
"So the interior can be a little more on the light brown side . A little bit vintage to it . Like the ..." Madeleine continued her talk about the hotel design in the conference room .

I shifted my eyes to a certain person.

Mr. Zion Irvine.

His ever perfect face was concentrated on the file . His jaw was very defined from the side . His hair was combed to the back . But No gelled .

I don't usually stare at him but want happened yesterday made my mind to wander on its own. I still don't know what to think about the incident . And I dont want to think anything because i am too embarrassed to think what happened. And I want to forgot that embarrassing movement at all cost . But I know that I should thank him. The groceries he brought and for the medicine.

I dont why he helped me .

He is a gentleman men unlike you . My subconscious said .

It's true though .

He suddenly looked up from his file our eyes met . I quickly turned my face away and concentrated on Madeleine interior design presentation.

After the presentation we all stood up . Madeleine then stood up and went to talk to Mr. Irvine about something I don't understand.

Then Zion got up he shut his eyes tightly for a second and massaged his temple . After that he let out a breath and walked out .

I then get out of the conference room . Walking keeping my held up high and posture still .

"Mr.Zion" I called .

I think I have some human left in me .

He turned around looking tired. When he saw me he slightly straighten up .

"Jone?" He asked trying not to sound too tired .

"Thank you for yesterday. I appreciate it" I said Like finishing a business deal .

It is so hard to talk with any emotion other than in my clipped business tone . I guess he won't mind my plain thank you .

"It's okay . You were not feeling well anyway " he said in quiet voice . Like he was exhausted to utter any other word

Is he not feeling well .

But nonetheless we walked to the other room . We have to do some finalize of a project .

He then opened the door but I think he was too tired it didn't open . Before he could push with a little force . I stepped beside him and pushed it open .

"Thanks " he whispered .

We then entered the room . I took the seat at the far corner while Zion took the front . When I looked outside the window it was raining pretty hard .

New York climate for you .

I then went on to give my sketches to the broad members . The other members spoke to Zion about him to finalize the presentation. He didn't look really happy about it .

Soon the members started their another presentation. Halfway through the presentation. Zion put his head in his hands and didn't listen to it .

The members noticed it . Then one of them asked "Are you okay sir "

His head shot put his face looked distress.

"Yeah ! Oh sorry please continue " he said with a pained voice .

The broad members shared a look

"Can we postpone it sir " one of them asked

He nodded and muttered a thank you .

He then put his head down His hands tugging the ends of his hair . He then looked at his macbook . His eyes squinting at that. He then groaned and put his hand over his face and leaned back .

He looked like in real pain .

Should I help him . He didn't ask for any help. When the members asked he just waved off and said to go . So I think he want to be felt alone .


I guess he should have stayed home . Why the hell he would suffer himself by coming to the office . I think he often get its . That's why he didn't want any help .

I then looked at him again he was still in that poision . After a few seconds went by . I heard a faint voice .

"It's paining " he whispered so quietly to himself.

What should I do now . He looked pretty miserable. He then brought his head down and rested on the table with a slight thud .

I think he is crazy. Who in the right mind would have come if they are having the headache is this bad . Him .

I shook my head at his stupidity. Well I'm not gonna help he already said he didn't want it . Maybe I should for what he done for me . But I already said thank you .

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of door opening.

Madeleine came carrying a file . She then looked at me with a grimace look . And when she turned her face and saw Zion lying down her eyes widened.

"Zion " she said and rushed towards him .

"Are you okay " she shook him . When he didn't reply he helped him get up she slide her hands over his waist and steadied him .

She then looked at me and glared "You could have helped " she gritted lowly .

At this Zion eyes slowly looked up meeting my gaze . His face was pained he looked exhausted.

His eyes holding emotions I can't relate . We started for a second I didn't move my eyes from his distress face . He then shook his head and broke the eye contact.

And Madeleine let him outside the door . Well atleast he is in good hands .

I sighed and leaned back I glanced at the window it was still raining pretty hard . I got up picked my stuffs . I then went to the table he was working it was slightly unorganized with some things scattered.

I then looked up the papers scattered and his macbook that he was working. It was still unfinished. Guess his dad is gonna do it .

I then turned around but stoped I then glanced at the table . I sighed. Guess I will clean the table and arrange the paper for compensation.

After that I left the room . After handling the sketches they said tomorrow we have to meet again in the evening. I agreed and got out .

When I was ready to go it was still raining pretty hard driving in this rain is not so good . I glanced at the office of Zion . Should I go in and check him . He didn't come after he went with Madeleine. Well he has Madeleine she will take care .

I glanced one more time at his office and turned my head and walked out of the building.

Checking him up is not my business . I have other things to do .









"So that's how the construction is gonna take place " Mr. Duff said to us .

Currently we are seated in a conference room with some of the sponsors and talking about their newest hotel .

To my front right sat Zion having a confused face his eyes glued to the macbook. He was like that for three minutes straight.

He then looked up to the front where his dad sat opposite to him . He mumbled something but he just shrugged.

