《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》12
After everyone agreed with Rebekah's sacrifice, Ophelia headed back to New Orleans with Rebekah and Klaus.
Klaus and Ophelia entered the compound to overhear Kol trying to convince Marcel to hand over the white oak stake so that his mother would believe his attentions were pure and that he wasn't on the opposing side, "Kol!" Klaus called out, causing the group to turn to him, "Whatever grudges you hold against me, we're doing this for the good of our family. Do I have your word that, for once, you will honor that?"
"You have my word, Nik," Kol promised him, "Swear on the face of us all."
Klaus smiled weakly as he shared a glance with Ophelia, "I'll get the stake," He replied, "Ophelia, love, why don't you get the paragon diamond? After all, you're the one who's had it all along."
Kol's eyes widened in shock, clearly feeling dumb for agreeing to help Klaus when he could have just asked Ophelia for the diamond in the first place.
Ophelia smiled slightly, just before leaving to get the diamond from its hiding spot.
Meanwhile later, in the courtyard of the compound, Ophelia was spreading salt, sand, and herbs around an hourglass on the table in the courtyard to prepare for the spell she and Davina were about to perform. She and Marcel explained their plan to Cami as Davina turned the hourglass, "Kol will link this hourglass to Esther's. Ours will mirror hers," Ophelia began to explain to Cami.
"When the last sand falls, Esther will try to jump her into you," Marcel continued on.
"That's when Ophelia and I will redirect the spell from you to Esther. It's meant to jam the signal just long enough to keep that kind of magic from working against anyone," Davina added in and Ophelia nodded her head in confirmation.
"If it works," Cami replied, looking anxious.
"It'll work!" Marcel argued, "When Rebekah attacks, Esther won't be able to jump her into you, or herself anywhere else."
"And we're sure Kaleb is on board?" Cami questioned concerned and Ophelia couldn't help but be annoyed by her calling the boy by the wrong name while Marcel and Davina nodded their heads in confirmation.
"He's on board," Marcel assured her, "He's a thief and a liar, but, like Elijah, he doesn't give his word lightly."
Cami continued to look anxious as the hourglass on the table in the courtyard started to pour after Kol cast his spell on Esther's own hourglass in the Lycee. Davina, Marcel, and Cami were all watching it intently, "It's working." Davina argued the group as Cami nervously stood to her feet to pace around the room.
Moments later, Davina, Marcel, and Cami were still anxiously watching the sand run out of their own hourglass, "Now." Marcel insisted.
"Not yet," Ophelia argued sternly, waiting patiently as she shook her head.
Just then, the whole hourglass emptied, meaning it was time, "Now!" Marcel exclaimed.
Ophelia and Davina linked hands and closed their eyes, beginning to chant, "Scen ta lum ves victas per vatis imparret. Scen ta lum ves victas per vatis imparret."
Suddenly, Cami started to seize, and Marcel rushed over to her to catch her before she fell, "Cami?"
Suddenly, the hourglass exploded, causing them to dive out of the way to avoid the shards of glass. Marcel quickly checked on Cami before looking over at Davina and Ophelia, who looked nervously, "Did it work?" He asked them concerned.
"I have no clue," Ophelia confessed.
Meanwhile later, Cami had been laid in an armchair in the courtyard, where Davina was sitting at her side, gently brushing her hair off her face. Klaus soon returned to the compound a moment later, carrying Rebekah's body, which he laid on the couch.
Soon after, Ophelia and Davina were explaining to Klaus what had happened in his absence, "Cami's not awake yet, either." Davina added into their explanation before Marcel rushed into the room anxiously.
"When she's up, we gotta get her out of the Quarter. She's not safe here. Someone busted Finn out!" He informed the group, causing Klaus to sigh in defeat.
"My mother is using Mikael to do her dirty work now." Klaus told the group before Cami suddenly woke with a gasp causing everyone to turn to her in concern, "...Camille?"
Cami looked around and took in her surroundings for a moment before realizing that the spell worked, "I suddenly love that stupid name!" She commented, causing Davina to laugh in relief as she hugged her.
