《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》03.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

yejin loved the playground, as typical five-year olds do. but socializing (something she loved to do) was a trait that she did not inherit from her father. so yoongi watched his daughter from a distance under an oak tree, scanning his eyes over the electricity bills he had received in the mail. he exhaled through his nostrils and clicked his pen, watching his daughter, who appeared to be talking to another girl about her age.

yoongi smiled to himself. if only it were that easy for him to make friends.

a few minutes later, yejin came running over to her father, a crown of flowers atop her luscious black locks. she plopped down next to yoongi.

"what's that you got there?" yoongi said, pointing up at yejin's head. she smiled widely, and pulled the woven creation from her head. "the flower girl taught me how to make it!" she said, showing a cheeky smile that resembled her mother's. yoongi shook the thought off and took the flower crown into his hands, examining it. "it looks very pretty on you," he concluded with a grin as he handed it back to his daughter. yejin just smiled smiled in reply. "yejin... what do you say when someone compliments you?" yoongi asked, placing a hand under his chin as if he didn't remember.

"oh... thank you..." yejin recited with a grin. she then pointed to a small flower in the front of the crown. the center was a brilliant yellow, surrounded by creamy, white petals. "the lady said this was called a daisy." she said proudly, then placed it back into her hair.

she sat down and leaned against the oak tree, mimicking her father's actions by folding her hands neatly on her crossed legs. yoongi smiled slightly, "what are you doing, kid?" he asked his five-year-old.


yejin gave her father a sideways glance before placing her hands on his cheeks. "you look like a boiled dumpling." she observed before squeezing them.

yoongi snorted. "okay? and?"

yejin wrinkled her nose in disgust at her father's sass. "appa, can you play with me?" she pointed out towards the sunny playground. yoongi unintentionally mimicked his daughter by wrinkling his nose in disgust. "out there? in the... sunlight?" he muttered. yejin made an expression as if to say 'duh?'

"maybe later," yoongi said as he stifled a yawn. "i'm a little... sleepy... " he muttered as his eyelids started to flutter closed. it was true, yoongi had just worked a long shift at the movie theater selling tickets, so his back was sore and his eyes were tired from staring at screens all day.

yejin frowned. "but you're always sleepy. why can't you play with me anymore?"

"yejin-ah, i'm sorry." yoongi said as he took her tiny hands into his and gave her the biggest smile he could muster. "i'll buy you ice cream later, okay?"

a small smile appeared on her face. "okay, deal."

"now," yoongi said as he adjusted her flower crown. "make sure you say thank you to whoever made this for you."

"flower girl!" yejin said as her eyes lit up at the thought of whoever this flower girl was.

"ah yes. did you thank the... flower girl?" yoongi asked as he pinched her cheek.

yejin frowned slightly and shook her head. then she stood up abruptly, plucking a dandelion from the grass they were sitting on. "i'll give this to her as a thank-you-present!"

yoongi grinned and nodded. "i bet she'll like that very much."

i wonder who this "flower girl" is.


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