《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》24
Cooper POV
Sadly we where back home in Alabama. we got home a couple days ago, and i wanted to go back more then anything. it was crazy here, will all school work. and the starting of the play off. which is always a stressful time for me. even more so now that it's my senior year. and the scouts will be looking, and i need to make a big impression. i can't not get drafted.
i was in the middle of doing my assignment, when there was a rapid banging on my door. witch was weird i wasn't expecting anybody. but i stood up and looked out the pepe hole, it was Zachary.
"what's with the rapid banging, and why didn't you shoot me a text to tell me you where coming" i pulled opened the door.
"i am am so screwed" he pushed passed me and started passing.
"what's wrong?" i was hesitant to ask.
"i can't do this i it's all wrong it wasn't supposed to be this way." he was freaking out.
"it's yours isn't it" i decided to ask.
the gut reaching look he gave me was all i needed.
"i can't do this, it's i what do i do" he was rambling.
"what your going to do is obvious. your going to man the hell up, and face the fact that your actions have consequences. your going to be there for that kid. your not going to let that kid grow up with out you. because your not ready. well guess what, if you weren't ready, then you should have worn a damn condom." i gave it to him straight.
"i can't do this, i can barley take care of my self. let alone a baby" he kept passing.
"Zachary if you came here for me to give you sympathy. then get the hell out. you can't run away from this. it was your own damn fault. so now you have to man the hell up and deal with this. because you can not abandon that child." i was serious.
"moms going to kill me" he was probably right.
"sit down" i pushed him towards the sofa.
"i am such an idiot" he groaned and i couldn't disagree with him.
"have you talked to this girl at all? to know what she's thinking?" i wanted to know more.
"she's not looking to keep it, she doesn't have the heart to get an abortion. but she says she doesn't want to have a baby right now. she wants to go to collage and live her life" he explained.
"those are all fair things, you both are so young." i spoke.
"but i can't let that happen, i mean i can't let someone else raise my kid. i know it sucks, and i have a full life ahead of me. but the thought of that kid ending up with someone else, who we know nothing about, i can't do that" he croaked.
"Zach your only seventeen, you don't want to be rising a baby right now. especially if you have to do it buy yourself" i tried to reason.
"i know that, i just could you ever let someone else raise your baby? and them not knowing anything about you?" he countered.
"no i couldn't, but i am also way older then you. and in a committed relationship. so the circumstances are not even comparable" i point out.
"well just put your self in my shoes then. what would you do?" he wanted my advise.
i sighed i knew he wanted me to be honest. "i wouldn't be able to give it up either." i admit the truth.
"see i can't fathom the idea, of some stranger taking care of my baby. i don't care what i have to do, but it's like you said. i have to own up to my mistakes, and do this. this baby deserves this" he spoke and i was proud that he was actually taking this serious cause he was right.
"okay if you feel that this is what you want to do, then i will support you. now you need to tell mom, thang going to be the hardest part" i placed my hand on his shoulder.
"will you come with me?" he looked at me with hopeful eyes.
"come on" i stood up and grabbed my truck keys.
the drive to my house was quite, Zach looked like he wanted to throw up. as along as it wasn't in my car i wouldn't care. we pulled into the drive way, and hoped out.
"you okay?" i asked.
"no i think i am going to be sick" he spoke.
"you will be fine" i tried to assure him.
"Zach is that you?"mom came into the hall way when she heard the door.
"oh Cooper what a surprise, what are you doing here?" mom questioned.
i patted his shoulder and he knew that was the sign.
"i have to talk to you and dad about something important" he took a deep breath.
mom shot me a confused glance.
"i will go get him, go take a seat in the living room" she tells us.
"i don't know if i can do this" Zach says.
"well unfortunately you don't have a choice" i knew he was stressing.
"what's going on?" Justin came into the living room.
"just sit" Zach says.
"what's going on are you okay?" Justin looked considered. and i realized he didn't know yet.
i was surprised that he came to me first, over his twin. mom and dad came into the living room. dad had a blank look on his face. they sat down and mom started.
"what's going on?" she looked worried.
i gave Zach a re assuring smile. and he took a deep breath.
