《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》6


It was nighttime and Ophelia was on the otherside of the river, hanging with Marcel, Josh, and their newly turned nest of vampires.

Ophelia had her back facing one of the vampires. Her eyes were closed as he threw a dart at her, she used her vampire speed to turn to face him and catch the dart before it could her. She smiled, opening her eyes as the vampires all clapped for her.

"I believe you owe me a Benjamin," Ophelia told him and the man chuckled, holding out a one hundred dollar bill between two of his fingers.

She took the bill, placing it in the back pocket of her jeans before walking over to where Josh sat alone.

"Any luck?" She asked the male vampire, taking a seat in front of him as she handed him a glass of bourbon. She knew all about Josh signing up for a dating website and she was all for it, even though he was a vampire using a dating website for humans.

"Well, Ophelia, since you asked," Josh began to tell her as Marcel walked over to sit with them, "Yeah, there's this one guy. I mean, we've only been messaging so far, but I think I like him. Like, really like him."

"Does he live around here?" Ophelia asked him and Josh nodded his head in confirmation.

"So what the hell's the problem?" Marcel questioned Josh confused.

"Oh, I don't know," Josh replied sarcastically, "Might have left a few things out of the old profile. For example, what's got two thumbs and drinks blood to survive?" He paused, lifting up his two thumbs as he smiled, "Oh, right. This guy."

Ophelia and Marcel chuckled, both of them finding what Josh said funny, "Well, I say you go for it," She encouraged him and before Josh could respond, one of the vampires were thrown through the loft's window, causing the group of three to quickly stand up.

Suddenly, a group of werewolves entered, all of them growling lowly at the vampires, including Ophelia. Ophelia frowned, spotting Oliver in the group. She gave him a questioning look, but Oliver shrugged, clearly having no say in the matter of being there.

The number of wolves became even larger as some jumped down from the roof and some came through the broken window.

Ophelia was about to step forward, but Marcel grabbed her by the arm, pulling her back next to Josh before he himself stepped forward.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" Gia complained, "We didn't do anything."

"This is nothing your kind hasn't done to us," Aiden, one of the werewolves, spoke up as he walked through the crowd to stand in front of Marcel. He glanced at Ophelia before looking away, clearly trying to hide the fact that he was shocked that she was there. In fact, all of the werewolves were, "Learn your history. I bet Ophelia could teach you a thing or two. Seeing as she fought on both sides in the past three hundred years."

"I don't know who you are, but we had a deal," Marcel told Aiden confidently, showing no fear toward him, "Vampires stay out of the Quarter, everybody's cool."

"It's not good enough anymore," Aiden replied and both Josh and Ophelia shared a worried look with each other.

"Oh, yeah?" Ophelia scoffed loudly, "Says who, huh? You? Or maybe it's that witch bitch you all answer to now? Lenore, was it? Or was her name Esther? Huh. Honestly, who knows anymore. But I do know one thing. I never thought I'd see the day when proud werewolves find themselves on a witch's leash. We're better than that. I hope those rings you're wearing are worth it, Aiden."


Aiden scoffed, "Oh, I'll show you," He told her before turning his head, giving some of the wolves the okay to attack.

"No!" Ophelia shouted, about to step forward to help the vampire.

Before she could, Marcel grabbed her by the arm, stopping her. Another werewolf grabbed ahold of Josh and before he could do anything, Ophelia used her magic to cause a pain infliction spell on him.

The werewolf screamed out, clutching his head, "Enough!" Aiden spoke up loudly and Ophelia found herself stopping the spell for some odd reason, "Our war isn't with you, Ophelia. Not yet. As for the vampires..." he trailed off, turning to look directly at the Marcel, "Your privileges here have been revoked. Permanently. So when we come back, you need to be gone. Because next time, Ophelia's not going to be here to protect you and I'm not going to call my wolves off."

Ophelia quietly scoffed, "Your wolves, my ass," She muttered under her breath, earning a glare from Aiden.

"Consider this a warning, Marcel," Aiden told Marcel in a threatening tone, "It's the only one you're going to get."

