《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》21


Ophelia was asleep in her bedroom, tossing and turning as she became overcome with visions of Davina being attacked. The vision changed and she found Davina laying down unconscious in a warehouse with flickering lights, a carving of a symbol on her forehead.

As she awakened, she loudly gasped as sat up. Ophelia quickly rushed down the hallway, knowing that something else was wrong. Hope.

Ophelia arrived just in time to see Rebekah use her magic to cause Hayley to go flying into another room, injured.

"Rebekah, what in hell are you doing?" She asked Rebekah, who was in another woman's body. A witch's body. One that belonged to Eva Sinclair. Ophelia's eyes widened, coming to a realization, "You're not Rebekah."

Eva Sinclair used her magic to cause Ophelia to drop to her knees, clutching her head in pain. Klaus soon arrived, both he and Hayley rushing forward to attack Eva, only to have the same happen to them.

Ophelia let out an inhuman growl, her werewolf eyes showing as she allowed her claws to grow on one hand. Ophelia lunged forward with all the strength she had, clawing Eva deeply across her thigh.

Eva screamed out in pain, quickly rushing out the window, which allowed to Hayley, Klaus, and Ophelia to recover. The trio rushed to Hope's crib to see that the child was perfectly fine, causing Ophelia to sigh in relief.


Ophelia, Klaus, Marcel, and Hayley were in Klaus' study, where he was pulling a pair of the magic-canceling manacles, "I should really stop packing these away. There's always one family member or another in need of a good shackling," Klaus commented, hanging the manacles to Marcel, "Find Rebekah--or Eva, or whoever the bloody hell that was; Use these to stop her from doing magic. And don't hurt her. The non-psychopathic bits are still my sister."

"I'd say otherwise," Ophelia muttered under her breath as she rolled her eyes.

"Alright, I won't be the only one looking for her. She killed witch-kids. The twenty-four hour hold that Elijah got the covens to agree to? Ended at midnight. Every witch in the city is gonna be gunning for her." Marcel explained to Klaus worried.

Hearing Marcel's words, Klaus sighed and turned to Hayley, "Go to Elijah. Get her to charm his elderly witch into calling off the hunt." He ordered and Hayley immediately looked unhappy.

"And leave Hope? Don't you think I should stay here and protect our daughter?" Hayley asked Klaus annoyed.

"Jackson has been working night and day to secure this compound, surrounding it with his werewolf army. Not to mention the fact that I'm here, and I know the best way to protect our child is to get Rebekah out of that serial killer's body and back into the original model." Klaus explained to Hayley, who immediately looked displeased.

"Hmm," Hayley hummed in response, "And, what will you be doing while we're out doing all the dirty work?"

"Why, tending to the even dirtier work," Klaus informed them as he walked closer to Ophelia, letting out a sigh, "As usual."

"Um, did you forget someone?" Ophelia asked Klaus, jokingly raising her hand, "You didn't give me a task."


"Well, Ophelia, you'll be helping me with my plan, of course," He told her, a grin on his face.

Ophelia scoffed, glaring at Klaus, "I swear, your mood changes quicker than New England weather," She commented, "Wasn't it just last night you said you didn't trust me now that I was married to Jackson?"

"Wasn't it just after that you said you hated me, but then changed your mind?" He retorted, a wide grin on his face.

Ophelia turned to Hayley, who gave her a questioning look, "Wait, you saw him last night?" Hayley asked Ophelia concern, "You told Jackson you were fetching yourself some blood."

"I did both," Ophelia lied, causing Klaus to loudly laugh.

Angered, Ophelia picked up the letter opener on the table next to her and threw it at Klaus, whose back faced her. Klaus turned to her at vampire speed, quickly stopping the letter opener before it could stab him, "Ugh! You're so infuriating!" She complained loudly before storming out of the study.

Ophelia walked down the stairs and walked into the courtyard, quickly fetching herself a glass of scotch, "You must be Freya," She suddenly said as she placed her drink down, turning to face the eldest Mikaelson, "I've heard a lot about you."

The elder female smiled, walking closer to Ophelia, "I could say the same to you," She responded, "But I sure do hope it was all good things you've heard about me."

"Nope," Ophelia responded, downing the rest of her glass of scotch in one large gulp.

"That must mean you heard all of the information about me from Klaus," Freya commented, "He doesn't like me much."

Ophelia scoffed, finding the comment amusing, "Klaus doesn't like anyone."

"He likes you," Freya pointed out, causing Ophelia's mouth to gape open, "I mean, you were together for nearly two centuries and then after a century apart, you two still seem to be like two attracted magnets that are trying their hardest to keep apart, but that's not my business," She paused, walking past Ophelia.

Freya suddenly stopped, turning to face Ophelia once more, "Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't drink," She warned Ophelia, taking the glass of alcohol from her, "Given your condition, of course."

Ophelia frowned in confusion, confused as to what Freya had meant by "Condition" as she walked away from her.


Klaus was staring at the painting of Rebekah from several centuries ago with Ophelia standing next to him in silence, no matter how much she wanted to speak up. Suddenly, Freya arrived and joined them, though unlike Ophelia, Klaus didn't even turn to acknowledge her presence.

Freya stared at the painting with affection, a small smile on her face, "Our sister was quite the beauty." She stated, but Klaus was clearly straightforward about what he wanted to be done.

"You said that you could put Rebekah back in her original body. Do it." He demanded in a stern tone.

Freya laughed in amusement, clearly not intimidated by Klaus, which caused Ophelia to look at her impressed, "So, you've come to your senses?"

