《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》22


Cooper POV

" what do i have to do to make you understand that i am perfectly fine babe" i grabbed her hand.

"Cooper i caused your arm to bruise" she turned away from me.

"but it doesn't hurt, and i know you where only messing around with me. i bruise all the time from football" i tried to make her feel better.

we had just woken up and she saw the bruise she felt terrible. and now i was trying to get her to understand that i am okay. it's not like she did it on purpose.

"i should have never punched you even as a joke." she sighed and pulled my hand off hers.

"Babe stop beating yourself up, we are meant to have fun and relax." i didn't let her hand go.

"i can't relax knowing i did that to you" she frowned.

"i have really sensitive skin i bruise easily" i informed her which was not a lie.

"that just makes it even worse" she flopped down on the bed.

"your being ridiculous" i moved so that i was hovering over her.

"i am sorry" she said again with a pout.

"i know beautiful" i leaned down and kissed her.

she placed her hands on my shoulder and pushed me off her before i could deepen the kiss. i pulled away and raised my eyebrow at her.

"your not mad are you?" she looked nervous.

"of course not, i know you where just joking. and i really do bruise easily, i always since i was a kid" i brushed my fingers down her cheek, and she shivers.

"well i promise to be more careful with your delicate self" she joked. which caused me to smirk.

"i am far from delicate" i moved to kiss her neck.

"mhm" she hummed.

"you should know that by now though" i whispered in her ear.

she lightly grabbed my neck and moved me to her lips, i say lightly cause it was usually she has a bit more grip to her, but i wasn't going to mention it. i know she was just feeling like she had to be careful around me now. but if it keeps up then i will say something.

"we should get ready for breakfast" she pulled away from me after a bit.

"we should walk around the town after we eat, check out a few shops" i suggest as i rolled off her.

"i like that idea" she smiled.

"alright i am going to text Max see if they awake" i mean it's almost ten thirty.

"damn Max and Hadley already went to the beach this morning" i tell Dylan.

"dang we slackers" she chuckled.

"nah i was so comfy in this bed, with you all up beside me" i pulled her close to me again.


"i am going to shower so i can get ready" she moved my arms off her.

"i am joining you" i loved for start my morning off with her in the shower.

"expected nothing less" she knows me so well.

after our shower, we got dressed. i was keeping it simple with shirts and a tank top and some vans, since i knew we where going to walk around.

"your really putting makeup on"i questioned Dylan as i peaked my head into the bathroom.

"nothing serious, just some mascara, lipgloss and some powder." she informed me.

"i will be out in a sec just have to put my clothes on" she was still in her robe.

i just shook my head, she didn't need to wear all that make up, but i nodded and left the bathroom.

"Okay ready" she came out and she looked beautiful. she was wearing a blue sweater dress. and a pair of white vans. we kinda matched witch i though was cute.

"we are twining" she smiled.

"i know and you didn't plan this did you?" you never know with her sometimes.

"no i didn't, i didn't even see you pick your clothes out" she advised.

"we are just couple goals" i smiled and grabbed her hand.

"that we very much are, oh my mom is face timing me" she let go of my hand and grabbed her phone.

"hey mom" she smiled and as she picked up.

"hi honey what you doing?" her mom asked.

"just getting ready to head out to breakfast."

"okay well i will call you later then, or you call me actually when your free. i miss you"

"miss you to bye and love you and dad both."

"wow short and sweet, if that was my mom. she would talk for hours" i was not lying.

"my mom knows not to get between me and my food." she laughed.

isn't that the truth though. "come on" i grabbed her hand so we could head out.

"wait i just have to get my bag." she grabbed her purse.

"good?" i asked once she slung her purse over her shoulder.

"good" she smiled and we made our way out.

"we are meeting Max and Hadley at the buffet. i am not sure if they are there yet or not though." i informed her.

she nodded i was glad to see she was in slightly better spirts then earlier. when we got to the buffet, Max and Hadley where not at the table we usually sit at.