With that, the wolves left and both Marcel and Ophelia turned to share a worried glance with each other, "I'm going to try and find a solution." She spoke up before leaving.

The following morning, Ophelia and Hayley were talking with some wolves in the courtyard when Elijah entered, "Brother! Niklaus!" He called out loudly, causing Ophelia to groan in annoyance.

"Has it occurred to you that literally every single person in this place has supernatural hearing?" Ophelia asked Elijah annoyed as she and Hayley walked over to him.

"Where is my brother, Ophelia?" Elijah questioned Ophelia, who rolled his eyes.

"Last I checked I wasn't his wife," Ophelia answered with an attitude, causing Hayley to quietly laugh, "I don't keep tabs on him twenty-four seven. It's not my job anymore."

"Ophelia, this city is under siege by an army of beasts following my mother's command," Elijah complained to her, "Now, considering that it was your people who just declared war on my kind...perhaps now is not the best time for your usual amount of sass and sarcasm."

Ophelia became silent, turning to glance at Hayley, who was quick to speak up, "Klaus left a while ago," She informed Elijah since Ophelia did not, "If you wanna find him, we can't help you. If only there was a magical device that people use to call people," she paused, holding up her phone, "I don't know. I'm out of ideas. Good luck."

As Hayley began to walk away, Ophelia stopped for a moment, turning to Elijah once more, "One more thing, Elijah," She spoke up in a low, threatening tone, "Those beasts that you're referring to? You're right, they are still my people whether or not they're under Esther's people. So I'll say this once, if you hurt them, your psychotic bitch of a mother will be the least of your problems right now because I'll kill you myself if you so much as think of hurting any of them."

Ophelia sent Elijah a glare before walking off. Once upstairs in her room, she dialed Davina's number and surprisingly, she answered, "Finally, you picked up your phone!" She complained, "I've been calling you for days."

"I know, I should have called you back. I'm sorry," Davina apologized, "I didn't want you to worry. I just...Things are complicated right now, Ophelia."


"Well, you've MIA for days now, D. Are you okay? Where are you?" Ophelia asked her adoptive daughter concerned.

"You know I can't answer your last question, Ophelia," Davina reminded her, causing Ophelia to sigh.

"I know," She replied quietly, "Just tell me you're safe and that you're okay."

"I'm fine," Davina assured Ophelia, "I'll be back soon. I promise, and...Thanks for calling and not grilling me with questions like Marcel did. You and I both know there's a lot of things going on right now that I'm the cause of."

"I trust you'll be careful when around that monster of a man," Ophelia told Davina, referring to Mikael, "I know you expect me to lecture you about your stupid decision, but I have hope you'll learn on your own that what you're doing is going to cause a lot of problems."

"I'm sorry, Ophelia. I have to go," Davina quickly told her before hanging up.

Ophelia frowned in confusion, "Davina? Davina?" She called out, but the line was dead, causing her to sigh in defeat.

Feeling that she was in need of a drink, Ophelia headed to Rousseau's for a glass of bourbon. She took a seat at the bar, sending a smile to the bartender, "Your usual?" The man asked her and Ophelia nodded her head.

"Two please," She told him and the man went to get her the two glasses of bourbon.

Ophelia frowned, sensing a familiar presence nearby. Aiden suddenly walked up to her, taking a seat beside her at the bar, "This better be good," She commented, turning to face him.

"Please, Ophelia," Aiden begged Ophelia in a pleading tone, "I need your help."


After informing Hayley of what Aiden had told her, the three of them arrived at Marcel's loft to find Elijah standing against the wall as Gia had her hand plunged into his chest, "Elijah." Hayley spoke up, causing Elijah to turn to her while Gia immediately removed her hand from his chest.

Ophelia glanced between Elijah and Gia, "Awkward..." She trailed off before walking down the set of steps, "We need to talk."

Just then, Aiden made himself visible. Gia was about to rush forward to attack him, but Elijah quickly extended his arm out, stopping her.