"My senses have not faltered. They still demand that you are not to be trusted. However, circumstance dictates otherwise..." Klaus trailed off, turning to face Freya, "For now."


Freya stared at Klaus, unamused, "What's changed?" She questioned her younger brother curiously.

"Eva Sinclair has resumed control of her body, leaving Rebekah trapped and powerless. So, make with your spells and enchantments and put my sister back in her true body!" Klaus shouted at Freya, clearly growing frustrated.

Freya closed her eyes and sighed in frustration at the news, "I'm afraid it's not that simple." She informed Klaus, who looked anything but happy.

"More stalling, I see," Ophelia spoke up suddenly, "I thought Klaus was exaggerating when he said you stalled a lot. Guess not. Very well," She paused, taking a threatening step toward Freya, "We know we can't kill you, but I have a feeling Klaus here will have a fine time trying. Don't you think, Klaus?"

"I dare say you are right, love," Klaus mockingly responded to Ophelia's question before turning to look at Freya, a sadistic smile on his face, "Tell me, have you ever been skinned alive?"

"The problem is Rebekah's condition has worsened," Freya informed Ophelia and Klaus, whose smile faded as they turned away from the Mikaelson witch, "When I offered to help, she was in control of Eva's body. She's lost inside Eva. I don't have a spell that could breech Eva's mind and find her."

"Fortunately for you, I know someone well-versed in such spells," Klaus told Freya, walking over to the table.

He opened up the wooden box and pulled out the other pair of magic-disabling shackles.

Seeing that something was up, Freya lifted her hand up, about to perform a spell on the two. Before could react, Ophelia lifted her hand up, performing a pain infliction spell on her. Freya dropped to her knees and clutched her head, yelling out in pain.

Once seeing that she wouldn't be able to fight back, Klaus vamp-sped over to Freya and slapped the shackles on her wrists before she could react. Freya wasn't startled by the action but was clearly surprised, and simply glared at Klaus and Ophelia angrily.

"Let's go meet her, shall we?" Klaus suggested, a smirk on her face.


Meanwhile, Ophelia and Klaus had just brought Freya to the cemetery, where they led her into the Lyonne tomb, her wrists were still shackled with the magic-disabling manacles. Freya was clearly still not pleased by Ophelia and Klaus' attitude, and she held up her shackled wrists in annoyance, "I fail to see the need for these. I'm not your enemy." She reminded Klaus.

"Oh, they're not to protect me, love!" Klaus assured Freya, pulling her into the main room of the tomb by the manacles and gestured toward a corner, "They're to protect her: The one who knows more about mind-invasion and body-jumping than all of us put together."

Ophelia threw two blood bags into the dark corner with a smirk, and Freya took a step toward it, clearly curious as to who was there. After a moment, Esther's hand reached out and grabbed one of the blood bags to gulp it down quickly before throwing it aside and chugging the second.

And after another moment, Freya realized that it was her mother, and she quickly turned to leave, only to be stopped by Ophelia while Klaus smirked.

"No! No!" Freya screamed out in fear.

Ophelia continued to hold Freya back by the shoulders with a straight look on her face while Klaus looked gleeful.

"Mother? Freya," Klaus introduced his mother to her long long daughter, "Freya? Mother."

Esther, who still looked very desiccated, looked at them both in confusion as she took in the sight of her eldest child, "It...can't be." Esther stated in disbelief, her eyes wide.

Freya turned to Klaus with loathing in her eyes, "You won't trust me, but you'll trust her?" she asked him, clearly feeling betrayed.

"I trust my mother about as much as I would a stuck snake." Klaus remarked, walking toward Esther, "Fortunately, she is now a vampire, and as such, she's vulnerable to my compulsion." He paused, grabbing Esther by the face and stared into her eyes as he began to compel her, "You will answer me truthfully."

Klaus picked her up so that she was standing on her feet and brought her over to Freya, who glared at both of them, "There! Now, at least everything that comes out of her wretched mouth will be honest. Let's raid Mommy Dearest's mind for spells, shall we?"

Suddenly, Ophelia's phone rang, causing the woman to sigh. She answered her phone, only to get informed by Marcel that the group needed her at the compound urgently after hearing that Davina had been taken by Eva. Ophelia hung up the phone and looked over at Klaus, who gave her the okay to look.

Ophelia nodded her head before she sped off in the direction of the compound.

Meanwhile, Ophelia, Hayley, Marcel, Elijah, and Gia were at the compound, where they were discussing what to do next after Vincent joined forces with Eva. Hayley had Hope in her arms, and she gently bounced her on her hip as she paced around anxiously, "Great! Eva is in the wind, although now she has a sidekick." Hayley commented, unhappily.

"The charming Vincent Griffith," Elijah muttered under her breath.

Marcel let out a large sigh in defeat, "It gets worse; If Eva has Davina, then she has eight of the witches she needs to finish the ritual," He paused, both Elijah and Ophelia looking at him in horror, "She just needs one more."

"If she comes after Hope, Rebekah or no Rebekah, I will put her down for good," Hayley told the group, a hint of determination in her tone.

"Fortify this house." Elijah ordered in a stern tone, "When they do come, kill him, capture her."

"Capture?" Ophelia asked Elijah incredously, "Are you joking?"

"I will not abandon my sister!" Elijah told Ophelia, causing the woman to look both embarrassed and guilty for her words, but remained silent as she stood near Hayley, "Now, gather what wolves you have. With Vincent by her side, she will strike with considerable force."

Ophelia sighed in defeat, watching Elijah leave after making his orders.

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