《My Wife》Chapter 7
Two weeks have passed already and everything was like usual. Kyoya and Haruhi would go to school together before going their separate ways. They attended their classes like usual and went to the club usual. Nothing seemed out of place yet the other host club members could tell that something was up. Mori and Honey paid it no mind but it was getting on the nerves of everyone.
"Kyoya, doesn't it seem like you're getting a little too close to Haruhi?" Tamaki questioned him.
"How so?" Kyoya said, clicking away at his laptop.
"Just the other day, the two of you were talking to one another," Tamaki pointed out.
"And don't forget that time when you helped her pick up those books that fell on the floor," Kaoru added.
"The Kyoya we know wouldn't ever do that," Hikaru finished.
"You guys are imagining things," Kyoya blatantly replied. "My behavior with her is the same as usual."
They eyed him with suspicion until Haruhi stepped into the room. Today, there were no customers to please due to them holding a "meeting". Though, the only person doing anything was Kyoya. He was planning out the budget for the club as well as how to increase their daily profit.
"What're you guys doing? You're all crowding around Kyoya-senpai," Haruhi said.
"Just interrogating him," Hikaru and Kaoru grinned.
"Interrogating?" Haruhi tilted her head to the side. "Well, just don't bother me then."
Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru looked towards Haruhi in further suspicion. If it was like the usual day when they held meetings, rather than going to the side and studying, she would ask if she could go home first.
"Haruhi, you're not going to ask to go home?" Tamaki asked.
"Why would I?" Haruhi blinked at him.
"But that's what you usually ask," he replied.
Haruhi sighed and gave a tired smile. "Even if I do ask, it's not like you guys are going to let me. Besides, does it seem like Kyoya-senpai will let me?"
They glanced towards Kyoya who was typing away at his computer. He looked up and gave them a quick evil smile, his lenses flashing. "This also counts as club hours and your participation matters. Don't think you can easily leave. Otherwise, I'll be adding more onto that debt of yours."
"See?" Haruhi pointed out.
They weren't buying it. The third-years, tired of seeing their ever-so-suspicious juniors, decided to end this interrogation.
"Hika-chan, Kao-chan, you guys are being weird," Honey said. "Rather than Kyo-chan and Haru-chan being weird, it's you guys."
"Why aren't you calling out Boss on this?" Hikaru and Kaoru pouted.
"Tama-chan's weird enough so there's no point in saying it," Honey smiled innocently. "Right, Takashi?"
Mori nodded his head in agreement.
"How can you treat your King in such a manner?!" Tamaki cried pitifully in a corner of the club room.
Haruhi sighed and returned back to her homework. Why did she even bother with this group of people? An hour had passed and she had finished her homework for the day. Just in time, the bell rang, signaling the end of the club. Haruhi got up and readied her stuff, getting ready to walk to the spot where he usually picked her up. But before she left the room, a voice spoke up.
"It's decided. We're going to go somewhere fun this weekend!" Tamaki declared.
"Eh?" Haruhi sunk her head low.
"I've been observing everyone for this past week and it seems that our bond is beginning to wane," Tamaki pointed out.
"How so?" she said, glancing around the room at the host club members who were still close as always. "You guys can go. I'm not going. You're probably going to plan something really annoying again so count me out."
"Now, now, Haruhi," Hikaru and Kaoru pulled her back.
"This time what Boss said actually makes sense," Hikaru said.
"It's been a while since we last hung out as a club so just come along," Kaoru added.
"I don't want to," Haruhi tried prying the two off.
"Haru-chan, let's go~!" Honey said, looking at her with puppy-eyes. "Takashi also wants to go, too!"
"Ugh," Haruhi flinched back, unable to refuse the pitiful looks her seniors gave her.
"Haruhi, this is the perfect time for us to bond as father and daughter!" Tamaki cried out in joy.
"So that was your true objective!" Haruhi yelled at him.
"Don't be so angry all the time, Haruhi," Hikaru grinned at her as he cupped her cheeks in his hand. "If you keep on knitting your eyebrows like that, you're going to grow wrinkles."
"Who cares about that?" Haruhi said. "Get your hands off."
"Don't want to!" he grinned some more.
