《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》27
Dylan POV
today is a big day, it's the day of the champion ship game. the last chance our boys have to get a national title. and if they win, they will have had a perfect record of four and o. which is something that hasn't been done in years. so there is a lot of pressure on the boys today.
we are in Nashville for the final game, and it's against one of of our toughest competitors this season. and the last time we played Yale, we lost. so the boys are a little nervous. so i have been trying my hardest to keeping Coopers mind off of it.
"alright team, i just want to say a few words before we have to get on that field. almost half of our team will be leaving us after today, which is sad. but i know that you will be moving on to bigger and better things. so i just want you all to know that i am so proud of all of you. and i wish you the best of luck in what is next to come. but win or loss. i want to see you all on the field on monday. so that i can give you all a proper goodbye." our coach gave a speech and it was honestly very heartfelt.
i noticed a few of the seniors crying, and honestly i was tearing up. theses last four years, cheering on this team has been such an important part of my life. i have mad so many great friends, and it's been such an amazing experience. and i am going to miss it, since i decided not to purse cheering in the NFL. Cooper liked to joke, and say i should cheer in the NFL, and cheer on the team he was drafted to, but i wasn't feeling cheering for the NFL. i wanted to put my degree to use.
"alright lets start with some stretches, so that we are nice and lose, Captain take it from here" Coach spoke.
i nodded, and called everyone one around so i could lead them in stretches. we stretched for about fifteen minutes before we where all lose and good.
"alright let's have a quick water break" i called out it was so hot out, and i wanted to make sure we stayed hydrated.
"you have no idea how good you look bent over stretching" Cooper came up behind me with his hands on my hips.
i couldn't help but giggle, i smiled and turned so that i could face him. he was a little bit sweaty, but that's to be expected.
"how you feeling?" i questioned.
"i am feeling confident" he was clearly lying. he was stressed and i could see it all over his face.
"mhm your lying to me, i know your stressed. but you shouldn't be, you guys have the better recorded then Yale. so you lost to them last game. but you have beaten then before. and you can do it again. and i have faith that you will win. and you just need to believe in your self and your team." i gave my best pep talk.
"your so amazing you know that" he smiled.
"i know i try" i giggled.
he looked around him for a second, then grabbed my hand and started dragging me somewhere.
"Cooper what are you doing" i tried to get his attention.
"shh just follow me" he didn't tell me anything.
finally he pushed me into the single stall family bathroom. before i could even ask what he was doing he pushed me up against the door, locked it and smashed his lips on to mine.
"Cooper" i tried to push him off cause we had to get back to the field.
"mhm" he mumbled against my lips.
"we have to get back to the field" i tried not to moan as he was kissing my neck.
"we have time" he tried to hick my skirt up.
"Cooper no" i smacked his hands away. it's not that didn't want to, we just didn't have time.
"we can be quick i promise" he pouted.
"Cooper you like to take your time, you don't know the meaning of quick" and it was true.
"well i am sorry that you just feel fucking amazing, that i don't want to rush out of you. if you let me i would stay inside you all damn day." and he was not joking.
"i promise you that once you win, we can have all the sex you want." i decided to bargain.
"how we will be at the hotel" he huffed.
"well we will just have to get creative" i smirked.
"your so crazy you know that" he grinned.
"i know that's why you love me. but you also love me for this to" i smiled and stated to pull his shorts down.
"fuck you serious" he looked shocked.
"think of it as a little motivation to win" i grinned.
he moaned as i wrapped my mouth around him.
"damn baby" he moaned and placed his hand on the door to steady himself.
he came after and few minutes, and i stood up with a grin. he looked dazed, and i couldn't help but chuckle.
"i love you, and not for what you just did. but for what you have done theses last couple weeks i would have been a wreck with out you baby" he was so sweet.
"i love you too, and i am happy i could help. now we have to get back to the field." i didn't want to be late.
he nodded and we peaked our head out, and the coast was clear. so we left and made our way back. i went over to Hadley and the team, and Cooper went over to his.
"you guys did not just fuck" Hadley whispered in shock.
"no we didn't, he tried to. but he hates rushing. so i knew we would be late. so i just gave him a little something to take the edge off instead" i grinned.
