
"Are you okay . It's fine you can drop me " she said from behind her breath hitting at the side of my face .

Am I okay? . Giving a piggyback ride to none other than the girl I hated and confused the hell out of me . Was not great but it was not bad she was fairly weight . She was fragile . I had to be extra careful gripping her thighs.

"I'm fine " I said .

She nodded . Unconsciously touching my ear Sending goosebumps all over my body . I wish she stoped doing it i preferred her clipped business tone over it .

And above all of that she smelled really good . Fresh strawberries it was delicate and subtle . Which would calm me but her body pushed literally to my back didn't do much and top of it she took her freaking jacket and was wearing a black shirt. Which didn't do well to my sanity .

"Sorry for this trouble. Physically " she said in a plain voice .

Well that made me snap out my thoughts. How much I hated it, i was now thankful for it .

Yeah physically . I mean in some sort of way .

Okay I should pull it together. It's just reflex. We human do things in reflex without us knowing A reflex action of my body acting to her .

"You could at least sounded sorry and thank you would Suffice jone" I said I stopped calling her miss . It was way too professional and I didn't like it .

"I'm and thank you " she said in her same plain voice . I shook my head and went outside the building.

"You can drop me " she said tightening her hands around mine when I walked a little faster down the steps .

I slowed down so that her hands was not close to me .

"Once we reach the last step " I said .

"Okay'' she said and I was thankful that she didn't nod .

Once we reached the final step . I crouched down . And she slowly unwrapped herself from me without any problem. And put her feet slowly down .

I then turned towards her and she was leaning towards the side of the railing.

"I will call the driver we can then go to a hospital " I said pulling out my phone .

She whipped her head towards me . I thought I would get any reaction from her like confusion shock puzzled but instead I got a blank face .

She was looking at me with that face and then she spoke "You already nursed it " she said and slightly shook her leg .

I looked at her leg then up at her "Well if you haven't noticed I'm not a doctor. It should be nursed professionally " I said looking straight at her .

She shrugged "It's looks pretty fine" she said .

"Well we need to confirm it " i said.

She was about to protest but I stopped her . Well she is stubborn i would give her that . But what I said is the endgame . And there is no way round.

Then my car arrived I then helped her to get inside the car and after that I got in .

"You don't- " she was cut off my phone ringing

"Excuse me " I said and took my phone it was my dad .

"Hello dad !" Hi said .

"Hello! Where are you and did you know where is Miss.jones " he asked

"I'm actually heading out jone had sprained her ankle so I'm taking out is that cool " I asked taking a right turn .

" Is she okay" he asked shocked "yeah dad not a big problem " I said


"Okay come back again after that . Madeleine is constantly asking you " my dad sighed.

"Oh! I will call her and give the news " i said and after a few last words i cut the call .

"You could have just arranged a car for me you don't have to come " she said .

I gripped my hands on the wheels does she know that saying words like this to the person helping you ,Pisses them .

Shit. Why the hell did i even help I should just left her . But sadly I'm not like her .

I didn't say anything to that i just continued to drive . My whole mood went to frustration 101.

I should have never helped her she was just discourteous and insolent. Who shows her bitterness when she supposed to respect.

She is so spoiled !

From the corner of my eyes I saw her turning her face towards me her mouth opened and closed . She shook her then turned her face away and looked outside the window.

I shook my head and drove to the hospital.

When we reached the hospital I opened the door and got out . She also opened the door but did not get up .

"I will go call someone to escort you " I said

''I can walk to the hospital " ahe said right away .

"Without your shoes ?" I questioned.

I didn't want to give her another piggyback ride . I was too frustrated for that . And I can't bear with her being so near to me again .

"Just stay i will come with someone " I said walked away without waiting for an answer.

I then went towards the hospital the smell of medicine and disinfectant . Hitting my nostrils.

After making arrangements . A nurse accompanied me with a wheel chair .

When we got out . I saw jone slightly limping towards the hospital

Does she ever listen.

She then stopped when she saw us coming . She then shifted her eyes from me to the nurse . She was starting at my face without taking anoher step .

"That's her " I said to the nurse and walked off .

I then seated in the waiting room . With a scowl mood. The least she could did was obeyed me and waited for me to come . But miss.I don't care had to walk all the way to the hospital without wearing her shoes .

Sighing I took my phone and scrolled through my emails. While doing it I came across a feed about me and karie .

That shit .

I never regretted hanging with her but the second the news spreaded I instantly did .

Karie is a good friend to hangout. But I never imagined her to the dating level . I had to call my assistant to take the news away .

After twenty minutes . Of waiting my stomach grumbled. How long is gona take . I then message Madeleine that i will only come for lunch .After another five minutes I heard someone cleared their throat.

I then looked up to see the person . It was jone standing with a blank face .

"Finished? " I asked in perverse tone .

She nodded after two seconds . I then stood up and went towards the receptionist to pay the money .

"I paid the money" she said . I turned towards her and gave a tight nod . I noticed that she was wearing some flips flops.

"Uhhh" she started to say something I raised eyebrow at her when she stopped.