Kyoya watched in distaste as Hikaru continued playing with Haruhi. He felt uneasy and for a moment, he felt like throwing Hikaru to the other side of the club room. He narrowed his eyes and sighed. Shutting the laptop, he set it down and looked at Tamaki.
"What's your plan this time, Tamaki?" Kyoya questioned. "I don't want it to be another waste of my time."
"Don't worry, Kyoya," Tamaki said proudly. "This time, we're planning to go to an escape room."
"An escape room?" they all questioned.
"Boss, what's that?" Hikaru asked, an arm swung around Haruhi.
"Tamaki-senpai, don't go spouting random ideas that you've seen on television," Haruhi said, trying to get Hikaru to move his hand but it didn't budge an inch. She sighed and gave up, much to Hikaru's delight.
"Haruhi, you know what an escape room is?" Kaoru asked.
"It's basically a physical adventure game where players solve a variety of puzzles using clues, hints, and strategies to complete an objective within a set amount of time," Haruhi explained. "They basically have to unveil the secret plot."
Just hearing her explanation, everyone in the Host Club - with the exception of Kyoya - had sparkling eyes. They were definitely looking forward to it now. Haruhi regretted what she had just said. She wasn't going to escape from them this time.
"So in other words, it's a game that commoners invented in order to experience a real-life game scenario," Kyoya said. "What a boring idea."
"Kyoya!" Tamaki reprimanded. "Can't you see the beauty behind that idea? For commoners who hardly experience excitement in their life, they invented this to satisfy their needs. Isn't this a superb idea?"
"Agreed," the twins said in unison.
"It's kind of like an intelligence game," Honey said in excitement.
"Seems fun," Mori nodded his head.
"Honey-senpai! Mori-senpai!" Tamaki cried in gratefulness. "See, Kyoya! Haruhi! Everyone's going beside you two and since majority wins, you two are going as well!"
"Ehh," Haruhi said, a gloomy atmosphere forming. "Don't want to."
"The heroine shouldn't be so nonchalant," the twins slapped her on the back, making her flinch.
"We'll pick you up tomorrow at seven," Hikaru said. "Sounds good?"
"Picking me up...?" Haruhi thought about it but a horrified expression soon grew on her face. "No!"
"No?" the twins eyed her.
"All I have to do is go, right?" Haruhi said hurriedly. "You can just give me the address and I'll get there myself."
Hikaru and Kaoru stared at her with a grim face, trying to find a clue that may help them in their search of what's going on with Haruhi. However, before they could pry any further, Kyoya stepped into their conversation.
"Do we have to be there?" he questioned.
"Yes!" Tamaki eagerly replied.
Kyoya sighed as went over to get his bag. "Text me the address and I'll be there. In regards to Haruhi, I'll take her there."
"Huh?" Haruhi looked at him.
"No need, Kyoya-senpai," Hikaru said. "I'll take Haruhi there."
"It's better if I do it. After all, my mansion is closer to her small apartment than your's is," Kyoya looked at him, shifting his glasses.
"Then I'll just wake up earlier," he fought back.
The people of the Host Club watched on as sparks flew around the room. It was a fight between the Shadow King and the Monkey of the club. The hosts watched anxiously as they shifted their eyes back and forth at the two. Haruhi clenched her fists and butted into their little argument. She looked at Kyoya with sternness before looking at Hikaru.
"Hikaru, I'll go with Kyoya-senpai so don't worry about it," Haruhi said. "This way, it'll be convenient to all parties involved. Right?"
Hikaru wanted to say something but he saw the logic and reasoning in her statement. "If you say so."
Haruhi smiled at him. "Thank you, Hikaru."
Hikaru widened his eyes in surprise as a small blush appeared on his face. "It's nothing."
Tamaki pulled out his phone as he began panting and breathing hard like a perverted weirdo. "H-Haruhi, can you smile like that again?"
"No way," Haruhi turned away from him.
"Hikaru, you satisfied?" Kaoru grinned knowingly.
"Shut up, Kaoru," Hikaru said, looking away before slightly nodding.
Kaoru smiled in satisfaction, too, and the two stood near the two seniors who were watching the whole scene unfold in utter amusement. Haruhi turned to Kyoya who was behind her and smiled up at him.