"i got a girl pregnant" he blurted it right out.
they all looked shocked, no one said anything for a second.
"i am sorry did that really just come out of your mouth or am i dreaming" dad was in denial.
"nope it really came out of my mouth" Zach tells him.
mom was silent, and dad stood up off the sofa.
"how do you know it's yours?" he started to pass.
"i got a non invasive test done" Zach admits.
"this is insane, your whole future is down the drain. how could you be so stupid" Dad was angry.
" i am sorry" Zach looked down at the floor.
Dad took a deep breath. "well what's the plan?" he looked a little more calm.
"well i am not sure, she doesn't want to get an abortion. but she doesn't want to keep it either" Zach explained.
"so your going to keep it then?" dad raised an eye brow.
"i don't know okay, i don't know what to do" Zach flung his arms up.
mom stood up, and moved so that she was sitting beside him. she placed her arms around him and pulled her into his arms.
"mom i don't know what to do" he cried in her arms.
"it's going to be okay" she rubbed his back. i was surprised at her reaction. i thought she would be the one to freak out.
dad sighed and sat down beside them on the other side.
"your moms right, we can't change the situation. so we just have to make the best of it, and if you decide that you want to keep this baby by your self. we will be here to help you" dad placed his hand on his shoulder.
"i am sorry" Zach whispered.
"honey you don't have to be sorry, i am not thrilled with the situation. but i am proud that you want to step up and own this. because not many people your age want to. but i want you to really consider your options. because yes your father and i will help you, but to an extant. i will not babysit this baby so you can go party it up. i will babysit so you can go to school and play football. and you are getting a job, we will pay for your car, and the basics until you start you make money. then you will be paying for stuff yourself. you are going to be giving up a lot, but you will also be gaining so much. so just really make sure you think about this before you decided okay" mom was very sturn but i don't think she said anything that was unfair.
"i understand" Zach nodded.
"alright do you even know how far along this girl is?" dad asked.
"almost four months i would say" Zach dropped a bomb.
mom and dad didn't look like they expected that responses. and honestly neither did i.
"you should be finding out the gender soon then" mom gushed i knew deep down she was excited, she loved baby's.
Dylan POV
"man this blows" Hadley huffed from our kitchen table.
"i know, we spend a week in paradise. only to come home to a crap ton of home work and assignment.
"i can't be bothered right now" she closed her laptop with a sigh.
"same i am starving. you want some food?" i questioned.
"ya i could eat" she says.
"take out or should i cook?" i haven't cooked in a while, since i have been so crazy with studying and homework.
"oh you should make your mac and cheese" Hadley rushed out with excitement.
"do we have the stuff for it?" i wondered and opened the fridge.
"we better if not i will go buy it, cause i want it so bad" she was so dramatic.
i moved stuff around and much to my enjoyment we had everything. i opened the cabinet to make sure we have the noodles. and we did.
"your in luck we have everything, well i did go shopping two days ago. so that's probably why" i started to take out the stuff i would need.
"oh man this is going to be so good" Hadley groaned in excitement.
i laughed and started cooking. i leaned this recipe on my own. my mom made home made mac and cheese while i was a kid. but i took her basic one up to a whole new level. so i guess in a why she tough me the foundation. but i was amping it up.
it had three types of cheese in the sauce Mozzarella, swiss and spicy Monterey jack. then i added bacon and onions cooked down for extra flavour. and backed it in the oven with some seasoned bread crumbs on top till golden brown.
"man it smells dang good in here" i heard Max voice.
"ya Dylan's cooking" Hadley informed him.
"you can cook? and i am only just finding this out now?" he sounded shocked.
"oh ya she's literally an amazing cook, her stuffed chicken and garlic mashed potatoes are to die for. it's my second favourite dish behind her mac and cheese" Hadley bragged for me.
"damn why haven't you cooked for me before" Max grabbed a pinch of cheese and i smacked his hand.
"hey now don't touch" i glared at him.
he rubbed his hand, and Hadley laughed. she knew not to touch my food while cooking.
"so once again i ask, why don't you cook more if your so good?" Max asked.
