《Hiccup the Night Fury》"Hey Dad, I can talk to dragons!"


Hiccup walked out of Gothi's hut and joined Toothless in looking at the view from the top of the mountain. "Why do you think she has her hut on Berk's highest mountain?" "I don't think walking up and down a tall mountain daily is considered exercise. It's more like torture." "Yes it is."

"Who are you talking to son?" Stoick asked. "How long have you been there?" Asked Hiccup as he turned around to see his father standing a few feet in front of him. "Long enough to hear the whole conversation. Who are you talking to?" "Myself." "Really?" "Yes, just having a mental conversation about Gothi's hut." "And your Night Fury didn't have anything to do with it." "Nope." Stoick then gave Hiccup his 'I want answers' stare. "Oh fine, you asked for it. Dad, apparently I can talk to dragons." Stoick then promptly laughed. This gave Hiccup and Toothless the opportunity to get out and go home.

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