《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》20
1 month later
Cooper POV
this last month has been amazing, Dylan and i have leaned so much about each other, have been going on dates a bunch. and we are just getting along so well, we have developed a better understanding of each other. we still bicker about stuff, but what couple doesn't. we have also went on a couple a double dates with Max and Hadley, they like to jokes around. about the fact that we ditched them to have sex.
they know we did, Cause they came out to look for us, well saw us getting in the back seat of the truck and not the front. i didn't care if they knew or not was some of the best sex we had.
that's one thing about Dylan, she's literally willing to try anything. our sex lift is anything but boarding. between her willingness to go and try new stuff, and her inane stamina i am one happy camper.
"so spring break is coming up soon" Dylan mentioned as we where all chilling at the i cream shop. which means Max, Hadley and i.
"i know i am so excited to relax" Hadley voiced.
"fuck me too, i am so tired of assignments and home works and test ugh" i groaned.
"feel you on that" Max agreed with me.
"i know it's going to be seven says of sand, sea and sun shine" Dylan grinned.
"wait back that up for a second" i looked at her.
"ya Hadley and i are going to Saint Lucia" she dropped a bomb.
"when was that established?" Max raised and eye brow so didn't know anything about it either.
"mhm last year? we have been planing it for a while." Hadley informed Max and i.
"and your only just mentioning this now?" i looked at Dylan with a glare.
"whip that look off your face" she kissed my cheek.
"nah you ditching me for the whole week" i grumbled and going some where tropical.
"well i guess you don't want to come then, i will just return your ticket then." she shrugged.
"what" i turned to face her now.
"ya you big baby, here" she pulled out a packet that had four tickets inside of it.
"i thought-" Max started but Hadley cut him off.
"we lied we have only been planing this for like two weeks" she smiled.
"damn your poker face though" Max was right.
"so you have been planing a Secret beach vacation behind our backs. your so sneaky." couldn't believe this.
"well Hadley and i go away each year, so i knew you would be a big baby if you had to stay. so we decided why not invite them along" she shrugged.
"your damn right i would have been ticked the hell off." i placed my hand on top of her leg.
"so when do we leave?" Max asked.
"Friday to Friday a whole week, then we have Saturday and Sunday go get back in the swing of things." Dylan placed her hand into of mine.
"Saint Lucia here i come" Max smiled and slung his arm around Hadley shoulder.
"ya there's just a slight problem." Dylan cringed.
"what?" i didn't know if i wanted to know.
"our parents are coming too" She drooped a bomb.
"fuck me why" i groaned are you kidding me right now.
"well my dad paid for the flight, and he owns a villa down there. so he suggested why not make it a family thing" she admits.
"yo are you joking?" Max looked ticked off.
"i am serious" she said and her nose crinkled.
"your such a lier" i tickled her side.
"hey no i am not" there it goes again.
"your nose crinkles when you lie" i tap her nose.
"Damn it, i tried but my nose betrayed me" she placed her hand over her nose.
"you almost had me" Max admits.
"if i didn't know you like i do, you would have had me too" i moved her hand and kissed her nose.
"Stop" she laughed and pushed my face away from hers.
i laughed but kissed her cheek then moved away from her.
"you guys are so adorable but nasty at the same time" Hadley was slightly smiling.
"thanks i think?" Dylan had unsure look on her face.
my phone buzzed in my pocket so i pulled out and zach was texting me.
"you okay?" Dylan asked as i put my phone down.
"let me get back to you in a second" i huffed and picked up his call.
"the fuck you do?" i was straight to the point.
"well i was caught in a compromising position" he started and i knew what he meant.
"dumb ass don't you lock the door? at our house or hers" i questioned.
"oh shit not that, mom caught me smoking weed" he admits.
"the hell you smoking weed for?" i was curious.
"it's whatever but like i said i need a ride" he said again.
"call an uber" i was not in the mood.
"well they took my cards to, i only have like twenty bucks cash" he confesses.
"you know mom don't play when it comes to drugs." she hated them cause her brother was bad in to them at a young age and almost died, but is now fully a recovered after he did a couple try's a rehab.
"i know it was dumb, but can you just give me a ride" he was hiding somewhere.
"tell me where, then maybe i will" i wanted to know.
"the doctors okay" he huffed out.
"you sick or something?" i wondered.
"ya or something" he mumbled.
"your ass has and STI doesn't it you damn fool" i can't believe him.
"no i don't, worse" he sighed.
"what's worse then oh shit you knocked someone up" i realized half way threw.