"Since you offered the ride, then I'll be taking upon your offer," she said.
"Yeah," he said.
If it weren't for his ice cold front, it would've been obvious to everyone that his heart was beating and pounding furiously in his chest. She was sly. Needing a distraction, he turned to Tamaki and asked him a question.
"So what time do we have to be there?"
"Eight-thirty sharp," Tamaki held a thumb out.
"Understood," Kyoya sighed. "Then I'll be taking my leave now. Remember to send me the address."
"No worries, Kyoya," Tamaki reassured him. "I'll be sure to send it to you by tonight."
An irksome look crossed over Kyoya's face. "Just make sure you don't send it to me at midnight like the last time."
"I won't," he said, now sweating bullets.
Tamaki made a mental note to himself to definitely send the address to Kyoya first as soon as he got home from school. It was about time for them to leave and so they each dismissed themselves from the room and began walking to the school gates where their chauffeurs were waiting.
"Then Takashi and I will be seeing you guys tomorrow!" Honey waved and the two seniors made their way to their cars.
"Then I'll be going this way. Have a good one, guys," Tamaki bid a farewell.
"Haruhi, you want a ride?" Kaoru asked.
"Your home's pretty far from here if I remember correctly," Hikaru added.
"It's fine," Haruhi said, preparing to go the other way. If she didn't know that the twins were already onto something, she would've acted all flustered again. "By bus, it only takes at most an hour depending on traffic."
The two pouted. "If you say so."
"But I appreciate the offer," she smiled. "See you guys tomorrow then."
"See ya!" Kaoru waved as Hikaru disappeared into the car, covering his mouth in order to hide his tomato red face.
Haruhi began walking down the street, the usual way she took to the bus stop. But at the very last intersection, she took a turn to the right and waited. Just in time, a car pulled up and as always, Kyoya rolled down the window. Haruhi smiled and climbed in even without having him say so.
"They've become quite suspicious of us now," Haruhi said, her eyes closed as she was weary from the school day.
"Yeah. It was an event that was going to come about sooner or later."
Haruhi chuckled a little to herself.
"What's wrong? Did I say something funny?" he asked, quite confused.
"No," she smiled. "It's just that I was sure that you were going to blame me. Unlike you, I'm terrible at acting and telling lies is not my forte."
Kyoya smiled silently to himself. "Why would you think I would blame you? Even if your acting skills were good, they'd still catch on to us. Though, the most plausible reason as to why they're suspicious is probably me," he added the last part quietly.
"Did you say something?" Haruhi perked up.
"It's nothing," Kyoya said before letting out a sigh. "That man drives me nuts sometimes."
"You mean Tamaki-senpai?"
"Who else would I be referring to?"
Haruhi smiled, her feelings regarding Tamaki were on par with Kyoya's. "I agree with you. It's surprising how he has so much energy each time."
"Honestly, he's like a child," Kyoya typed furiously away at his laptop.
Haruhi laughed. "He really is," she said before letting out a smile. "But it's because he's like that, you seem like you're enjoying yourself."
Kyoya looked at her in surprise. "What makes you say that?"
"Your eyes," Haruhi pointed out. "Even though you always have a scowl on, whenever we're with the Host Club, your eyes always seem to be shining."
He looked at her smile and disagreed. It wasn't because of the other hosts that he was enjoying the days here - though he did have to give some credit to them for making his life even a bit amusing - it was Haruhi. She was the reason that he looked forward to the end of the school day each time and probably the person he most wanted to see each day.
"What are you thinking about, Kyoya-senpai?" she asked.
"You look like you're in deep thought," she waved his hand at him. "Is there something wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong. Don't worry about it," he waived her question. "You finished all your homework for the weekend, correct?"
"Then once we go home, pick your clothes for tomorrow. You know the dress code for these things, yes?" he glanced at her.
She smiled. "I'm not stupid. Besides, I was already planning to just wear some plain and simple clothes."
"I know," he flashed a quick smile. "You aren't the type to wear flashy things, after all."
Haruhi chuckled. "Should I take that as a compliment."
"Do as you wish."
"I'll take that as a yes."
