《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》25
Dylan POV
"Dylan i am freaking out" Hadley burst into my room.
"what's going on" i closed my laptop and patted the spot beside me.
" i am meeting Max family tonight" she looked stressed.
"okay that's so exciting, i will help you get ready" i knew that was one of her worries.
"apparently we are going to some restaurant, i don't think i will be able to eat anything" she was stressing
"relax okay, i will help you. so don't even stress. when is Max coming to pick you up." i needed know, so i knew how much time i had to get her ready.
" he said around five thirty" she tells me.
i looked at the clock,and it was only noon. so we had a bunch of time to kill.
"well you need to relax for a while. we have a bunch of time. unless you want to shower now so it's out of the way." i wanted her to decided.
"i need something to do, so i am going to shower" she decided.
i nodded my head, and she walked out of my room. i opened my lap top back up, and then i saw a text message pop up on my screen. since i have a Mac Book it's linked to my i phone. i saw it was a text from Cooper and i couldn't help but smile.
it's amazing having a boyfriend like Cooper. he's just so perfect for me, it's funny how things work out. Mom was right though. she said that it started out as playful banter, then turned into serious conversations. and that's exactly what happened. it's funny to think that next month we will have been together for almost six months. i don't count that two weeks broken up as the start of our relationship.
and i know Cooper doesn't either, but i really can see myself marrying Cooper. and i know that where ever he gets drafted. i am going to follow him, and look for a job down that way. i don't know if i will follow him right away. but i know i will make my way down there one way or another. it's crazy to think about leaving Alameda though.
i have lived here my whole life, but it's exciting thinking about moving and starting a new chapter of my life. speaking of starting a new life, i reached over to my bedside drawer and pulled out the card.
i looked at it and sighed, it didn't hurt to call. so i dailed the numbers and waited.
"hello this is Jose Deluca" he picked up the phone.
"hi Jose, i am not sure if you will remember me or not. but this is Dylan Morris. we met at the restore in Saint Lucia" i was nervous.
"ohh Dylan yes the long blond hair girl, with beautiful blue grey eyes. i have been expecting you call" he sounded excited.
"ya i have just been trying to process things" i was honest.
"listen i would love to meet you in person again. so why don't you come down to my office this weekend" he voiced.
"oh um where's your office?" i needed to know.
"well i have multiple, i have an LA office, a los vegas office, and recently a Alabama office. so what ever one works for you i can make my way there. Currently i am in Alabama, getting things up and running" he explains.
"that's actually so perfect, i am in Alabama." i mean what are the odds.
"well then we should meet up" he says.
"for sure, um how dose Thursday work for you?" i was hopeful.
"i have some time around three o'clock" he announced.
"perfect, just give me the address and i will see you then" i was smiling.
he gave me the address,and we said our goodbyes. it felt good calling him, i have no idea what will come of this. but i can say i have any regrets about it, because i know if i didn't i would have always wondered about the what if's.
at around three o'clock, Hadley knocked on my door. i knew it was time for her to start getting ready.
"alright what have you decided to wear?" i questioned cause that will depend on the rest of the look.
"well i was hoping i could borrow a dress? you know since you have more of the fancy kind" she looked hesitant to ask.
"of course, and you know what. i think i have the perfect dress. it's nothing to flashy. but it's elegant and would look so cute with a cropped sweater" i informed her and went to my closet.
i looked threw my dresses until i found the one i was looking for. i pulled it out and showed it to her.
"it's perfect" she smiled.
"alright so i am thinking white heels?" i wanted her clarification.
"ya i agree. and i want curls in my hair" she tells me.
"okay i have a cute curly hair style that i think will look amazing." i have been wanting to try this one for a bit. but it would be to hard to do on my own hair.
"alright lets give it a try, i am sure i will love it" i hoped so.
"oh wow" Hadley gushed as she looked in the mirror.
"you like it?" i wanted to make sure.
"it's perfect" she was smiling.
"alright makes up time" it took me an hour and fifteen minutes to do her hair. and i knew it would take me a bit to do her makeup too. we where making good timing.
"it's five o'clock" Hadley points out as i put the final touches on her makeup.
"well all you need to do now, it get yourself dressed. spray some perfume on. and make sure you clutch is packed." i informed her.
she nodded, " can i borrow a pair of your heels too?" she asked as she started to slip on the dress.
"of course i have the prefect pair in mind" i went into my closet. and pulled out the pair i was looking for.
she was dressed and ready to go, and she looked amazing.