Max eyes widened at what i said. but the idiot didn't say.
"answer me" i was pissed.
"i don't know okay, we are doing to do a non invasive test. she says it's mine but i don't know she was fucking some guy right before me." he admits.
"i will be there in fifteen dumb ass" i hung up the phone.
"damn Zach or Justin?" Max asked.
"thing one" i groaned that was my nick name for them. has been since i was young.
"wait a second did you just call your brother thing one?" Dylan couldn't help but laugh.
"ya zach is thing one, justin is thing two" i wasn't ashamed to tell her.
"your bad, now get out of here your brotherly duty's call."she got out of the booth so i could get out.
"come with me? i might actually rip his head off" i needed her to mediate.
"i don't think it's such a good idea"she looked unsure.
"it will be fine we will just sit and wait in the car for him to be done" i assured her.
"fine" she caved.
i was glad, i stood up we said bye to Max and Hadley and made my way to my truck.
"so he actually got a girl pregnant?" she questioned as we pulled up in front of my house.
"he's getting a non invasive test, he's not sure if it's his. claimed she was fucking some guy before hand." i shrugged.
"damn what is with girls and trying to pin babies on your Davies men" she laughed.
"the fuck if i know. i am literally hoping it's not his, he can barely take care of him self let alone a baby. plus he has such a bright future and to see it go down the drain would be awful. plus my mom will murder him" i was honest.
the front door opened and to my surprise, both Justin and Zach stepped out.
"in the back fuckers" i rolled down my window and called out.
"what's he doing here?" i knew he knew what i meant.
"i was to be the mediator, but looks like you brought one of your own" Justin smirked.
"hush you" i rolled my eyes.
"i though you to broke up?" Zach voiced.
"mom and her big mouth" i grumbled.
we pulled up to the clinic, and Zach huffed before he stepped out, i was waiting for him in visitor parking.
"you get busted for weed to" i decided to ask Justin.
"nah i am not dumb enough to risk it with mom so close enough to beat my ass" he was always the smarter one of the two.
"do you know anything about this girl?" i figured i should ask.
"well she's a senior, umm and it's more then likely his baby" he tells me.
"how you know that" i wondered.
"cause the fucker decided his pull out game was on point, only a matter of time" he shrugged.
i didn't know what to say, he was an idiot sometimes.
"how you know he tell you?" i asked him.
"mhm he tells me more then i like to know sometimes" he shivered.
"hasn't this girl ever heard of birth control" i huffed and rolled my eyes.
"that's not fair, some people don't believe in that. so don't pin this all on that girl" Dylan shot me a glare.
"i am sorry that was insensitive of me." i grabbed her hand.
"whipped" Justin "coughed"
"shut it you" i turned around and tried to smack him.
Zach walked out the doors damn that was quick.
"done already" i didn't expect it to be that fast.
"ya it was juts a mouth swab" he shrugged.
"don't shrug this is serious thing" i was mad.
"like i said it's probably not even mine" he says.
"there's still a chance, the hell you thinking not using a condom" i mean seriously.
"she told me she had it covered" he says.
"seriously you can't believe people you don't know nothing about. she could be lying. now how do you know she didn't give you something?" i questioned him.
he didn't say anything and i knew i had him there.
"you can't tell mom" he decided to say as we where half way home.
"trust me i am not, that's all on you." i wasn't getting involved.
i pulled up to the drive way to let my idiot brothers out.
"i can wait till we are gone, just me you some sun. fuck me i can't wait" i just wanted to get the hell out of here.
Dylan POV
"can you believe we leave for Saint Lucia tomorrow" Hadley was smiling.
"i know i can't wait" i agreed.
"what do you think about this one?" she held up a very nice piece of underwear. we where currently out shopping to find some sexy stuff to wear for our men.
"it's super cute, you should try it on" i encouraged.
she nodded and we made our way to the fitting room, as we where walking i stopped in front of a manikin that had on a red lace set that caught my eye.
"girl yes you would look so good on that" Hadley noticed me staring.
"isn't it a little much?" i looked at it.
"no way come on girl you should try one on. i think red would pop on you" she tried to up sell.
"alright" i agreed, and we flagged down an assistant to help us find this set.
i tried it on and damn if it didn't look amazing.
i knew that i had to buy this, it made me feel incredibly confident. so i took a quick picture so i could show Hadley, then i would delete it cause i didn't want Cooper to find this. i was thankful i was packing my bag at my place. so that Cooper couldn't find this, or worry about him trying to see it.
i had just changed out of my outfit when my phone buzzed with a text from Cooper.