"should we wait for them to start eating? Dylan asked as i pulled her chair out for her.

"ya let's give them a few minutes you want something to drink while we wait?" i asked her.


"ya coffee and orange juice please" she voiced.

"alright be right back" i went over to the drink table. i made us both coffee and me a apple juice then put them on the trays, so i was able to carry them. but when i got back to the table, there was this guy standing beside Dylan. i was trying to keep my calm and not freak out but i rushed over to the table.

"here your drinks baby" i looked at this guy. he was tall maybe a inch or to shorter then me though. he was darker skin over all was a decent looking guy. i could tell he was older then us too maybe in his thirty's

"hi i am Jose" he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"Cooper" i shook his hand.

"well i must be going, but it was nice to meet you both. and think about what i said Dylan" Jose smiled and then turned and walked away.

"what did he say?" i was trying not to jump to conclusions.

"he's a modeling agent" she passed me a card.

i was shocked, "that's incredible i mean i always knew you where undeniably beautiful." i smiled then kissed her quickly.

"this is crazy" she was smiling.

"what's crazy?" Hadley came and sat down. and funny enough she was dressed almost like Dylan, in a black and white sweater dress and black vans.

max was just rocking shorts and a tank top like me.

"um some guy just came over and gave me a business card. he owns a modling agency's" Dylan passed the card to Hadley.

"shut up, you so have to do this. i mean what! this is insane" Hadley was excited.

"i mean i will think about it, schools just so crazy right now" Dylan was always the sensible one.

"i guess your right, but you should still call him. it won't hurt anything" Hadley made fair points.

"okay enough talking i am starving" Dylan stood up. so we all followed her.

Dylan's POV

"man it's so beautiful" i couldn't get over how incredible town we where in was.

"i know the building look so old and full of history" Cooper input.

"oh let's stop in here, it looks interesting. and i still need to get my parents gifts." i dragged Cooper towards the store.

"what are you looking to buy your parents?" Cooper asked as we looked around.

"not sure, usually i get them something that is unique or different." i shrugged.

" i mean i would get my parents stuff, but then i would have to get my brothers gifts too. and those fuckers are ungrateful. so i don't buy them shit" Cooper was so mean to his brothers but it was kinda funny seeing them interact.

i am am only child so i never had that chance to argue or joke around with a sibling. my parents tried for more children, but where it didn't work out. they decided that they where content with the one they had. although for a while they did do foster care, but then it was to hard to build that bond. only for them to be ripped away from them.

so they only did it once, since we had his name was Jersey for two years. we really connected with him. we still keep in contact with him though. he's actually around Coopers brothers age. and he lives in Alabama still. but because am i an only child it makes me realize that i want a big family. i want at least four or more kids.

you might think it's crazy, but i have dreamed of a big family. i want my kids to be close in age so that they can play and grow together.

"how many kids do you want?" i randomly asked Cooper as we looked around.

"what's got you thinking about that?" he raised an eye brow.

"no idiot i told you i am not pregnant" i answered his thoughts.

"i know that, i mean it's just a random though. i am curious to know what made you think about it that's all" was his response.

"i just thought that you and your brothers, they way you interact. i never had that, being an only child. and i want a big family. at last four kids maybe more." i confessed to him.

"damn four kids?" he looked shocked.

"maybe more" i added.

"well i mean two for sure, i want them to have a play mate" he says.

"i think that's why i want a big family, being an only child can be lonely sometimes. i just want my children to always have someone to be there for them." i addressed my thoughts.

"well i mean the way we go at it, we will be having a bunch of kids so, don't even worry" he laughed. but he was so right.

"very true" i couldn't help but laugh along with him. but it was nice, i liked that we where able to talk about the future.

it meant that he saw us down the road together, and honestly i knew in my heart that Cooper was it for me. i loved him and saw him being the man i marry, and a father to my many children.

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