《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》19.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

a ray of sunlight peeked through the window of hoseok's warm home and grazed yoongi's eyelids to say good morning. he yawned and blinked his eyes a few times before sitting up and leaning against the couch's armrest.

and his heart stopped.

across from him was jihye's tiny figure, the sun causing her milky skin to glow. he glanced around, his heart rate becoming increasingly fast, since when was she so... breathtaking? he thought to himself. his gaze fell onto her inky black hair and trailed down to her slender fingers, gripping the blanket they had shared tightly. her pink lips were pouting slightly and her brows were furrowed like she was angry with something. yoongi sighed, did we talk all night?

suddenly, hoseok appeared from the kitchen, an apron wrapped around his waist. "you're finally awake!" he chuckled as he glanced at his watch. "it's 11'o clock!"

"i... stayed up later then i intended to..." yoongi muttered, his gaze falling back to the sleeping girl across from him. he then looked up at hobi, who wiggled his eyebrows.

yoongi rolled his eyes.

"good morning, appa!" a cheery voice interrupted. yoongi peeked over the couch to see yejin bouncing down the hallways. he turned around to jihye to see if yejin's call had awoken her. jihye's brows furrowed but her body remained motionless.

"is she awake...? or...?" yoongi wondered aloud.

"appa~!" yejin sang as she crawled on top of her sleepy father. he smiled ever so slightly and made space for his daughter on the couch. he yawned. "good morning, love."

"it's saturday!" yejin sang again.

yoongi grunted slightly. "which is why i should sleep in."

"you've been sleeping for too long, appa." yejin complained. "i want to play!"


at this, yoongi and yejin watched as jihye groaned loudly. "bitches can't keep quiet for-" she opened one eye, then the other, realization finally sinking in. she smacked a hand over her lips. "i'm... sorry."

yoongi, too tired to protest merely shrugged as yejin hopped off of her father's lap. hoseok clicked his tongue in disappointment at his two friends. "i guess neither of you are morning people."

the two looked up at him with their most ferocious glares.

hoseok's eyebrows shot up and he retreated to the kitchen with yejin, both avoiding the deathly stares of the two who had just awoken. yoongi trained his attention back to the sleepy girl in front of him.

"what time is it?" she asked, mid-yawn.

"hobi said it's eleven o'clock." yoongi said as he fell back onto the couch, closing his eyes again. when he didn't hear a reply, he opened one eye to see her face.

"eleven..." she muttered. suddenly, her tired eyes shot open. "eleven?"

"that's what i said."

"my parents... i was supposed to be at their place by nine!" she gaped.

yoongi couldn't help but chuckle. "it's not like they can fire you, right?" he said as he reluctantly pushed himself off the couch. "let's go, i'll walk you."

as if she didn't hear him, she rocketed off the couch and grabbed her sneakers. "i'm so dead."

"it's alright," yoongi said with a slight smile, "how far away is it?"

"bye, yejin-ah!" jihye called hurriedly to the five-year-old. yejin replied with a toothy grin and a wave before slamming the door shut. she turned to yoongi, "now let's go!"

together they speed-walked down the sidewalk, not stopping for anything. "we look ridiculous right now," yoongi huffed, trying to keep his steps in time with jihye's.


"you think i care?" jihye replied with a smirk, "my parents are gonna strangle me!"

"they won't!" yoongi said as they continued to jog. "calm down! and slow down." he mumbled, "i haven't walked this fast since high school."

jihye laughed, causing yoongi's grimace to melt for a moment. she smiled up at him, "you're crazy."

"you're crazier."

they smiled at each other.

before jihye could reply, yoongi pointed up ahead to the daycare. "we're almost there." he said, sighing a breath of relief. the sun beat down on the two, nearly vaporizing yoongi.

suddenly, he felt jihye's hand wrap around his, sending red hot fire through his veins and up his arm.

"we're not there yet." she said, placing a heavy emphasis on the last word. "let's sprint!"

before yoongi could protest, she pulled him along, causing his entire body to fall forward, his feet pounding heavily against the pavement. "slow down, goddamni-"

"almost there!" jihye said, gripping yoongi tighter.

"you are literally insan-"

finally, they reached the enormous glass doors and jihye practically fell into the daycare, letting the blast of air conditioning cool them off after their mini-workout.

"i'm never running again." yoongi said with a laugh, despite his exhaustion. jihye beamed at him, causing him to melt ever so slightly. "thanks for running with me!" she said, wiping the sweat off of her forehead. "i'll call you when i'm done. let me take you and yejin for ice cream!"

normally, yoongi would protest at jihye doing so many favors for him.

but this time, he just grinned. "perfect."

﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

"you what?" yoongi gaped at his daughter who was smiling proudly.

"i saw you two walking together!"

yoongi sighed and flopped onto the couch. "of course you did, i was walking her to the daycare," he said, "what's so bad about that?"

"not bad," yejin said as she climbed onto his lap with a toothy grin, "good."


yejin frowned at yoongi who exhaled deeply.



"do you like jihye-unnie?" she asked bluntly.

yoongi nearly choked on his own breath. "do i... do i-i what?"

"you hearded me!" she protested. hearded? yoongi thought at his daughter's weird pronunciation, but quickly shook the thought off.

do i like jihye? he shook that thought off as well as the last one and looked down at his daughter. "... no..." he mumbled, "i... don't..."

yejin didn't look convinced. she had a look on her face as if to say, you really think i'm going to believe that?

yoongi rubbed his temples and sighed as loudly as he could.

"fine. maybe."

yejin squealed excitedly and grabbed her dad's hand. yoongi frowned, "you can't tell her, okay?"

"i won't, appa!" yejin said as she hopped off the couch. "but i will tell uncle hobi-"

"you little rascal!" yoongi said as she jumped off the couch. yejin giggled and took off running, "appa likes jihye-unnie!"

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