《Miss Haruhi Fujioka? (Reader x Haruhi) (Lesbian Story)》Chapter 1


The doors flew open and we were hit with the soft breeze and rose petals. "Welcome~~" The host club! Your favourite thing about this school!!!

You ran over to your host. You used to go to Mori, but changed because he was too focused on Huni... You got ignored. But now you get the attention you want.

You sat down on the couch across from Haruhi along with the other girls. He smiled a cute closed eyes smile. The kind that just melts your heart.

"Hello ladies," he said cheerfully. "How have your days been?"

"Oh I've been just wonderful!" one of the girls says. She's such a host hog! She always tried to take Haruhi's attention, but he's kind and shares it around. "How had yours been?"

"I've been good. A bit swamped with study is all," he replied. He looked over to me. "How have you been (y/n)?"

OMG! He asked you a question. That smile!!! You could feel a blush beginning to cover your face. You tried to quickly cover it but it didn't work.

"G-good," you stuttered out. You always stutter around him. You can't help it. He's perfect!

Eventually it came time to leave, but you wanted to stay there with Haruhi forever! As you and the other girls where leaving Kyoya stopped you all at the door.

"Sorry girls," he started, "But we forgot to inform you, we are hosting a ball this Saturday."

You and the girls all squealed with excitement. The host club balls are the best! A chance to dance with Haruhi!!!

"We will send you the invites," Kyoya called as you all ran off blabbering to each other about the ball.

You couldn't wait until Saturday. When you got home you immediately began looking for the perfect dress to impress Haruhi.


I see you have stumbled along my little book huh? The chapters will be kinda short for more frequent updates. I was just thinking, I've never seen a fan fiction like Haruhi x reader before... so I thought I'd make one. Don't know why, but could definitely be interesting

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