"We're not here for a fight," Hayley informed Elijah in a calm tone, "Just hear him out."

Aiden turned to look at Ophelia for reassurance. The female hybrid nodded her head, giving him the okay. Aiden sighed, walking down the stairs to stand beside Hayley and Ophelia, "Speak." Elijah demanded in a stern tone, "I suggest you be succinct."

"Please," Aiden pleaded, letting out a sigh, "I need your help."

Moments later, Oliver, Josh, and Marcel had arrived. The three of them sat alongside Elijah as Aiden, Hayley, and Ophelia spoke to them, "The witch wants soldiers. So now, it's either join up or pay the price," Aiden explained to them, shrugging his shoulders.

"I've known my brother Finn to be merciless," Elijah spoke up, "But I'll admit, this exceeds even my expectations."

"They're just kids," Ophelia stated, "All of you know how I feel about that." She paused, turning to Marcel, "Marcel, you know the Quarter as well as I do, maybe even better. If anyone can get them out, it's you and I. But I can't do it without you."

"And take them where?" Marcel questioned her curiously.

"There are still wolves deep in the bayou," Oliver informed the group after being quiet for so long, "The ones that didn't take a ring, they can look after them."

"The one who never sold out, you mean," Marcel spoke up, earning a glare from Ophelia.

"If you wanna look at it like that, that's fine," Oliver replied as he turned his head to look at Marcel, letting out a sigh, "We did what we had to do."

"You wolves have been fighting us for decades," Marcel commented, "Why trust us now?"

"Because we trust Ophelia," Aiden replied before sighing out, "Also, one of the recruits happen to be my little brother. There's no way I'm sending him to war. And I trust Ophelia and the rest of you will do what needs to be done to help not just my brother, but the rest of the kids too."

Elijah turned his head to look at Ophelia, who gave him a pleading look. He glanced over at Marcel, just before taking a step forward, "Tell us what you need." He responded, which was his way of agreeing to help.

About twenty minutes later, the group of supernatural creatures were still going over the plan, "Alright, the kids are being held in the City of the Dead until we bring them through the Quarter to St. Anne's Church," Aiden informed the group, "Now, meanwhile, Vincent is holding a meeting with the few humans in the know. The ones who have been reluctant to fall in line with his new leadership."

"He's going to use the children to kill any opposition," Elijah stated, coming to a realization.

"Activate their curse, send a message to anyone thinking about going against him," Aiden continued on, confirming what Elijah had said, "It's two birds, one bloodbath."

"Okay," Marcel replied, nodding his head in understanding, "So we'll hit him while the kids are on the move."

"Aiden, make certain you and Oliver escort the children," Elijah instructed, "We'll handle rest."

"Wait, wait, wait," Oliver spoke up, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, "Esther and her psycho son are already giving me the stink eye. If these kids go missing on my watch, I'm as good as dead."

"You wanted to help your people and make amends for the past," Elijah reminded him, causing Oliver to sigh in defeat, "This is your chance."


In the French Quarter, the usual party was in full swing. Aiden and the rest of the pack of werewolves led the kids through the crowds.

After the group that was aligned with Ophelia staged their distracted, Oliver took the kids in the direction of where Ophelia and Hayley were, "Olly!" Ophelia called out in a hushed tone, causing Oliver to turn his head to see the two girls in the alleyway, "This way."

"Come on, come on, come on," Oliver told the kids quickly, leading them over to Ophelia.

After they all entered Rousseau's, Ophelia lead the group over to where Marcel had reminded her earlier that day was a secret tunnel from the prohibition days.

She found Josh standing in front of it and gave him a thankful smile. She nodded, giving him the okay. He tugged at a shelf and it was removed, revealing a small opening in the brick that lead into a secret tunnel, "Go ahead," Josh told the kids, "Ophelia will lead the right way through."

Ophelia noticed the puzzled looks on both Hayley and Oliver's face, "It's a passageway from the Prohibition days. I myself had it made when I ordered Rousseau's to be built. It'll take us pretty much anywhere we want to go," She explained to them, "So let's go."

