《Flowergirl | Min Yoongi✔️》02.


﹄✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ﹃

"yejin, love, did you put your shirt on backwards?" yoongi asked as he shoved two tin-foiled sandwiches into his backpack.


yoongi smiled as his daughter approached him, the tag of her red shirt popping out of the front like a loose tooth. he exhaled slightly, "arms up." he commanded. without complaining, yejin obeyed and in a blink of an eye, her shirt was on correctly.

"ready to go?"

yejin nodded. yoongi opened the door to their tiny apartment and together, and they left the building.

the two climbed onto their usual public bus and found a seat towards the middle. "remember what to say to the bus driver?" yoongi asked his daughter.

"'thank you!" yejin recited with a toothy grin.

the bus bumped along for a while until they reached the shining movie theater building. as always, yejin pressed her face to the window to admire the wonders of the bright city. nothing ceased to amaze the five-year-old. the bus halted to a stop at their usual station and together, they stepped out, thanking the bus driver in the process.

"that bus driver has weird hair." yejin whispered to her father. yoongi turned around to see the curly haired bus driver speeding away from the station.

he shrugged. she got the bluntness from me, i guess.

as the two entered yoongi's place of work, yejin tugged her father's hand, "appa, i don't like sitting still." yejin said with a pout on her face as they entered the movie theater together. "i know." yoongi said, "but i brought your crayons. you can color while i'm working."

"okay," yejin said with her contagious smile spreading back onto her face once she was reminded of the crayons (which had been snagged from a local restaurant by her father).


no matter the struggles that yejin had put yoongi through, she had always managed to make him smile. yoongi worked at the local movie theater, forcing yejin to tag along with him since he

didn't have enough money to pay for child care. though she was only five, "yejin seemed to have an awareness of her fathers struggles." she always tried to make her father laugh since she loved to see him reveal the pinkness of his gums when he smiled

yejin was the sole purpose of his life. the only light that yoongi had in his dark, dark world.

also i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!

thanks for reading :,)

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