Another half and hour the presentation was finally over . We all then stood up the presentation went nice the sponsors didn't give it right away they said they will send in it email .


Before I turned around I saw Mr. Irvine looking at me when he saw me looking at him . He gave me a nod and I returned it .

After that I went to meet with the board member for the final sketch .

The meeting was a liitle bit stress . Madeleine was pretty much handful . If i said anything she would disagree right away or any of the members. Then she would say the same thing I or the members suggested.

Well it was awful .

Madeleine then left a little earlier when she got a call . It was still raining pretty hard the sky was in dark shade creating a dull glow .

Then I got up and went to Zion office to settle the files . The meeting was still not finished since he was not feeling well . I don't why he bothers to come . When he should've stayed in home.

What a idiot .

I knock the grey double door . No response

I knock the door again . No response

Is he there or not

I wait for a moment and again knock again .

"Come in " a strained voice said

I then opened the door and enter . I see Zion is leaning his head back on his chair .

I clear my throat to get his attention.

He slowly opens his eyes when he sees me he straighten up .

"Jone?" he asks his eyes look like they just want to go to sleep.

"Yes!Mr. Duff said you get final say from you " I said and kept the file in front of him.

He then leaned forward and took the file . He did it slowly like he drained of energy.

"Can you message me the essay " he asked looking up . His eyes wore tiredness and exhaustion. His now dull blue eyes looking at me .

"Sure" I said .

He nodded "You can sit at the couch over there " he said his voice was quiet not the usual commanding bold voice .

He should have stayed home .

I then went over the couch and worked on my essay. A few minutes into it i saw straining his eyes and looking at the computer.

He was not in his usual behavior. His hair was little messed up his first button were undone and his tie was loosened a bit . He Pretty much looked like a package of rough day .

I sighed and went to finsih my work . After finishing it I looked at the glass windows to see that the rain was pouring harder and harder .

I then stood up to see Zion leaning his head back with his hand over his face .

I quietly went to the table and placed the file .

I looked up at his rough state . Should I help him or not . I think he want to be left alone . He will be fine without me .

With that I walked towards the door . When I grabbed the door handle to open the door . His voice stoped me

"It's paining " he whimpered faintly.

It was just a whisper a very faint . I could we hallucinating. But I heard it . I stiffened hearing it . I then slowly turned towards him . He was still in that position. He thought nobody was there .

After a moment I took small steps towards him .

When I reached him . He was still in that position. He didn't realize me still standing here . I took a breath and brought my hands to his shoulders.

When he felt my hands . He put his hands down and fluttered his eyes open.

"Jone?" He asked blinking in confusion.

I nodded .

"What are you doing-

I cut him off by moving in front of him.

He straighten up and looked up .

"Can I give you a head massage " I asked looking down at him . His eyes boored to mine . His eyes holding confusion while looking at mine .

He then slightly nodded. I then brought up my hands and my fingers touched his side .

He slightly stiffened . I realized we are close there is only a few feet distance between us . His body was so warm while my hands were cold .

I looked down my fingers still on his head . He looked up from beneath the lashes .

I gave him a small nod And started moving my fingers in a circular motion . His face was soft surprisingly but yet firm . I don't know if that make any sense .

I can feel his eyes on me . But I didn't look up we are already kind of close . So I started my massage I then moved my hands to his head . My hands gliding to his hair .

I felt him froze when I did it . Touching his hair felt weird not that he has a bad hair because he has very good hair it was so soft .

My hands still in his hair . After a moment I started to move my hands and massage it . I never been this close to someone let alone put my hands .

His presence was so close and top of it his cologne was slightly suffocating me .He really should change his cologne but everyone like it expect me . So it's not happen . I will be gone after some months so what is the use .

I feel his eyes close and slightly lean his head back . I now could concentrate knowing that he was not looking at me .

I then brought my hand and pushed his hair to the back . I did it repeatedly by doing this I unconsciously looked down at his face . He eyes was closed he now looked pretty much better . He had this soft feature on his face .

I suddenly jumped forward with a gasp at the sound of thunder .

His eyes quickly opened and his hand grabbed the side of my waist .

"Are you okay" he asked .

"Yes" I said. My hands gripping his shoulders .

I then looked down his eyes boring into mine . We stare at each other his blue eyes went even darker .

"Uhm. Do you feel fine now " I said and started to move away very slowly and subtlety

But he put slight pressure on my waist . Indicating that he caught my subtle movement.

I was confused by it I then looked down at him .

"Can you do it again " he asked his voice a little raspy . He eyes showed a little bit of pleading.

I looked at him for a moment his eyes never leaving me . I then gave him a nod . I saw a small relief pasing through his eyes .

I then looked at his hands which was around my waist . He saw where I was looking and slowly pulled it off.

I then started to massage his head .

Unlike the last time he was looking at me . Watching my every moment eventhough I was fully concentrated on massaging his head it's kind of hard not to mind that his eyes are locked into mine .

