《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》14.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

"appa, why have you been so sad?" yejin asked her father as she climbed onto his lap. yoongi sighed and looked into the puppy eyes of his daughter. should i tell her?

"i'm not sad." he said as his eyes wandered to the eviction papers sitting on the kitchen table. we have four days. can i make enough money in four days? he bit his lip, knowing that it was close to impossible and he needed to find a place to stay as soon as possible, or the two would end up homeless.

"you are sad." yejin's voice sighed, shattering through yoongi's thoughts. "you don't smile anymore." yejin's words shattered yoongi's already throbbing heart and he ran a hand through yejin's thin hair.

"yejin," he started, feeling his throat close up and his vision start blur. "we- we're getting evicted."


"no, sweetie," yoongi whispered, "we... we have to leave our house."

yejin's expression didn't change, "where are we going to stay?"

"i don't know."

yejin tilted her head to the side and furrowed her brow. "uncle hoseok's place?"

yoongi bit his lip slightly, knowing that he'd most likely say yes. but yoongi did not want to burden hoseok with not only yejin, but himself as well. "i-i don't know if that's such a good idea."

"i miss uncle hoseok!" yejin complained.

"but you have your daycare now!" yoongi said, his eyebrows raising, "there's plenty of kids your age and more toys that me or hoseok could ever give you,"

"but..." yejin started, "i haven't seen him in a long time."

"you saw him last week." yoongi said as he exhaled through his nostrils, slightly annoyed by how much his daughter loved not him, but his friend.


"i still miss him."

yoongi rubbed his temples, "fine. i'll ask uncle hoseok what his current living situation is like." he glanced at his watch. "but you need to get to bed, i'll see you in the morning."

yejin frowned at her father's gruff attitude but climbed into the bed anyways. "good night appa," she offered.

yoongi sighed. "g'nite, love."

﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

"evicted?" jihye cried as her mouth dropped open. yoongi nodded slowly and bit his lip. "we don't really have anywhere to go except for my friend's place."

the two were waiting at the front desk of her parent's daycare, waiting for yejin to finish her painting.

jihye raised an eyebrow. "and why don't you want to go to your friend's place, exactly?"

yoongi looked up at her. "you know why..."

jihye bit her lip. "yoongi..." she starts.

yoongi shook his head. "i know, i know. it's childish of me," he said, "especially when the lives of me and yejin are at stake. but i just can't stand the fact that yejin sees him as more of a father than me."

jihye tilted her head to the side. yoongi's hands were shaking. "jihye, she loves him like a father. i'm just the backup parent." he says, feeling tears prick at the backs of his eyes. i can't be seen crying. he thought as he swallowed hard. "hell, i can't even provide for her anymore."

"yoongi, don't say that." jihye said. "i've known yejin long enough to know how much she loves you. she really, really loves you."


the door to the daycare swang open and a girl around yoongi's age stepped in. yoongi turned his back to jihye, who smiles widely. "hanna!" jihye says and motions her over. "this is yoongi. yoongi, this is hanna. my roommate."


hanna has a sly smile on her face, to which yoongi almost raises an eyebrow at. "nice to meet you, hanna." he says politely, not really in the mood to interact with a different person.

hanna's smile was strangely wide as she turned back to talk to jihye.

yoongi shifted around uncomfortably as he prayed for yejin to walk out of the back doors. as if on cue, the pig-tailed-five year old appeared with a painting in her hands. "appa!" she says with a toothy grin, "look what i painted!"

to yoongi's surprise, she had painted him. from his dark hair, to his pink lips, to his jordan numbers. he looked up at jihye who had a grin on her face.

"that's awesome, sweet pea." yoongi gaped and picked his daughter up. he planted kisses on her head as yejin giggled, "i worked on it all day!"

"it's lovely," he said as he smiled down at the painting. "now we need to get home,"

"i'll see you guys around?" jihye interjected from her desk with hanna, who still had the coy smile on her face.

yoongi nodded as he waved goodbye to the two, "see ya' around."

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