《milk & honey | august》07.


Her eyes opened, they weren't focused but moved randomly— ' the hospital ' she thought, a place she never was fond of; A shadowy, human-like figure hovered over her, resembling a man she had now became familiar with,

"August?" her raspy voice cracked a bit as her vision cleared, it was actually a nurse she had spoken to

"No sweetie, it's the middle of June— August won't be here until another month or so." the nurse gently placed the back of her hand against Laurielle's head, "Your body temperature seems to be normal." she then directed her touch against Laurielle's wrist "Inhale and exhale for me three times please..."

Doing as told, Laurielle breathed in and out as the nurse began counting— her respiration rate seemed to be normal.

"Well Ms.Erves I don't think we'll be keeping you much longer, but once you are released you are ordered to be on bed rest, those opioids nearly took you out. Thank God someone found you when they did, or else things would've taken a terrible turn."

"I bet they would've," she sighed while palming her face "May I leave now? I'm feeling a whole lot better... just a little weak."

"Most certainly, and again bed rest is recommended so please obey— another thing, we weren't able to get a hold of any family members so the next possible person was your fiancé,"

"." she gritted causing the nurse's eyes to widen as she looked across the room at Cameron, Laurielle hadn't even noticed that he was present

"Great to see you too honey," he said sarcastically now pushing his luck "I can take it from here nurse, she'll just need those discharge papers and we're out of your hair."

"Very well, allow Ms.Erves to get dressed and I'll inform our clerk of your departure. Take care of yourself, and have a good day."


Laurielle angrily swung her legs out of the bed as Cameron passed over her clothes, snatching them from him she began getting dressed as he turned to face the wall, "I don't need your help Cameron, so consider yourself dismissed."

"You heard what the nurse said, you need rest and I'm just sticking around to see to it that you get that. I know you Laurielle, you're hardheaded."

Ignoring his antic, she was now fully clothed and making her way towards the desk; After all of the paperwork had been filled out they left the hospital together, and arrived at her home.

He had helped her get settled upstairs in the bed, fluffed the pillows, covered her with a blanket and more as a puzzled expression displayed across her face, "What?" he questioned

"You've never done this for me before, are you trying to use this as a way to weasel yourself back into my life? Because that's not going to happen Cameron, I mean it."

"Come on Lauri, for once just leave that in the past and let me help out. I know we've had our ups and downs but I still care about you, this is just me doing a good deed with no ill intentions. I do admit that I was wrong for trying to throw myself back at you earlier, I was in my feelings."

"It's nice to know that you still have a heart," she said causing him to chuckle a bit ".... thank you."

"You're welcome," he attempted to caress her face but didn't go through with it, "Do you need anything? Are you hungry? I could make you a sandwich if you'd like?"

She tilted her head to the side a bit, while raising her eyebrow "A sandwich? You're going to go downstairs and make a sandwich for me?"


"You're doing it again, don't make this hard on me sheesh— do you want it or no?"

"Sure Cameron,"

He nodded in response and headed downstairs into the kitchen, "It's not gumbo or an all-star breakfast though." she mumbled to herself

Assembling a simple ham and cheese sandwich, Cameron had almost made it out of the kitchen until he heard Laurielle's phone vibrating,

He walked around the counter and lifted her purse into the air, discovering that her phone was resting underneath it; Cameron wasted no time answering the call...

"I guess you've been too busy today to check in with me huh Cher?"

"Um I think you might have the wrong number,"

"No I've got the right number, who am I speaking with— Where's Laurielle?"

Cameron removed the phone from his ear as a twisted expression became present, "Say what? Who the hell is this?"

"August," he replied sounding a bit agitated

"You can't be serious," he chuckled "What were your parents on when they named you that? Never mind don't even answer that, answer this... Why you calling her phone?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you, just give Laurielle the phone because obviously there's some sort of misunderstanding,"

"Yeah obviously there is," Cameron began stroking his chin while scheming up a plan "So you wanna talk to Lauri huh? Bet..."

He slid the phone into his pocket, grabbed the plate, and returned to Laurielle who was impatiently waiting, "It's about time, I'm starving."

"Don't worry baby I'm about to feed you," Cameron said while sitting beside her as she thanked him for the food "I've got a question for you..."

"Which is?"

"Are you seeing someone else?"

"First of all that's none of your business, you don't see me getting into any of yours now do you?"

"I'm saying though, we're grown and there's no need to sugarcoat anything— am I right? Just tell me, I promise I won't be mad."

She huffed while rolling her eyes, "No Cameron I'm not seeing anyone else okay? Are you happy? May I eat in peace please?"

"Sure sweetheart, I'm going downstairs so holler if you need me."

Cameron walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, reaching into his pocket he held the phone up to his ear, all he heard was heavy breathing coming from the other end, "I don't know what she's told you before but as you can see, we're working things out right now and no one is going to stand in the way of my fiancé and I getting back together— not her parents, her cousin, nor August... so is there still a misunderstanding?"

"No, and congratulations" he replied before hanging up the phone

As the weeks rolled by and Laurielle was no longer on bed rest, she wondered why August hadn't called, or even returned any of her calls.

That'd probably be the last time anyone would hear from him ever again...

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