《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》22


Hayley and Ophelia were pacing around the courtyard, where Elijah and Gia were standing around, "Still no sign of her," Hayley told the group anxiously, "What the hell is Eva waiting for?"

Suddenly, Marcel returned to the compound and joined them in the courtyard, "She didn't wait. She took Josephine LaRue not half an hour ago." He informed the group, causing Ophelia's eyes to widen in shock.

"If Eva doesn't need Hope, then where the hell would she go?" Ophelia asked them concerned.

"The same place she kept all the other captives. Where she took Davina." Marcel responded, causing Ophelia to sigh.

"A place no one has been able to find for two years," Elijah added in.

Just then, Marcel's phone rang, and when he saw it was Vincent, he scowled and reluctantly answered it, "When I find you, I am going to rip your head from your neck." He told the man in a threatening tone.

"You may want to hold off on that decapitation. I found them all. Davina's alive," Vincent informed Marcel, who turned to share a glance with Ophelia, both of which sighed in relief, "Sorry, I had to make it look convincing! If you were in on the plan, Eva would have known."

"Yeah, blasting me through a couple glass doors really sold it," Marcel sarcastically commented, "Alright, round of applause. Now what?"

"Now, we got a problem," Vincent suddenly told Marcel, "These kids, they're all linked to her. If she dies, they all die."

"So, we'll find a witch to unlink them." Marcel suggested without hesitation.

"Gonna need somebody with some serious power," Vincent responed, causing Marcel to sigh and looked over at Elijah, who seemed to be thinking the same thing that he was, and hung up the phone.

The duo turned to look over at Ophelia, who raised a brow at him, "Are you crazy? I can't do this alone," She lied to the group, clearly having ulterior motives, "I'm going to need help from Freya."


Later on that day, Ophelia, Freya, Elijah, and Marcel arrived at Eva's hideout for the children she captured so they could meet with Vincent and finish preparing for their plan.

Marcel was carrying Eva in his arms as they walked toward the magic circle made of salt and herbs Freya and Ophelia set up in the middle of the warehouse. At each point was a lit white candle.

"Lay her inside the salt, and lie on either side of her. Each of you take her hand," Freya instructed the group before turning to Elijah and Ophelia, "Ophelia and I will act as a bridge into her mind, but I'm trusting you to anchor us, brother."

"Do what you need to do." Elijah replied, nodding his head.

Marcel laid Eva down on the floor in the middle of the triangle, and then he and Vincent looked up at Freya for further instructions, "Rebekah is buried deep. Eva will not give her up without a fight." She continued on.


"Then she gets a fight," Marcel responded, determination in his tone.

"Be careful," Ophelia warned Marcel, who began to look worried, "You're entering Eva's mind. If she kills you in there, you will be lost. And, if you kill her before you free Rebekah, then there's no going back, Rebekah will be gone forever. Once you have Rebekah, then, and only then, can Eva be dealt with, alright?"

Vincent took a step breath, nodding his head, "We got it," He responded in a calm tone,

Vincent and Marcel each laid down on either side of Eva inside the triangle and held her hands. Ophelia immediately beside Vincent, "You'll need a weapon, Vincent." She told the man, pulling Eva's knife out of her boot and held it out to Vincent, who looked at her in confusion.

"How am I supposed to take that with me?" Vincent asked Ophelia confused.

Ophelia tightly clutched the knife and began to chant a spell, "Lamina ferri in mentem. Lamina ferri in mentem." She said under breath before looking over at Vicent, slightly grimacing, "I'm warning you, this is going to hurt."

Without hesitation, Ophelia stabbed Vincent in the arm with the knife. He screamed in pain, but then fell unconscious, as did Marcel. Once they were asleep, Ophelia stood up and walked toward Elijah and Freya, who held their hand out toward her.

Ophelia grabbed one of Elijah's hands and one of Freya's, just as Freya took one of Ophelia's and one of Elijah before they each gripped onto the other's elbows. When Freya nodded at them, Elijah and Ophelia nodded in return, indicating that they were ready to begin.

Without a second thought, Freya and Ophelia began to shout the incantation to the spell, "Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus." The two women chanted loudly.

As Ophelia and Freya chanted, the two women were so overwhelmed by the power of the spell that their backs arched as their heads were thrown back. Elijah was quick to hold onto both of them with much of his strength to keep them from falling.

Continuing, Freya and Ophelia, were practically bent over backward as Elijah struggled to keep his hold on both women while they continued to chant the spell, "Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus."

Elijah gripped onto the female duo's arms as tightly as he could, Marcel's closed eyes began to twitch, and suddenly, blood started to drip from them.

Soon enough Elijah was struggling so hard to hold onto both Freya and Ophelia, who were still chanting the spell, that he yelled in frustration at the top of his voice, "Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus."