"show me your pic" Hadley rushed as soon as she saw me step out of the dressing room.
"show me yours" i grinned.
so we swapped phones to see each other's photos.
"um hello yess you look so good" she boasted.
"me look at you we look amazing." i pointed out.
"hell ya we do" we high-fived, then made our way to the line so that we could pay for our stuff.
we where done shopping so we knew it was time to go home, we needed to finish our packing. i was pretty much done, just had add my new stuff, which was just underwear and a new bathing suit. everything else's was all packed and ready to go.
i decided that i haven't been on Instagram forever. so i decided i was feeling my self today. so i took a selfie, and decided to post it.
not even two minutes and i am already getting likes and comments coming threw. most of them from the squad. but Cooper comment made my heart flutter. i loved when he called me beautiful, i decided to like his comment.
"hey you going to Coopers tonight?" Hadley walked into my room.
"ya probably, he was bugging me to come over" i tell her.
"well i figured if you where going to his, i should go to Max. that way it will be easier for tomorrow. since we have a early flight. we can all be close together that way." she made a fair point.
"that's actually perfect, i just have to stop by my parents house though. so i can say good bye before i go. and drop off my keys, so that mom can check in on the place while we are gone." i always did that when i knew both of us where leaving. it just made me feel better.
"alright i will go with, cause i want to say buy to my parents to" she tells me.
"alright we can leave in like an hour?" i thought that was good timing.
"sounds good" she nodded then left my room.
i figured i should text Cooper just to make sure he still wanted me to come over. i am sure he dose but still.
we pulled up to my house and hour later, Hadley lived around the corner from me. so she said she didn't mind walking over to her house. we had our bags in the trunk, since we where going right to Coopers house. i knocked on the door.
"hi sweetheart" dad smiled as he pulled opened the door.
"hi dad" i pulled him into a hug.
"Quinn honey who's at the door?" i heard mom call out from somewhere.
"your only child" i answered her call.
"oh Dylan, i didn't expect you till later" mom came into view.
"i can come back" i joked.
"hush you" she pulled me into a hug.
"so what time is your flight tomorrow?" dad asked as we walked into the living room.
" nine am" i informed them.
"alright i know you guys will have fun. Saint Lucia is beautiful." mom was right the water looked amazing.
"ya we are super excited i need a tan" i was way to pale right now.
"just make sure you send a text every now and then so i know your okay" mom was always the worry wort.
"promise mom" i know if i didn't she would blow my phone up.
"i have you your email with all your stuff in it" dad informed me.
"okay good" i always email him the hotel information, like where it is the phone numbers. and then our travel information. just to be on the safe side. not that anything is going to to happen to me, but just in case you can never be too prepared.
i stayed with my parents for a half an hour or so , before i decided it was time to go. i drove over to Hadley to say hi to her parents, and pick her up. then we would go to Max and Coopers places and for the night and then it's hello sand, sea and sun shine for a whole week.
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Meant To Be
"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" he breathes, in a hoarse voice placing a kiss on my lips. "Good morning. And yes I had a lovely sleep. Just a little sore but I'm okay " he excused himself and disappeared into the bathroom, coming out shortly after. "Hey! Put me down! I have two healthy legs! " I screamed and kicked when he came back and took me bridal style walking to the bathroom without saying anything. "I can help you undress" he chuckled when I stood there staring at the water that he had run for me. He held my waist and draw me closer. "I'm still waiting for an answer" he whispered, gentle biting my earlobe."Ash.." I moaned his name. "Yes love-" he slipped a hand inside the opening of the robe, gently massaging my nipple making me moan harder this time."- answer me " he added, His light green eyes burning with desires. How was I suppose to disagree when only his hand could make me moan like he was inside me. I lowered my gazes from his tantalizing obs to his pink lips. As if he knew my answer from the way I mentally fuck him with my eyes, he crushed his lips with mine and..."Oh my God Ella! You are still in the shower. You are unbelievable." Lena's shouted waking me from my sleep and dream. That was one hell of a dream!Ella Lawrence quit her job. she starts a new job and her boss Ashton Grey wouldn't stop making passes at her. Yet... She dreams of being held by him. What could possibly happen between her player-boss and her? Read the full story to know what happens.See you there! Enjoy![Most impressive rank: #2 fallinghard 5th March 2019]This is my first story here on Wattpad, I know it not perfect but I hope it gets better and I will be glad if u READVOTE andCOMMENT.Thank you.
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