"Are you okay now " I asked once I finished. I then quickly moved .

"Better " he replied. I nodded and turned around to walk . But before I could do his grabbed my wrist loosely and slightly tucked around.

"Where are you going " he asked standing up still holding my hand .

"House" I said .

He didn't reply for that . He was still looking down and brought his head up and looked outside the window to see the rain pouring.

"It's raining pretty hard let's wait in the cafeteria after then you can go " he said and glanced at me .

I didn't protest for that because the rain was pouring outside and my driver is also not here today .

I simply nodded. He looked a little bit shocked that I agreed to it . From the corner of my eye . I saw him smiling.

"Good " he said and walked out of the door . We then entered the elevator and I stood at the corner and waited for it to reach the cafeteria .

I felt him glancing at me from time to time. But I kept staring ahead with a stiff posture .

Then the elevator door opened with a ding . We then got out and he guided me to the cafeteria area .

The cafeteria was huge and spacious. It had different seating with best looking cushions . The painting was light blue and some colors giving the cafeteria a nice look . There were also a spiral stair case which led to the top floor .

"Where do you wanna sit " Zion asked beside .

"Can we sit up " I asked turning towards him .

He gave a smile "Sure you go wait upstairs While I bring some snacks " he said . And when I nodded to that he returned it and went to towards the door which written staff only .

I then went up it was just like the downfloor . I then choose a window seat who wouldn't not in the raining season .

I then looked outside the window the rain drops running in different colors like they are in a race . It is a relaxing feeling looking the view and not getting drenched.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of a plate placing in front of me .

"Sorry for the wait " he said and sat down opposite to me .

"It's nothing " I replied dryly.

"Anyway I brought some sandwiches and hot chocolate " he said .

I then noticed the hot chocolate which looks so much tempting to this perfect weather .

I quickly went to take the glass . Since I was didn't wait for it to cool down . When my hands cupped the cup . It burned my hands .

"Ouch" I said and retreated my hands . But Zion was quick and he got my wrist.

"Are you hurt " he asked looking at my hand and at my face .

"No." I said and tired to pull my hand but he held it tighter.

Confused I looked up . But he was not looking at me he was looking at my hand . He then brought his fingers and and slowly rubbed my palm in circles.

I seriously don't know what he is doing . So I just pulled my hand with little force this time .

He looked shocked at this he then blinked and looked at me . I gave him a blank look .

He coughed "Uhm ... just eat you sandwich first and ... you can drink hot chocolate " he said

I looked him for a second. Like if he is gona crazy . He was acting a bit weird. Is it the massage I gave him . I should have left him alone and minded my business.

Shaking my head I took my tissues and wrapped it aroud the cup and took a sip .

The whole time I can feel his eyes watching my every move . But didn't question it . I on the other side could care less .

We then just sat there in silence and waiting for the rain to slow down a little bit . Eventhough Zion was seating opposite to me I can't deny that I am loving this . Hell having a hot chocolate and watching the rain is the best combination that no one could deny unless you don't like the rain .

My thoughts were interrupted my Zion clearing his throat.

I then turned my head towards him .

"Thanks for the massage it really helped" he said his tone was genuine

"Well it's just a massage so it could only ease a little . You should take up medicine " I said the obvious

Well if he getting headaches again and again . He should consult a doctor . I just did it for temporarily .

"Well I don't think that would be necessary I feel a lot better " he said confidently.

"Well if you haven't noticed I'm not a doctor Mr. Irvine you should get treated professionally " I say looking from the rim of the hot chocolate.

He looks at for a second he is little amused that I used his words back to him .

He shakes his head with a smile playing on his lips .

"I will " he says and takes a sip .

I then eat the sandwich and finish off the hot chocolate.

"So how the project is going " he ask

"It's going good . You just have to finalize " I say and give him a glance

He groans and put his head back .

"Tomorrow I will finish it . Sure " he says

I nod . And turn back to look the window. After a moment of silence he speaks.

"Can I ask you a question?" He ask warily

I contemplate before I answer

"Yes" I say .

"Do you live in your penthouse. I'm sorry for intruding I just took a glance I didn't go to your bedroom. Just your living room and kitchen. I'm asking because it felt so empty like nobody lived there.." he trails off and looks at me waiting for a anwer.

"I just moved there " i simply say .

"Oh . That didn't come to my mind sorry" he says

"It's okay " I say .

He nods but I can see he his thinking to himself and trying to match my lies .

I then look out and saw that the rain had slowed a bit .

"I think it's time to leave " I say

He then looks at me and I point towards the glass .

"I think yeah " he says a little disappointed?

We then get up and make our way towards the basement.

When we reached the basement I stopped and turned towards him .

"I will see you tomorrow Mr.Zion " I say and started to turn but his voice stoped me .

"Jone wait"

I turned around towards him and waiting for a explanation

"How are you gonna go" he asked

"By car " I replied dryly.

He sighs . But I'm the one should do that for that stupid question .

"I know that . I guess I could give you a ride " he said

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