She looked up meeting my face "uhmm ...." she stoped and shook her head and said nothing .

I sighed and went towards my car . After we settled in the car I drove off .


"Can we stop by some hotel I'm hungry" she stated.

"Sure" I said nonchalantly

"McDonald's " she asked .

"McDonald's" i repeated puzzled.

"Yes" she confirmed.

I looked warily at her At her queer choice . But nonetheless I complained to it . I was too hungry. I thought I would drop her first and eat . Since we are not in the nice position .

After ten minutes we reached a McDonald's. It feels like ages coming back . The last time I ate would have been probably in college .

"Shall we go '' she asked breaking my thoughts.

I turned around "yes" I said and opened the door and went out .

She already opened the door and got out . We then entered the fast food restaurant.

We then took a seat and sat down . After we ordered. I was quite caught up with the smell and same style which I seen in my college days .

My thoughts were interrupted by the waiter placing a tray in front of us .

I looked at the food it had burgers French fries chicken nuggets a wrap ..coke . Wait a wrap .

I looked up to see her taking the wrap . Did she just ordered a wrap over a burger . Well that was quite little strange .

"You ordered a wrap? " I asked .

"Yes " she said

"Over the burger " I asked shaking my burger.

"Wrap are better than burgers" she said

I widened my eyes at that. "No way . We are know for making the best cheese burger " I said incredulously.

"Yes ! But wraps are easy to eat and its tasty it also has lot of ingredients unlike burgers " she said like a reporter.

"You seriously didn't say this " I asked.

State is many things but making bad burgers is out of the point .

She shook her head and looked at the wrap for a moment .she then looked up meeting my bewildered expression.

She brought her wrap up to my face .

"Take a bite " she said . I titled my head to the side to see her .

"Only one bite " she said .

This would have sounded pretty amusing to me when did not say in her plain voice .

I then wrapped my fingers around her wrist and took a bite . Jone was looking at my reaction while I was chewing it .

"Not bad " I took a sip of my drink and continued " but not good as the burger" i waved my burger slightly.

She nodded and went on to eat her 'wrap' . Not even a eye roll .

This girl .

It is kind of weird and off colour. To be sitting in a fast food joint with jone sitting opposite to me with a small distance but not too small . My legs unconsciously touched her once . She subtly moved it and didn't change that position. Effect of being six foot .

Up close I watched her she was eating her wrap quite enjoyable. Not because of her face gave it . It's because she did not force herself to eat like the sandwich she did at her factory.

She unwittingly took my fries and nuggets . I guess I could let it off . I'm not the one who gets angry if somebody took my food .

I then finished off my burger and nuggets. When I looked up she was still on her wrap . I furrowed at that. When I watched her she would take a bite and after that she could much on some fries and after it she would go for the nuggets and she took the drink and sipped it .

I think she felt eyes on her . She stoped eating and looked up at me watching her .

"Is there something wrong " she asked

"Yes" I answered "you're sipping my drink " I said .

She immediately looked the cup she is holding and to the cup on the table and lastly mine .

"I'm sorry . I didn't realize I ca-

I cut her off by taking her drink from her hands my fingers slightly brushing her and took a sip from it .

"It's okay " I said .

She didn't say anything for a second just watching me . After that she nodded and went to finish off the wrap .

After that we left the restaurant. And went towards my car it was weird I liked it eventhough she made me frustrated . That's the effect of fast food how one can be angry when he had a delicious burger in front of him.

After a few minutes when I glanced at her . She was leaning her head towards the window But kept her eyes wide open .

How I'm supposed to know what is she feeling.

I then thought to myself after spraining her ankle and going to the hospital and having a full meal . Any normal person would like to go and rest so I asked her .

"Do you want to drop you in your penthouse " I asked .

"No ! Office " she said and pushed herself up . Her voice was quiet.

"Are you sure " I asked when her voice went low .

I saw her bringing her hand and placing it around her stomach and she crouched her shoulder down .

"Are you Okay " I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

She didn't reply for that .

"Jone" I called her name .

"I'm okay" she whispered.

That only deepened my crease. She didn't bring her head up . So I couldn't see what she was feeling. Even if she brought her head up the results would be same . But that is not the case now. She was crunching herself down .

I thought about everything why she was doing that .Is itbecause of the ankle . But that didn't even make any sense. Is it the wrap she ate . I told her not to go for the wrap . Was is food poisoned but that would be ridiculous that was one good fastfood. Maybe it is .

I then stopped thinking suddenly. When I remember something .

About the girls

Or women

The .. the what is it again .

The the ..


It's period . She is havjng her period pain. Cramps . Oh no .

Without a second thought I drove to her penthouse. She didn't see where I was going since she her head held down .

We then reached the penthouse. I.cut the engine off . She still didn't look up .

"Jone" i called . No response.

I then placed my hands on her shoulder

"Jone" i called in a quite voice .

She then looked up her grey eyes meeting mine . I was captivated how grey it was . I was not close enough to look at it . But I know for sure her eyes is something was so rare to see .

She blinked at me . Then only I realized I was staring her . I quickly removed my hands feom her and moved a little away .

