《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》20.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

yoongi sighed in dismay and took his daughter's hand in hers. "you feeling any better?"

yejin, whose nose and cheeks were red as cherries shook her head with a sad expression on her face. yoongi ran his finger across her tinted cheeks. "maybe one of your playgroup friends got you sick."

yoongi was tending to his daughter on hoseok's couch, and yejin, well, yejin was almost passed out completely- even though she hadn't gotten up for the past 24 hours.

yoongi placed a hand over her forehead, pulled out a thermometer and stuck it into her mouth.

suddenly, hoseok appeared from the kitchen, his dance bag slung over his shoulder. "sorry i can't help with yej today," he said with a frown, "one of the hip-hop teachers quit unexpectedly..."

"don't worry about it," yoongi said with a wave of his hand. "we'll be fine."

hoseok bit his lip, as if he was nervous to leave the two alone at his house, "alright..." he said as he reached down to run a hand through yejin's hair. "call me if you need anything."

"thanks, hobi." yoongi said genuinely as hoseok waved and left the house.

yejin's thermometer finally beeped and yoongi took it out of her mouth, examining the numbers. his eyebrows shot up.

"am i really, really sick, appa?" yejin asked hoarsely, quietly, unlike her usual self. yoongi smiled sadly down at his daughter, "a little." he said, "but i'll stay with you all day. don't worry."

"i'm cold..." yejin said as her lower lip trembled slightly. yoongi gasped slightly as he leaped off the couch, tore into hoseok's room, and ripped the thick duvet off of hoseok's queen-sized bed. he dragged it hastily back into the living room and gently laid it onto his small daughter.



"better." yejin said, smiling despite her current state. yoongi then reached to his side and uncapped the bottle of medicine the pharmacy had prescribed. he peered into the bottle and grimaced at the gooey pink stuff inside. "yejin-ah, you need to drink your medicine again,"

yejin's face went dark and she huffed slightly, "that medicine is supposed to be cherry flavoured!" she protested, "it tastes like poop!"

yoongi sighed, exasperated and poured a small amount into a metal spoon. "just gulp it down really fast, then you won't taste it," he tried.


yoongi was about to lecture, but his phone suddenly vibrated and revealed a message from none other than jang jihye.

hey... you guys didn't come to daycare today. just wanted to check in.

it's probably nothing, right?

i was kinda worried

sorry. i'm paranoid lol dsknjsdjnsk

you guys okay tho?

yejin came down with a bad fever. i'm not quite

sure where it came from but her temperature is pretty high.

and she's not taking her medicine.

what??????? SHES SICK!!?!?


poor bby indeed.

she's strong though. give her a few days and she'll

be back to her crazy, hyperactive self.

give her a few DAYS? we can't

let ya girl be sick for that long!!!!!!

you and i both know how much she loves to play.

i bet the poor thing is bored outta her MIND RN SMH


what did you not understand

what is RN SMH?

why do you use so many exclamation points?




but you haven't answered my question.


im not gonna sit around while my poor

girl is DYING OF THE BLACK PLAGUE. i need to help!!!!

the black plague? where did you get that from? didn't


the black plague end around the 1300-1400s?

and i just told you she has a high fever.

maybe a cold. besides,

i have medicine remember?

lmao ur such a grandpa

i was joking. about the. plague.





why are you yelling at me

i'll be over in 10.

wait what

yoongi stared at his phone in confusion. he didn't understand half of the messages jihye had sent to him, nevertheless- he was happy that she was on her way.

about ten minutes later, there's a knock on the door. yoongi sprung up from the couch and answered it, revealing a smiling jihye, a plastic bag in her hands.


"hey yourself." jihye said with a beam.

"what's this?" yoongi asked, pointing to the bag in her hands. she stepped into the house, "i brought her some of my roommate's famous soup."

"your roommate's?" yoongi asked as they shuffled through the hall and into the living room where yejin was asleep on the couch. yoongi watched in surprise as jihye's face fell and she hurried to be by the young girl's side. "yejin-ah." jihye whispered. the girl stirred and her eyelashes batted slightly before her tired eyes opened completely, "-unnie?"

"i brought you some nice, hot soup to help you feel better," jihye said as she pulled a small canteen out of the plastic bag.

yejin's eyes lit up.

yoongi found himself grinning as he walked over to the two and joined jihye on the couch.

"it's a little hot. blow on it first, okay?" jihye said as she uncapped the canteen and pulled out a spoon. "it's yummy!"

steam rose out of the container and the aroma drifted up into the air and danced around yejin's head. jihye pulled out her spoon. "but you can't have any."

yejin's smile melted away.

yoongi's eyebrows shot up.

"why not?"

"because you need to take your medicine first!" jihye said as she winked at yoongi. yoongi grinned at jihye's wild antics and pulled out the pink goo on cue. "yejin-ah, it's not that bad!" yoongi said as he held up a spoonful.

"but unnie," yejin ignored her father completely and turned back to jihye. yoongi rolled his eyes up to the ceiling.

"the pink stuff tastes bad!" yejin blubbered. "really, really bad!"

"if you don't drink it, you'll stay sick, sweets." jihye said softly. "if you drink all of your medicine, you can have all the soup you want."

they both heard yejin's stomach growl, so she reluctantly sat up in bed. "fine."

yoongi beamed and spooned the pink liquid into yejin's mouth. the five-year-old made a disgusted face, but quickly swallowed the sticky, pink goo and before they knew it, the spoon was clean.

"i did it!" yejin grumbled. "soup!"

yoongi smiled as he watched jihye spoon the hot soup into yejin's mouth who took it happily. "thank you, unnie!"

"anything for you, yej," jihye said with a genuine smile, causing yoongi's heart to melt. he watched the two together in complete bliss, his mind forgetting everything but the two girls he cherished most in front of him.

something in his heart leaped as jihye looked up at him, the corners of her tinted lips curved up to create the dazzling smile that yoongi adored.

"what?" jihye said with a grin.


yoongi rested his head in his hands. i think i'm falling in love. he thought

and he was falling.


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