Ophelia, Klaus, and Marcel smiled weakly, and turned to check on Rebekah, who was still unconscious. Marcel sat down next to Rebekah and caressed her face with his hand. After a moment, when Rebekah hadn't woken up, Klaus sighed in realization, "I couldn't stop the spell."
With that, Klaus takes off, but before he could get far, Ophelia, scared, shouted after him, "Please tell me that your mother's finally dead, Klaus!"
Klaus turned back toward her before he left, "Rebekah and I took extra precautions. Esther is exactly where she needs to be." He informed her, but Opehlia couldn't quite understand what he had meant.
After the events of the night, Ophelia and Kol were walking through the Quarter toward the Fauline mansion. Kol held the paragon diamond in his hand, the diamond in which Ophelia had been hiding since 1914.
"What's got you in such a good mood?" She asked Kol curiously, turning to glance at him.
"Do you remember the night I was daggered back in 1914?" Kol asked her and Ophelia nodded, "Well, for a while, I believed that it was you who ratted me out. But finally, I've realized that it wasn't you. It was Rebekah."
At the Mikaelsons' holiday party was in full swing, and people were milling about the courtyard in their finest outfits.
Ophelia was mingling with a few guests when Kol walked over, locking arms with her before pulling her away from the group of adults she was talking to, "You didn't tell Nik, did you?" He asked her concerned.
"I told you I wouldn't tell Klaus, Kol," Ophelia reminded him, "I don't break my promises."
"Well, it would be best if you continue to keep your promise," Kol replied, "Klaus can't know."
"I can't know what?" Klaus questioned as he walked over to where Ophelia and Kol were talking.
Kol and Ophelia shared a worried glance before Ophelia turned to Klaus with a smile on her face. The male original wrapped an arm around Ophelia's waist, pulling her closer to him, "Oh, nothing," Ophelia answered, continuing to smile at the men, "Just that Kol tore apart our room while looking for a perfect jacket to wear." She paused, gesturing to the formal jacket Kol was wearing, "I dare say that it looks better on your baby brother than it does on you, Klaus. You should let him keep it."
Klaus playfully rolled his eyes before smiling, "Fine. Keep it." he decided, even though it was one of his most favorite jackets, "It's time for our toast."
Ophelia nodded, just before following Klaus toward the staircase. She quickly looked over Klaus' shoulder at Kol, who gave her a thankful look. She simply nodded, sending him a small smile.
Soon after, Rebekah walked up the stairs, where Klaus, Ophelia, Elijah, Kol, and Marcel were all drinking champagne and posing for a family photograph. Kol saw the witch he had brought as a date down below and raised his glass to her. She did the same in return, sending him a small smile.
After the photo had been taken, Klaus tapped on his glass with a knife to get the party's attention, "As you know, when the Mikaelsons arrived in Louisiana, we brought with us the tradition of holiday bonfire season. Now, we invite you chosen few to join us in our family's own tradition of writing wishes for each other and burning them for luck. The holidays are a time for celebrating family, and friends," He spoke up loudly as he looked down at Marcel before looking up at Kol, who looked confused and suspicious, just as Ophelia did, "It is especially gratifying in times when treachery runs deep. To know you have someone you can trust. A toast, to you, my sister."
Rebekah smiled up at Klaus, who returned it, causing Ophelia to frown in concern, "To Rebekah!" The guests said in unison.
Kol turned his head to look at Ophelia, hoping she could help him, "Go," She mouthed to him quickly.
Kol, who was very worried, immediately listen to Ophelia's orders and headed up the stairs to get away from his brothers, Ophelia following after him to make sure he got away. Elijah quickly vamp-sped after the two of them. When he blocked their path, Kol and Ophelia turned around to find Klaus blocking the exit behind them. Elijah grabbed Kol by the arms and pulled his jacket off, as Klaus called out to the crowd below, "Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the disturbance! But, what's a Mikaelson party without a little squabble?'
Ophelia just stood there, not knowing what to do. She was about to move and try to stop Klaus, when Marcel suddenly and took hold of her, pulling her back.
Ophelia watched in horror as Klaus pulled out a silver dagger and stabbed Kol in the heart with it. She cried out as Kol began to desiccate, "You promised you wouldn't dagger him after last time, Klaus," She shouted at him, near tears, "You promised!"