Ophelia opened her eyes, looking up at Elijah, fearful, "We're losing them, Elijah!" She informed the man, who continued to hold onto her and Freya for dear life, when suddenly Klaus appeared and grabbed Ophelia's arm in one hand and Elijah's hand in the other, so that the four of them were all linked in a circle to anchor Freya and Ophelia better.


Almost immediately after, Freya looked at him in shock, "We're not finished, you and I. But, for right now? Save my sister." He told Freya, who nodded and began to shout the incantation again with Ophelia.

"Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus. Pontem praesidio. Anchora immortalibus."

As Eva's spirit died, Marcel and Vincent both gasped themselves awake on the floor of the warehouse. The force of the spell as it broke pushed Ophelia, Freya, Klaus, and Elijah away from each other, which seemed to relieve the exhausted Freya and Ophelia.

Marcel immediately sat up and looked over at Eva's body, which was still laying unconscious on the floor. He and Vincent both looked up at Ophelia, Freya, Klaus, and Elijah, who all seemed worried, "Did it work?" Klaus anxiously asked the group.

"Where am I?" Ophelia suddenly heard a small, familiar female voice in the next room.

Without a second thought, Ophelia vamp-sped to the source of the sound to find Davina, who had just awoken on the floor, looking extremely confused. Soon thereafter, Marcel arrived at the same time that Josephine and the other children started to wake up as well, all of whom looked equally confused to find themselves there.

"They're okay!" Marcel shouted to the rest of the group in relief.

Ophliea immediately rushed over to Davina and knelt down so she could give her a big hug, "Ophelia!" She exclaimed loudly, hugging her adoptive mother tightly as Marcel walked over, "Marcel!"

"I should've known something was wrong when you didn't answer my calls these past few days," Ophelia sighed out, continuing to hug Davina.

After a moment, Ophelia pulled away, allowing Marcel to hug Davina as well.


At the Mikaelson compound, the various New Orleans covens, along with the Mikaelsons, Hayley, and Gia, had gathered at the compound, where Josephine was presenting Freya with a necklace with a turquoise pendant and Ophelia with the old pendant of hers that had been taken from her by the covens of New Orleans for over three hundred years. She fastened the necklaces around both of the women's necks, and they all smiled happily.

Klaus was on the nearby staircase, watching as Freya and Ophelia were presented with the necklaces. He scowled suspiciously at Freya while he seemed content about Ophelia gaining access to the New Orleans Coven. Everyone clapped in Ophelia and Freya's honor as Freya gave Josephine a hug. Rebekah and Elijah were at Ophelia's and her side, smiling proudly at them.

Josephine pulled away from her hug with Freya and faced her, "You're one of us, now. New Orleans is your home." She paused, turning to Ophelia, "And after all these centuries, you are now one of us once more, Ophelia Rose. You are no longer an enemy to us. Your friends are our friends; your enemies, ours. We understand that the wolves come first for you, but you will always be one of us now."

Ophelia couldn't help but smile, nodding her head in understanding.


Late that night, Ophelia sat at a table in Rousseau's, eating a plate of fries. Feeling a familiar presence nearby, Ophelia let out a large sigh, "What do you want?" She asked the man in annoyance.

A few short moments later, Klaus came out of the shadows and took a seat at the table with her, "I need to speak with you." He informed her and Ophelia raised a brow at him.

"About?" She questioned him curiously.

"Freya. She's wormed her way into the witches' good graces and my siblings, too. I am the only one who sees her for what she truly is," He ranted, only to notice the look on Ophelia's face, leading him to scold her, "Don't even think about saying that I'm being paranoid. You are the last person I want to hear that from."

"You're not being paranoid," She suddenly told Klaus, who looked at her shocked, "She's definitely up to something, that's for sure. When she grabbed the glass from my hand earlier today, I felt something. I felt it again when we were channeling each other to do the spell."

"Felt what?" Klaus asked Ophelia in concern, leaning forward in his seat.

"I honestly have no clue. But it's definitely not good." Ophelia admitted, causing Klaus to give her a worried look.

"And what is it that you saw in my mind when you were using Elijah and I as anchors alongside Freya?" Klaus questioned Ophelia, deciding to change the subject.

"You gave all my stuff away," Ophelia bluntly stated, causing Klaus to frown at her, "Everything you had of mine when you left New Orleans you ended up giving to a blonde named Caroline Forbes. That's an ass move right there," She paused, letting out a large sigh, "You gave her my bracelet and my favorite dress, those were two things you had gifted to me first."

Klaus couldn't help but roll his eyes, "You had access to my entire mind and you decided to scold me about giving away one of your dresses?" He questioned her in disbelief, only to notice the look on Ophelia's face, "You saw something else, didn't you?"

Ophelia went into her pocket, taking out a twenty dollar bill. She placed it on the table before standing up, about to leave.

Before she could, Klaus stood up and grabbed her arm, "What else did you see?" He asked Ophelia once more.

Ophelia tugged her arm out of Klaus' grip before storming out of Rousseau's, Klaus unable to catch up.

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