Before they resumed their silence, Kyoya glanced up again at her. "Haruhi," he called out. "Meet me in the dining room later at seven. Let's have dinner together."
Haruhi stared at him, her eyes wide with utter shock. In the three weeks that she's been at his mansion, not once had they had dinner together. They would talk for a few minutes or so just to check up on each other but that was all. There was never some kind of time where they could do something together. Hearing him offer something like this, she felt jovial.
"Gladly," she smiled sweetly at him.
Kyoya stared at her in shock before quickly averting his gaze to the outside window. He gave a curt nod to Haruhi before minding his own business again. Haruhi, unaware of the expression she just showed to Kyoya, looked at him questioningly, wondering what was wrong with him. She gave a slight shrug and went back to minding her own business, too. The rest of the ride home was peacefully quiet, something that the both of them enjoyed.
Haruhi took her word back. She thought that the two would be able to enjoy a casual conversation but she thought wrong. She didn't even know what made her think that they would be able to do that. She was a commoner and he was the son of a wealthy conglomerate. Having learned the basics of etiquette with ease, she sliced her meat gracefully and cleanly without making a single noise. She put it in her mouth and ate it before cutting another one.
This is uncomfortable, she thought.
The maids and butlers stood to the side but it wasn't their silence that was awkward, but rather the silence that was between Kyoya and her. The table was long and the two sat at each opposite end, quietly eating. Haruhi looked down at her food and even though she could tell it was delicious, she couldn't taste it.
Kyoya, noticing her awkwardness and dejected expression, wanted to say something but he didn't know how to start a conversation.
I hate this, he thought.
He hated how he was useless in talking to others when it wasn't in regards to business. He noticed the frequent glances that Haruhi gave him and often, he would glance at her as well. The two both wanted to say something but couldn't. Haruhi, not being able to bear it anymore, gave an attempt to start one.
"K-Kyoya-senpai, how's dinner?" she smiled meekly.
"Same as always," he answered. He wanted to punch himself at that moment.
"I-I see," she laughed awkwardly and the silence resumed.
The maids and butlers sensed the two's nervousness and wanted to burst out laughing at how adorable they were; only if it weren't for Kyoya's menacing glare. It was their first time seeing their young master troubled and nevertheless, over a girl. Seeing their dense young mistress, they all smiled, thinking how adorable she was. They marveled at how the two still didn't know their feelings for one another.
"Tamaki sent over the address," Kyoya said.
"He did?" Haruhi looked up, glad that he started a conversation.
"Apparently it's located somewhere in the Asakusa area. It'll probably take a forty minute drive at most so we're heading out at seven thirty."
"Isn't that a little too early?" Haruhi noted.
"If we're early, we're early," he said, dabbing his mouth with the napkin. "It's better to take a look around the area so that we have someplace to go to after."
Haruhi looked at him and smiled at his thoughtfulness. "Yeah! You're right!"
Seeing her eagerly eating her food again, he smiled at her with a soft gaze. Honestly, she was so easy to please. His smile remained there for a good long time as he continued to watch her eat. The maids and butlers saw it and blushed in surprise. Their young master was actually smiling! A real smile instead of a fake one! Yoshio's close aid snapped a quick picture from the outside before disappearing into the thicket of the bushes again.
He smiled, glad to see that the young master was doing well. "It seems that Master was right to choose Fujioka Haruhi-sama," he murmured.
Haruhi continued to enjoy her food while Kyoya set his head upon his hand, observing Haruhi as she ate. The awkward silence had disappeared and a leisurely atmosphere remained. The two talked about what they should do tomorrow and without saying, the two were happy. Now this was the kind of dinner that the two wanted to enjoy with each other.
Clay's Hope
Clay is a man of few human talents. As a wolf, he hunts well and can fight off a grizzly twice his size, but has no aspirations. The idea of a Mate isn't something he has ever seriously entertained. Dreamed about, maybe, but he knows the chances are nearly non-existent. Then he meets Gabby, a human girl. She hates him at first sight, yet he can't let her go. Who he was is no longer important. Now, who he needs to become to win her over is the only thing that matters. Note: This is the companion book to Hope(less), book 1 of the Judgement of the Six Series.
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