, I had no idea we were gonna have such a gorgeous guest!" Vincent commented, referring to Hope.

Hope cooed happily, and Cami just laughed. Ophelia, on the other hand, remained silent, staring down at the bar counter. Vincent grabbed a bottle of bourbon from the bar and sat down next to Cami and Ophelia, but became worried when he noticed a red stain on the collar of Cami's shirt and gestured toward it, "You have blood right there." He pointed out to her.

Cami blushed and rubbed her neck, "Oh, yeah. My dry cleaning bill has been insane since moving back into town." She quickly told Vincent, causing Ophelia to roll her eyes.

Vincent rolled his eyes as well, "Uh-huh." He hummed in response, pouring a glass for each of them, including Ophelia.

"Drinking in front of a baby," Ophelia spoke up in a sarcastic tone as she pushed her glass of bourbon away, "I suppose that's a new all-time low."

"Well, you're the one who brought her into a bar!" Vincent reminded, causing Ophelia to smile and shake her head.

"Touché, Vincent, touché," She replied quietly.

"Oh, yeah. I know that look. Sense of obligation. Duty," Vincent stated, looking over at Ophelia, "What do you feel like you owe these people? They've done nothing but ruin your life for over three hundred years."

Ophelia turned to Vincent and raised a brow at him, causing Vicent to just shrug, "I have a few psychology degrees from before the family you're so involved with stole my body."

Ophelia rolled her eyes at Vincent, "So, you're trying to be my shrink now, is that it?" She questioned the man curiously.

"No. I'm...I'm trying to figure out why a smart, all-powerful young woman such as yourself, would choose to stick around a town that, to my eyes, seems to offer you nothing but danger." He explained to her and Ophelia began silent for a long moment before responding.

"New Orleans is my home, Vincent," She reminded the male witch, "I've lived here for over three hundred years. The first time I ever left this city was just two months ago and I left for, like, two days. My family's here, and I'm not just talking about the Mikaelsons. My blood runs deep through this town. I would be nothing without it. And plus, Hayley and Hope need me. They're my family."

"A family that brings you nothing but trouble and pain," Vincent reminded her, "My mama, her mama, and they daddy before them were some of the wickedest witches the west side of this city has ever seen. And yet still, I'm able to walk away from magic because I know that it's not good for me--Just like Niklaus and his whole clan are not good for you, Ophelia."

"But you're walking away," Ophelia argued, "You're dumping your responsibilities onto a naive girl. A girl that happens to be one of the most important people in my life, one that doesn't know any better."


"She knows better!" Vincent argued, pointing toward her, "She knows. She knows a hell of a lot more than she should. I think we have you to thank for that. And, if she's not careful, she doesn't walk the right line? She's gonna end up being the wickedest of them all. You mark my words."

"Then why would you leave her without a teacher, huh?" Cami suddenly asked, adding into the conversation.

"Well, okay. Fair enough. Pick a fight, call me out, but, um..." Vincent trailed off, inhaling sharply, "From one shrink to another? What is it that she's deflecting from herself?" He asked, gesturing toward Ophelia.

Cami sighed, turning toward Ophelia for an answer.

Ophelia sighed, lifting up her head before turning to look at the duo, "Okay, you want to know the real reason why I stay in this town after everything that's happened?" She asked the two.

Vincent and Ophelia nodded their heads, "Yeah."

"I have two," Ophelia paused, holding up two fingers, "One is Hope. I don't care what happens in the future, that girl will always be my blood and my family. I know what this family does to people when they're with them. They ruin you. I mean, take me for an example. The Mikaelsons ruined any humanity I had left, yet I will always stand by their side because they're my family. I just don't want them to ruin Hope," She explained, letting out a large sigh, "And second....against my better judgment and the fact that I'm married to someone else..." She trailed off, avoiding eye contact with the duo, "I'm in love with Klaus, even after he betrayed my entire pack, including my best friend and my husband."

Vincent seemed to be a bit surprised by the confession while Cami simply smiled, happy that Ophelia finally admitted it out loud, "And does Klaus have complicated feelings for you?" Vincent questioned curiously.