The group immediately obeyed Ophelia and followed her into the tunnel. Ophelia turned to Oliver, "Go luck," She told him before closing the opening in the wall to keep them hidden.

Meanwhile later, as Ophelia lead them through, she placed a finger over her mouth, telling the kids to keep quiet. Once arriving at where the metal bars blocked their way, with a wave of her hand, Ophelia forced the metal bars to go flying and out of their way.

Once exiting the tunnel, they met Gia, who stood there, waiting, "Hey, where's Marcel?" Josh asked her concerned.

"He's getting the getaway car," Gia informed him.

"Hey, big mouths," Hayley called out in a hushed tone, causing the two vampires to turn to her, "Shut it. There are werewolves everywhere."

After getting the text from Marcel, Josh and Ophelia lead the group to where Marcel had parked the getaway car. Once arriving, they found it to be an ambulance, which Ophelia couldn't help but feel was a great idea, "Let's go. Move," Marcel encouraged them and the kids quickly obeyed.

"Nick," Aiden called out as he arrived and the boy that happened to be his younger brother rushed over to him.

"Aiden, you made it," Nick smiled as Aiden pulled him in for a hug.

"Of course I did," Aiden replied, "I told you I'd be here, didn't I?"

Aiden pulled away from the hug, looking down at his brother, "Go," he insisted and his brother immediately got into the truck.

Ophelia stepped forward, both she and Marcel closing the back doors to the ambulance.

Aiden sighed out, "Thank you. All of you," He told Ophelia, Marcel, and Hayley.

Marcel nodded his head in response while Ophelia decided to speak up, "If you haven't noticed yet, Aiden, we're all fighting for the same thing," She reminded him, "We're just trying to protect the ones that we love most in this world."

Ophelia sent Aiden a smile before heading to passenger's seat of the ambulance, "Uh..." Hayley trailed off awkwardly, "There's three of us and two seats. How are we supposed to fit?"

Ophelia scoffed, "Just sit on my lap, Hayley," She commented and Hayley shrugged, seeing no problem with it.


At Marcel's loft, Marcel poured Ophelia and Hayley a glass of bourbon before handing it to them. After their mission, Hayley, Ophelia, Marcel, and Gia had decided to return for a drink, which was what they were doing, "Well, we did it!" Hayley happily stated, "I never thought I'd see the day when 'We' meant us. Ophelia, I get. But you? Definitely not you, Marcel."

"Well, you're a vampire now," Marcel replied, "First rule is never say never, 'cause never ain't that long. And, what we did today was the right thing. But, you know it's gonna make things worse between your people and mine."

While the two talked, Ophelia turned her head to see Gia staring out the window in silence, "There's a life lesson for you, baby vamp. Gia, was it?" She asked and Gia nodded, "Well, Gia, it always gets worse before it gets better. Remember that."

Hayley grabbed a second drink and walked over to sit next to Gia on the window seat. She handed Gia a drink, but Gia still looked worried, "We left Elijah out there." She told the group.

Hayley sighed out, "Look, I worry about a lot of things where Elijah's concerned. But, trust me--he can take care of himself." She smiled at Gia, who smiled weakly back.

Just then, Ophelia's phone rang in her pocket. She sighed, taking it out before seeing that it was Klaus calling. She rolled her eyes before answering it, "And what the hell have you been up to?" She questioned the original hybrid, "You've been MIA all day."

"Well, I've dealing your dear adoptive daughter. As you already know, she has my father being kept as her pet. I just stabbed him with Papa Tunde's blade. But I'm in a bit of a predicament. So if you'd kind make your way to her family's cabin, which I know you've already been invited into, it'd be kindly appreciated."

"Wow, what manners you have," Ophelia said sarcastically, "I'll be there soon."

Ophelia hung up the phone and turned to Marcel, who gave her a questioning look after hearing the mention of Davina by Klaus, "I'll deal with it on my own," She assured Marcel, patting him on the shoulder, "Duty calls."

Ophelia jokingly saluted the group before leaving, off to find Klaus before he hurt Davina.

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