"your so crazy, but honestly i did the same to Max before we left" Hadley blurted.
"wait what?" i didn't even see them leave.
"i am just that good" she smirked.
i laughed at her expression, cause she was super sneaky.
"Can you believe this is it, our last game. the last time we will be cheering" Lexie one of the senior girls on the team, came and sat down beside Hadley and i.
but she was right, i couldn't believe it either.
Cooper POV
today was the day, the Nationals the last game i would ever play as a college food ball player. the next time i play, i will be a professional player. was being payed to play. i have been a nervous mess theses last couple months. with the play off, and now the final game.
thank god for Dylan, she has been doing an amazing job keeping me distracted. she's been so supportive not just to me, but to my family. i honestly don't know what i would do with out her, she's literally the best thing that ever happened to me. and if i would have opened my eyes, i would have found that out sooner.
i honestly don't know how i never knew anything about her until this year. i mean she's insanely beautiful, and an amazing cheerleader. but now that i have her, i don't ever plan on letting her go. which is why i planed on asking her to move in with me, once i knew where i was going. i wanted her with me, and i know that she could get a job where i was drafted, so i am hoping that she will agree.
cause i really didn't want to have to do the long distance relationship. i was pulled out of my thoughts by coach. he was getting us all into the locker room, so that we could get all padded up, and our pre game pep talk.
"alright boys, most of this team is made up of seniors. so a lot of you will be moving on. and it's exciting to announce that ten seniors are being drafted. which as a coach is just such an exciting thing. i wish you all the luck, weather it be in the NFL. or what ever you decide to do. now i know that we can win today, our team is strong. so play as a team. and no matter the out come. i am proud to have been your coach this season." he looked a little sad. and it's to be expected.
"alright guys, let's get padded up and kick some Yale ass" i stood up and was trying to hype up my team. we needed to be full of energy.
they all stood up with me and where booting and hollering. i would miss this, this team have become my second family.
we where all dressed and getting ready to take the field, the cheerleaders where all ready at the front waiting for us to burst threw. the crowd was packed, and i knew my family was in there somewhere and Tristan, since she got the clear to fly and we didn't want to leave her home alone. and i am pretty sure Dylan's parents where here somewhere to.
"you ready?" Max placed his hand on my shoulder.
"i am ready, we got this" i didn't know if was saying that for myself or for Max.
he nodded and then coach gave us the go ahead of run on the field. and when we did the crow was going wild. it was a packed house which wasn't surprising to me. we ran over to the bench, and took our seats so we could go over a few things before we start
"alright boys play hard, i have faith in us as a team" Coach smiled and we where off to the field.
there was only thirty seconds left on the clock, and we where down by a touch down. i could tell my team was down, but as there captain i had to give a little pep talk.
"alright don't look at the clock, we have a thirty seconds left. that is plenty of time. we can do this i know we can. now keep our heads in the game and stay focused." i gave my speech.
we went back on to the field, and i nodded to Max, he knew what the meant. we just know who each other so well with a simple look. the ball was snapped to me, and i took off running, while Max took off down the field. i knew i had to throw it now, so i threw the ball as hard as i could. and i watched it spirl threw the air. all the way to Max who was in the end zone.
he caught the ball diving on to the ground. and then the buzzer went off. we did it we won the game. i couldn't believe it. Max and i started to charge towards each other. and the crowd was going wild. Max and i tackled each other in a hug. we did it.
i looked over at the bench, and our team was dumping our gatorade bucket on coach. and i couldn't help but laugh, but before i knew it there was Dylan running towards me. i couldn't help but smile, she jumped into my arms, and caught her with ease.
"you did it like i knew you could, i am so insanely proud of you" she was grinning.
"thanks baby, i love you" i couldn't help it i smashed my lips on to hers.
but i wasn't the only guy kissing his girl friend, so it didn't matter. i just wanted to celebrate with her. Max and i also had it worked out that, he would sneak up to Hadley's room and we would sneak Dylan down to our room.
"alright boys we need to get our rings" Coach called out, he was dripping wet, but i knew he didn't care.
"go i will see you after alright" Dylan was smiling.
i kissed her once more, before i made my way over to my team.
"can you believe it a perfect four and 0" Max was smiling.