"you don't think i look to simple?" she was stressing out as she looked in my mirror.
"no you look elegant, you don't want to look to over the top flashy. you look polished and beautiful. letting your natural beauty shine threw" i encouraged her.
"okay" she was slightly calming down.
"Cooper and i are going to Casey's for diner" i change the subject to ease her mind.
"oh there milkshakes though" she knew what's up.
"i know right, i have been craving one for ever. maybe i will bring you one back." i knew i would.
"oh i would love you forever" she grinned.
i laughed and then there was a knock on the door. we knew it was Max.
"you look good, now go open the door. don't keep your man waiting" i ushered her to the door.
she opened it and Max just looked at her with pure love in his eyes.
"you look beautiful" he complimented her.
"thank you, you look handsome" she smiled.
"shall we" he held his hand out.
"we shall, by Dyl don't forget i like mint chip" she knows that i know what she likes.
"by have fun" i rolled my eyes and closed the door as they walked out.
now it was time to get myself ready. i wanted to stay casual, but still look cute for Cooper. so i decided on a jumpsuit. it was still warm enough out so i knew i would be okay.
i put on a little bit of makeup just to feel complete.
there was a knock on my door as i was pulling on my shoes.
"it's open" i called out for him to come in.
"wow can't even open the door for me" i heard his voice.
"sorry was tying my shoes" i giggled then stood to to meet him.
"damn you look good" he smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.
"thanks, you look good your self" i was honest.
"so you might kill me, but we won't be alone tonight." Cooper drooped the bomb.
"okay?" i wasn't sure where this was going.
"so Zach is going to be there, with his baby mother" he informed me.
"um what?" i wasn't sure what was happening.
"ya i know it's not ideal, but she asked if they could talk. and he said he wanted me there for moral support. and when i told him i had already made plans with you. he just kinda invited them along" he explained.
i knew i couldn't be mad, he was just trying to do his brotherly dilutes. and i respects that.
"i understand, i still get to have diner with you. so i don't care who else is there" i was honest.
"okay good so it's okay that the rest of my family is joining too then?" he added on.
"why not just tell me they will all be there right away?" i didn't under stand him sometimes.
"i don't know i guess i wanted to see if you would change your mind" he admits.
"i don't care, i haven't seen your mom in a while." i was going to make the best of this situation.
" i love you" he smiled.
"i know i love me too" i joked.
he grinned and grabbed my sides and started to tickle me. that's my weak spot.
"Cooper stop" i cried out laughing.
"tell me you love me back" he argued.
"i love you back" i laughed and he stopped his attack on my sides.
"good now we can go" he grinned.
Cooper POV
"hey Coop" Justin voiced as i picked up his phone call.
"what's up" i flopped down on my bed.
"so mom and them are meeting Tristan, and i was hoping you would come. so that you can help keep the peace" he sounded desperate.
"sorry dude, Dylan and i have diner plans to go to Casey's" i wish i could be there but i can't back out on Dylan.
"oh that's so perfect, we can all just join you. it would be so much better then at home. that way no one can really lash out and yell" he says.
"woah woah woah back up a second. this was a date, between Dylan and myself." i informed him.
"well now it can be a family date, i really need you. mom will be softer with you around, and Dylan. she loved Dylan" he had a point.
"alright fine, we will be there around six fifteen" i tell him.
"thank you, i owe you one i promise" he better.
"ya you will" i knew i was making the right choice.
i knew Dylan would understand, and i didn't want her to back out. so i didn't send her a text, i will just tell her at her house.
like i knew she would, Dylan was understandable. i know it wasn't the most ideal situation, but i had to support my brother.
"so what do you know about this girl?" Dylan questioned as we walked into i the restaurant.
"well her name is Tristan, she's a senior and that's it" i gave her my limited knowledge.
"oh wow she's beautiful" Dylan voiced and i turn around and was shocked.
i'm walked my family, followed by a very beautiful black girl.
"Tristan this is my brother Cooper, and his girlfriend Dylan" Zach introduces us.
"ah so i see i am not the only one with a boys name, even though i am a girl" Tristan joked with Dylan.
"right i have just leaned to except it now though" Dylan was smiling.
they all sat down, and it was kinda quite for a second. before Dylan broke it.
"i have to ask, who dose your braids. they are amazing" she was so sweet.
"oh i actually do them myself" Tristan tell her.
"wow your talented they look professionally done" she voiced.