"cause i am so busy, between cheer and school, then now with Cooper. i don't really have much time. plus i am super lazy most nights, and just make the basics. i usually only so more exciting things when it's a special occasion" i shrugged.
"well what's so special about today?" Max wondered.
"i was craving it, it's been forever" Hadley informed him.
"well i can't wait till it's done, i love mac and cheese" Max sat down at the table.
"who says your invited?" i joked.
"i invited my self" he couldn't keep a straight face.
"you and your best friend have much in common" i could help but roll my eyes.
there was a knock on the door which stopped Max from replying.
"are we expecting anyone?" i know i wasn't.
"not sure" Hadley went and opened the door.
"speak of the devil" Hadley walked back into view with Cooper behind her.
"hey you, i didn't expect you to stop by." i smiled and walked over so i could give him a kiss. it was then i saw his face. something was up.
"will be back" i quickly turned off the stove and grabbed Coopers hand and led him to my room.
he flopped down on my bed with a sigh.
"what's wrong?" i sat down beside him.
"it's his" was all he said.
it took me a second, but i clued in.
"wow, so what's he going to do?" i wondered.
"well he wants to keep it, and the mother doesn't. she won't get an abortion which is understandable, so she was thinking adoption. but Zach says he won't let that happen. so as of right now he's probably going to be a single parent at seventeen" he looked upset.
"well at least he is owning up to this, maybe this will be good for him. help he mature a little bit, learn to own up to his mistakes." i placed my hand on his back and lightly rubbed it.
" i just can't help but wish it wasn't true, he had such a bright future ahead of him." he sighed.
"well he still dose, sure a baby is a big adjustment. but you can still make a successful lifestyle with a baby. maybe it will motivate him to try harder, to work to be able to provide for his baby" i tried to see the bright side.
"it just feels weird that my kid brother is having a baby before me, and i am the one in a committed relationship" he admits.
"well we can give the baby a cousin to play with if you want" i was totally joking.
"don't even joke, i already told you once you have a rock on your finger. and i have a year or so under my belt in the NFL. then we can make some babies" he looked dead serious.
"your so dramatic, and i don't need a huge rock. something small and sensible will be fine" i was serious too.
"well i will take that into consideration" which basically meant i was getting a rock.
"i am sure, now you hungry?" i changed the subject.
"for you always" he grinned and quick i shot up and pinned me to the bed.
"Cooper i meant for real food" i couldn't help but laugh.
"you order take out?" he got off me.
"no i was cooking" i informed him.
"damn we been together almost six months. and i am just now finding out you can cook." he sounded like max.
"what i have cooked for you before" i was positive i have.
"ya a sandwich" he rolled his eyes.
"and it was probably the best damn sandwich your sorry ass has ever tasted" i knew i was over confident, but i loved to joke around with him.
"this is heaven" Hadley groaned as she shoved another bite in.
"she not wrong" Max agreed with her.
"it's so cheesy and i like the bacon" Cooper voiced his thoughts.
i couldn't help but grin, i was glad that they liked it.
"i like that little kick of spice" Cooper says.
"you are so cooking for me again, i can't cook for shit" Max had a serious look on his face.
"oh you should make your waffles for breakfast" Hadley suggested
"oh hell ya" Cooper rushed out.
"i am not doing dishes then" that was the worst part of cooking.
"damn i will as long as i get one of theses waffles." Cooper rushed out, he was always eating egos, so i knew he loved waffles.
"alright fine, you want some blueberries in there?" i questioned.
"ohh make your mixed berry sauce" Hadley suggested once again.
"well aren't you just miss demeaning today" i joked.
"sorry i can't help it" i knew she's getting close to her period. she liked to binge eat while close to it and on it. i also know hers was close, cause mine came three days after hers. and i was expecting mine in a couple days.
"so it's official, your making waffles for breakfast" Cooper grinned and shoved another bite of food into his mouth.
"oh heck ya, i love home made waffles" Max voiced.
"well if i don't get my assignment done, i won't be making waffles. cause it's due tomorrow at noon." i was not joking.
"okay so you go work on it then, and we will clean" Hadley assured me.
"thanks" i was glad to be off dishes.
i stood up and went to my room, so that i would be able to concentrate better.
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