Cami loudly scoffed, causing the duo to turn to her, "He's utterly in love with her," She answered for Ophelia, "Not even twenty minutes before you came, he called her one of the most important things in his life."

Vincent sighed dramatically and downed his entire glass of bourbon in one gulp before pouring himself another, "We're gonna need another bottle."

"I'll pass," Ophelia responded, shaking her head.

"I'll have one," Cami spoke up, causing Ophelia to turn to her, "What? I'll drink for both of us."


Once it was confirmed that Dahlia was dead, Ophelia brought Hope back to the compound, as it was a full moon. Ophelia quickly rushed out of the compound and made her way to the compound, where stood by Jackson's old trailer, waiting for him in the darkness.

Soon enough, Jackson exited the woods, walking toward Ophelia. Ophelia quickly tossed Jackson some pants, which he quickly put on before hugging Ophelia, "You have no idea how much I've missed you," He sighed in relief as he hugged the woman.

After a moment, he pulled away, giving her a concerned look, "Why didn't it affect you, Ophelia? It even affected Hayley. What happened?" Jackson asked Ophelia, who avoided eye contact with him, "What is it? What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant," Ophelia confessed to Jackson, whose eyes widened in shock, "But the thing is..."

"We slept together just a few weeks after you and Klaus did," Jackson realized and Ophelia slowly nodded, her eyes filled with tears. Jackson cupped Ophelia's face with his hands, looking down at her, "Hey, it's okay. There's no need to cry. We'll get through this, alright?"

Ophelia nodded, just before digging her face into Jackson's chest as she cried.


After leaving the bayou, Ophelia headed back to the compound, where she found Klaus sitting with Hope in her room. She entered Hope's room and Klaus immediately looked up at Ophelia as she walked in, "Did you visit your werewolf brethren?" He asked the woman in a mocking tone.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did." Ophelia responded with an attitude.

"Tell me, Ophelia," Klaus started, walking closer to Ophelia, "You still haven't told me how you were able to avoid the Crescent Curse. Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually quite relieved."

"Listen closely. You'll hear the reason." Ophelia insisted, causing Klaus to frown, "Just do it, Klaus. Listen."

Finally, Klaus ended up doing so. He let out a large gasp, his eyes widening in shock as he heard a heartbeat coming from her stomach, "How?" He asked her in disbelief.

"I honestly don't know," Ophelia confessed, shrugged her shoulders.

"Is it Jackson's?" Klaus questioned Ophelia curiously, a concerned look on his face.

"Sadly, I don't know." She admitted tears in her eyes, "I don't know what I'm going to do, Klaus. What if it is yours?"


During the night, Ophelia heard Hope crying in her crib and decided to go check up on her. She stopped in the doorway when she found Hope laying in Klaus' arms as he rocked them back and forth in the rocking chair in Hope's room.

He smiled down at his daughter as he began to tell her a story, "Once upon a time, there was a wolf king who fought a war for the most precious treasure in all of the kingdom--His beautiful princess. But victory came at a price. Allies lost--new enemies made--and so, the wolf king stood alone with his beautiful, fearless queen standing by his side."

Klaus looked away from Hope and turned to Ophelia, who stared intently at him as she leaned against the doorframe, not being able to stop the small smile forming on her lips.

Klaus smiled at the sight of her before continuing on, "Happily ever after, it was not. But, sometimes, even the worst endings are not really, endings at all," He paused, looking back down at Hope, "And you should know, my littlest wolf, that even when all seems burnt to ash--In our story, there is always another chapter to be told."

Thenextbook is going to be filled with so much heartbreak. Of course, there's the obvious (Jackson's death, Davina's death, Cami's death, season 3 finale) but there is going to be much more heartbreak than that. Ophelia is going to go through And I mean A LOT.

She'll be losing a part of humanity. The part of her that used to have a regard for human life and cared for human deaths will practically vanish.

If you've read my Legacies book, you know that Ophelia is very much in tact with her humanity, but it will take a bit to get to that point, especially after all that she will go through.


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