"thanks" Tristan looked a lot more comfortable now.
a waitress came to take our drink orders and we all ordered, but she kept staring at Tristan in a rather rude way. i am not the only one who noticed.
"i am sorry is there a problem?" Dylan piped up.
"i am sorry?" the waitress looked confused.
"well i don't know if you know this, but it's rude to stare" Dylan was so sassy.
the waitress rolled her eyes and turned to walk away.
"we would like a new waitress" Dylan called out to her as she walked away.
Tristan was trying to contain her smile, so was the rest of my family.
"so Tristan tell us about your self" mom piped up.
"well there's not much to tell really" she looked shy.
"okay what about parents? hobbies? siblings?" mom listed off fast.
"mom just relax" i stepped in she was overwhelming the poor girl.
"sorry" mom apologized.
"well it's just me and my mom, my dad passed a few years ago. i have no siblings i am an only child." she listed off.
"we have so much in common, i am am only child too" Dylan tells Tristan.
"wow that's crazy" Tristan smiled.
then a new waitress came to our table and placed our drinks down.
"sorry about her, she's still new. but i am the manager here. and just let me know if you need anything. again so sorry about her" she apologized.
"thank you" mom said for all of us.
"so are you ready to order?" she asked us.
and we all nodded so we gave off our orders.
"so what are some of your hobbies?" Mom asked Tristan again.
"well i love hair, and cosmetology stuff really." Tristan says.
"so your a senior correct?" Dad asked her.
"ya" Tristan looked down at her hands.
"so what have you guys decided" Mom brought up the whole reason why we are here.
"well for now i am going to take care of her" Zach voiced.
"her?" mom gasped.
"ya it's a girl" Zach smiled.
"finally" mom cried. she has been wanting a girl to take care of forever.
"so you are going to take care of her by yourself self?" dad asks.
"yes i am" Zach was confident in his response.
"alright if that's what you both want. you know your dad and i will help you." Mom was happy now that she knew it was a girl.
i noticed Dylan studying Tristan. not in a creepy way, but in way like she was trying to figure out the situation.
"what's wrong" i leaned down so i could try and whisper.
"nothing" Dylan smiled.
i just left it for now, not wanting to upset anyone.
"so i guess we should start to clean out a spare bedroom then" dad says.
Zach nodded, than the food came out and was placed down in front of us.
"so have you thought of any names?" mom asked Zach.
"not really no" he admits.
"well you still have time" Justin stepped in.
"it will be here sooner then we expect though" mom says.
we finished diner and dad payed for everyone, much to Dylan's protest. we where just getting ready to leave when Tristan looked at Dylan.
"can i talk to you for a second?" Tristan asked Dylan.
"Sure" Dylan smiled and they walked over to the side.
"i wonder what that's all about?" Zach questioned.
"she feels comfortable around her, they can relate." mom voiced.
"ya i guess" Zach says.
"she's quite" Dad was right.
"ya i think she's just nervous, she usually isn't" Zach tells us.
i looked over at Dylan and Tristan. and i could see them in a tight embrace, and i could tell from the looks of it Tristan was crying. now i was curious.
"has she told you why she didn't want to keep it?" mom asked what i have been thinking.
"if i am being honest, i think she wants to keep it. it's just that she's being forced not too" Zach confessed.
"why would you say that?" dad asked.
"well when we went to the appointment yesterday, she seemed all excited. she even cried when she found out it was a girl, but then as we where walking out, i noticed she went kinda blank when we got to our cars. there was a woman in there. i think her mom, and then she just changed. from excited to just blank emotions" Zach tells us.
Dylan was walking over, but Tristan remained off to the side.
"you guys can go" Dylan tells them.
"what?" mom looked shocked.
"Ya i am going to stay with her for a bite. she wants to keep taking, but she doesn't want to do it here. so i told her i would call us an uber and take her back to my house" Dylan explained.
"well i want to come to" Zach voiced.
"Zach we should give them some space" i tell him.
"well what's wrong is she okay?" he looked concerned.
"she will be fine, i promise. she just needs someone to talk to. who she feels like she can relate to that's all" Dylan tried to assure us.
"here take my truck, there's no nodded fo call an uber." i figured Zach would want to talk anyway.
"you sure?" Dylan questioned.
"he's sure we can bring him home" mom stepped in.
"alright" she smiled and grabbed the keys i was handing her.
"i am thinking your right" i looked at Zach.
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