"Uhmm.. you are not feeling well so I brought you to your penthouse. Is that okay ? " I asked .

She then quickly turned her head towards the window and realized that she was indeed in front of her house. She turned towards me looking at my face .

"Thank you " she said softly . But it was very subtle I only catch it like fifty percent.

"It's okay " I said .

She gave me one final nod . Before she could open the door . I clicked a button so it would open . She glanced at me gave me a another slight nod . And got out

I was little worried if she would be able to go to her door safely . She was already having a sprained ankle . So unlike the other day I watched her going towards her penthouse.

Not even taking two steps from the car she stumbled over her steps . I got out of the car and was in her side in three seconds.

I guess I can help her till she goes to her room .

"Hey! Are you okay" I asked placing my hand on her back .

"I'm okay you should go " she said quietly. I think she was too tired to speak .

"You are not . Let me help me you are just gonna sprain your ankle more " I asked .

She didn't say anything for that . I then stated walking her to the elevator. There was one small lobby and a receptionist . We then entered the elevator. She was leaning her body towards the side of the elevator.

Then the elevator door opened with a ding . We then got out . The hallway was so small and there was only one door .

"Keys " i asked her .

She looked up at me and didn't say anything. I think she didn't hear it .

"Keys " I repeated .

She then nodded and slowly pulled her purse up but before she would do anymore .

I gently grabbed it "i got it " I said .

I then rummaged through the purse . It had a whole universe in it . How the girls get the things out of it . Is a still mystery.

I finally came across the keys and pulled it out and opened the door .

When I glanced at her she held her head down. I then slightly placed my hands at the back and moved her forward. She didn't protest for that .

When I entered her house . I blinked my eyes one twice thrice . The penthouse was clean . Like super clean .

It was actually felt like nobody lived here . I was confused if it is the right house.

There was no life in it . And no smell of home. Like we get the feeling of home after a busy day . Not at alll .

Everything was so minimal no painting no architecture just plain room with sofa to sit and some light and a heater .

I glanced at her she seated herself on the three seater cushion .

"Uhm do you need some water " i asked her .

Her whipped her head towards my voice . She thought I would probably be gone .

After a moment of realization she finally spoke "No ...uhm " she cleared her throat.

I shook my head "I will get some water and some food " I said and walked towards the kitchen.

Well I will just get her water then I will leave .

I then opened the fridge. My mouth feel open at the sight the fridge. It barely had anything in it .

What the actually fudge

Scratch that the fridge had nothing except for water bottes . I then checked the cabins the same nothing . What the hell . I looked around the kitchen it was plain and empty. How is that even possible. The kitchen is the place where we spend most of the time . But this place it felt nothing like a kitchen .

Then only it clicked to me... she

She doesn't cook . Okay .

But that does not mean she didn't have any groceries. I put that thought behind my mind and went out of the penthouse.

After fifteen minutes. I arrived again at her house with a bag full of groceries.

Well I actually didn't leave her . I went to the store to buy some food and medicine for her .

Well I'm maybe a man but I'm not dumb . I know the feeling i mean I have seen it . How the girls have a pained expression when it arrives. I have seen it in my college days the girls would run to the infirmary with tears falling down and scrunching their stomach.

It was not a pleasant sight .

I have even seen my dad doing it for my mother whenever she goes through that . So I pretty much know about it . I have manners . My mom taught me well .

Well hell I have a freaking sister . That girl throws a whole tornado when its time . She literally turns different. One time I went inside her bedroom to get something well I didn't know she was in her period how he hell I would have know that .

She literally threw a pillow at my face and shouted for the existence of male human being .

I'm still confused on that .

After that I would keep a sixteen foot distance at that time period.

I then placed the groceries I brought. Thankfully the worker was a old man so he helped me . He said he went through that .

He told me to buy some meat eggs and ice cream . I made sure I didn't buy strawberry flavor . The only thing I know about her that she didn't like strawberries.

So I brought everything expect for strawberry flavor Atleast she would act a little civil after that Well hell I never did anything like this . She should be lucky . Me Zion Irvine doing this for the girl I hated .

I then went to the living room . When I saw her she was curled up in the sofa . Sleeping soundly.

I silently kept the food aside and went near her.

She looked so small with her knee pulled up and her hand tucked under her head .

I was little shocked seeing her like this . She looked peaceful sleeping like this . Like pure fragile innocent girl . Nobody would have believed she is unkind ruthless women . But sadly she is .

I then took my coat and gently covered her . Since there was no blanket around and I also didn't want to intrude her bedroom. That is totally a different side.

I gently brushed her hair from her face. My fingers slightly brushing her soft face . She is so soft who would have thought that .

She lightly stirred but didn't wake . She was still sleeping so angelic like a babe in the woods .

"Why are you hiding this jone " I whispered . I gave one final look and went out of the plain empty penthouse.








"Why did you leave us for that women " Madeleine asked with a hint of distaste.

"Sorry Madeleine! She sprained her ankle " I said .

Madeleine and I met in college . She was the famous popular girl in college . Everyone said she was the regina George of our college .

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