"It was necessary, my love, I'm sorry." He apologized to her, about to walk forward.
Ophelia scoffed, beginning to walk away. Klaus tried to grab her hand to stop her, but Ophelia suddenly turned around, thrusting her hand forward to cause Klaus to go flying backward and into the wall, "Leave me alone!" She shouted at him and it was almost as if the whole compound had shaken.
Ophelia glared at Elijah and Klaus, who were both shocked by her outburst. With that, she walked off and headed out into the cold to get some air away from the Mikaelsons.
"I mourned you after that night, you know," Ophelia told Kol quietly, "In the fourteen years that you were back to the land of the living after I undaggered you, we became close friends. When Klaus daggered you, I went ballistic. I didn't talk to him for nearly a month."
Kol scoffed, "Well, that's a bit impressive." he commented, "I thought you were going to say a week."
"Well, I was pissed," Ophelia admitted, "You were my friend."
"And you were mine," Kol replied, "Actually, I believe you were the only true friend I've ever had." He paused, noticing the sad look Ophelia was giving him, "Oh, don't go pitying me now, darling! You know how much I hate that."
Ophelia laughed, "Almost as much as you hate the truth."
"Tell me, Ophelia. Is it true that you're off to marry one of those mutts in a few days time?" Kol asked Ophelia, who seemed a bit offended at what Kol had called Jackson.
"He's a werewolf, not a mutt," She corrected him in an annoyed tone, "And who told you that?"
"I heard it from Davina, who heard it from Marcel." He informed her, causing Ophelia to frown in confusion.
"And how does Marcel know?" She questioned him confused.
"Klaus," he replied with a smile, just before he started to become sarcastic, "My brother, doing the right thing for once by giving the love of his life his blessing to marry the king of mutts. What a pity."
Ophelia rolled her eyes at Kol's comment and playfully bumped shoulders with him as they continued to walk together.
After getting back to the Mikaelson compound, Ophelia and Kol walked over to where Klaus and Marcel stood in front of Rebekah's body, which laid in a coffin. Kol turned to glance at Ophelia, who nodded her head in encouragement. He was hesitant at first before finally taking the white oak stake out of the inside of his jacket.
He handed it to Klaus as he stared directly at him, "A promise is a promise," He told his elder brother.
Klaus grabbed the stake from Kol's hand and Kol slowly let go of it, pulling his hand away. Klaus sent Kol a small smile, but before he could say anything, they were interrupted as Ophelia let out a large gasp.
The whole group watched as Ophelia's eyes turned completely white. She began to be overcome by a vision.
A young woman suddenly awoke with a gasp on a bed inside an abandoned home. She looked at herself in the mirror for a moment, until she started to hear screaming nearby and immediately leaped off the bed to investigate. She ran down the stairs and toward the doors, desperately trying to break through, but they wouldn't budge, "Let me out! Someone!" She pleaded as she continued to pound on the doors with no avail, "Kol, damn it!"
She heard maniacal laughter heard nearby when she turned around. "I'm not meant to be here," She started to pound even harder on the doors with her fists as she continued to rattle the door handles, trying to get out, "I'm Rebekah Mikaelson! I'm Rebekah Mikaelson! Let me out, I'm Rebekah Mikaelson!"
Ophelia's eyes soon went back to normal to find that Klaus was now standing beside her, looking worried for her wellbeing, "What in the hell was that?" He asked her concerned.
Ophelia remained silent for a brief moment as she turned to glance at Kol, who seemed to be just as worried as Klaus was. She seemed hesitant at first, just before looking back at Klaus, "It's nothing. I'm totally fine." She simply told him before walking off, leaving all three males puzzled.
Ophelia didn't have the slightest clue why she lied for Kol. She somehow felt like she needed to, for the sake of his life. Klaus would kill Kol the second he found out and Ophelia didn't want that to happen. She also felt as though Rebekah deserved a bit of payback for everything she had done in the past, which lead to Ophelia keeping Kol's secret, even though it would end badly for her if anyone found out she knew all along. She just hoped no one would find out.
But would that happen?
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httyd 1 x reader
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