"i know so crazy" i was so excited.
after we got our rings and trophy. we made our way to the dressing room. we where all still hyped, so it took us a lot longer to get out then normal. but when i did walk out, all my family was waiting for me.
"oh my baby i am so proud of you" Mom gushed and pulled me into a hug.
"thanks mom" i didn't let the fact that she called me baby bother me. even though it did.
"you played good son. that last throw was something else" dad patted my back.
"thanks dad" i couldn't whip the smile off my face.
"so i think we should go out for a celebration diner" Dad announces.
i tried not to groan, i know my family wanted to spend time with me, but i just wanted to spend my time with Dylan.
"that sounds like a great idea" mom agreed with Dad.
"well i don't think your champion over here agrees" Justin the little fucker he is piped up.
"Bite your tongue now" i glared at him.
i wasn't about to let him say something inappropriate, especially in front of Dylan's parents. he rolled his eyes at me, i felt Dylan squeeze my hand. and i relaxed at her touch.
we ended up going to diner, which was surprisingly okay. it was only an hour and a half. then they dropped us off back at our hotel.
"so Max and i deviced a plan, he's going to your room. and your coming to mine." i tell Dylan.
"well aren't you just sneaky" she grinned.
"well i just knew that i needed to get you alone, and actually it was Max who suggested the idea. so i just agreed how could i refused" i mean seriously how could i.
"your terrible" she giggled.
"no i am just crazy in love with my girlfriend" i concluded.
"i know she's so amazing isn't she?" Dylan was always the joker.
"i know she's so beautiful do you happen to know where i could find her?" i joked right back.
"ya i saw her leave with some football dude way earlier, i don't know if you know him he had black hair an-" i cut her off before she could finish what ever she was planing on saying next with a kiss.
it didn't last long, since the elevator opened up to my floor. i grabbed her hand and dragged her to my room. honestly coach knew what we where all doing, he knows every time we leave. but he's never caught anyone.
not sure if it's because he doesn't look, or if he just doesn't care. but either way i am great full. so i pushed the door opened and pulled Dylan in.
"so if i remember correctly, i was promised all the sex i wanted if i won. so you better be prepared" i was serious. but i mean she knows it's nothing normal for us to be one and done.
we usually go at least two maybe three times. but sometimes way more depending on our moods. and i was in a mood to go as long as i could.
"your offer expires in the morning" she gave me a pointed look.
"good thing i can sleep on the plane" i smirked.
she rolled her eyes and i picked her up in a flash and threw her down on the bed.
"your phone on do not disturb" i wasn't about to be interrupted.
"it is, is yours?" she asked.
"mhm" i nodded and moved my lips to hers.
i wasted no time i'm pulling her close off, but just as she was reaching up to pull my pants down there was a knock on my door.
"oh fuck sakes, you have got to be kidding me" i was so annoyed.
Dylan laughed and pulled the blanket up to cover her self, and pull my shorts back up, and looked threw the peep whole. it was Max what the hell was he doing here. he knew the plan.
"dude really" i opened it a little bit not wanting him to see Dylan.
"i know i know my bad, i texted you. but clearly you didn't get it. just pass me my bag. then i am out of your hair for the night i promise" he looked sorry.
"annoying ass people always interrupting" i muttered under my breath and i go and grab his bag.
Dylan laughed as she clearly heard what i said. but i was literally so sick of it.
"here fucker" i threw the bag at him.
"thanks sorry again" he waved and walked away towards the elevator.
"i am literally going to shoot the next person who interrupts us i am so serious" i was so over it.
"Sit" Dylan patted the bed beside her. i huffed and flopped down, and she swung her legs over top of me so she was straddling me.
"at least we hadn't started yet, then i would have been just as ticked" Dylan says as he kissed my neck.
"mhm" i couldn't think when she did that.
she lifted her self up off me a little bit, then pulled my shorts off. i helped her kick them off my legs.
"no foreplay i just want you now" i was serious.
"okay" she nodded then moved so she was lined up with me and sunk down on me.
"fuck" i moaned out as she sank down on me.
she literally felt like heaven, i don't know how it can get much better then this. honestly i mean what's a better way to celebrate a big win, then with the girl you love.
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