《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》13.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

ding ding! the bells on the daycare door jingled as jihye stepped into her parent's home. her mother was standing at the front desk and a smile lit up her face. "jihye!" she said with a tired smile. jihye raced over to her desk and grabbed her hand happily, "hi mom."

"where have you been?" her mom said with a frown, "your father and i had to clean up the art room."

"sorry mom," jihye said sheepishly as she twiddled a pencil that was sitting on the desk, "i've been... busy."

her mother scoffed, but smiled. "messing around like usual?"

"i was with hobi!"

her mom smiled at the thought of jihye's childhood friend, "my hobi-ah!" she cooed, "tell him i said hello,"

"i will," jihye said as she placed her car keys onto the counter, "i'm gonna go check on the kids."

her mother nodded and turned back to her computer as jihye walked over to the doors of the playroom. she pushed open the glass door and looked around. not too many kids were playing, just yejin, and a couple boys in the opposite corner.

yejin was sitting by herself on the carpeted floor, coloring in a book. a smile found its way onto jihye's face as she joined the small girl on the floor. "hey."

"hi unnie," yejin said without looking up.

"what are you drawing?"

"me and my uncle," yejin said as she picked out a blue crayon to shade in the sky.

"looks good." jihye said as she hugged her knees to her chest. "hey yejin," she started.

yejin looked up from her drawing. "where's your appa in this picture?" jihye asked as she pointed to the paper.


"not here." she said simply.

jihye bit her lip as wave of sadness washed over her, now realizing that this wasn't all in yoongi's head. maybe yejin did love her uncle more than her father.

"maybe you should... add him." jihye said as she scratched the back of her neck. yejin tilted her head to the side, her pouting lips resembling her father's.

"do you like my appa?"

the sudden remark caused jihye's mouth to drop open, "huh?!"

yejin sighed as she picked a green crayon out of the box.

"you're obvious, unnie." 'obvious'? is that word even in five-year-old's vocabulary?

"i don't like him!" jihye protested, almost to herself. yejin finally put her crayons down and looked up at jihye with an expression that read 'look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't like him.'

so jihye broke eye contact.

finally, yejin put her crayon down. "unnie. do you like my appa or not?"

"i..." and suddenly, the idea of liking yoongi didn't seem so foreign anymore. why was she avoiding the feelings in the first place? feelings are a natural thing, aren't they? like hoseok said, maybe jihye had to accept these feelings in order to move on. maybe-

"you like my dad!" yejin said, a wide smile spreading onto her face.

"don't! tell your dad about any of this!" jihye nearly screeched, her face heating up. yejin just smirked.

jihye grabbed her hand. "please?"

"do you like my daddy?" yejin asked for the hundredth time as she placed her chin in her hands.

jihye rubbed her temples. what have i gotten myself into? "i... i guess i do."

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