《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》17
Cooper POV
"are you sure you have to go" i groaned to Dylan as she was trying to get out of my grip.
"yes baby i am sure i have to go, we already pushed it back." she tells me.
"mhm but my head hurts" i tried to make her stay.
"i know, and i am sorry that it still hurts." she kissed my forehead.
"but your presence makes it feel better" i pouted.
"oh i am sure" she laughed.
"what time do you have to leave?" i questioned.
"she's coming to pick me up in a hour, which means i have to get ready." she pulled away from me.
"can't i come with you? i can hold your hand in case it hurts" i just wanted to be with her.
"no cooper you can't come, why don't you see what Max is doing?" she got out of my grasp.
"fine" i huffed.
"good" she smiled then went to the bathroom.
so i decided to pull out my phone and shoot max and text.
"Max coming?" she popped her head out of the bathroom. her hair was in a messy bun and she had blobs of makeup on her face.
"ya" i replied
"good" she called from the bathroom.
"why can't you do your makeup where i can see you" i called out.
"you don't have a mirror in your room, otherwise i would." was her response.
"so i'll go get one then" i was serious.
"it's whatever i don't mind the bathroom had good lighting." she rebutted.
i didn't respond i figured i should get dressed, i was in my boxers.
"you have any laundry?" i peeked my head inside the bathroom.
"ya i have something, but i can wash it when i get back." she tells me.
"well i can just do it i have stuff to wash too" i voiced.
"mhm that's thoughtful, but i have a system on how i do my laundry. so i will just add my stuff to your basket and do it." she was focused.
"well that don't bother me, i hate doing laundry" i wasn't going to complain if she wanted to do mine too.
"i actually don't mind doing laundry." she admits.
"well your now my official laundry matt" i smirked and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"stop your making me mess up" she tried to brake free of me.
"mhm" i kissed her neck.
"Cooper" she glared at me threw the mirror.
"what" i played innocent, i knew what i was doing.
"stop, i am going" she was stern.
"i know i know, so what are you getting again?" i was curious.
"we are each getting dream catcher on our left fore arm. then on or left wrist i am getting a sun, and Hadley is getting a moon." she couldn't help but smile.
"well i can't wait to see them." which was true.
"ya i can't wait, this girl in one of my classes can draw. so i had her sketch our dream catcher one. and it's going to be so awesome." she was happy.
"that's so cool they are going to look amazing." i was sure of it.
"ya i can't wait, i am just hoping not to cry, i am sucker when it comes to pain." she chuckled.
"well it's not to bad, but i have a high pain tolerance." i asserted.
"oh also we are having a combined family diner tomorrow." She blurted.
"i am sorry what did you just say?" i didn't want to believe what just came out of her mouth.
"Cooper you heard what i said." she gave me a look.
"see i told you this would happen, we should just skip. i don't want to go out anywhere." i grumbled.
"well your mom already has everything in place, and it's at your house. so we don't even need to get that dressed up" she tried to make me feel better.
"ugh i told you this would happen, next it's going to be about wedding and children. i mean we haven't even been dating two months yet. and it's already starting." i knew this would happen.
"Cooper it's going to be okay" she kissed my cheek.
"no it's not, but okay" i huffed.
"your mom means we'll" i know she dose but still.
"you will have to see my dumb ass brothers again." i reminded her.
"nothing i can't handle" she smirked.
"go easy on them, they aren't use to your sass like i am." it was true.
"maybe i will just flip them so they will leave me alone." she shrugged.
"oh man can you please that would be hilarious." i could just imagine.
"i was kidding, i would never." she couldn't even keep a straight face.
"that's a bunch of lies, but don't worry i give you full permission." i laughed.
"your terrible you know that." she laughed.
i just shrugged, she pulled away from my grip, took her hair out and started to brush it. her hair was so long, but it loved her hair it compliments her nicely. once her hair was brushed she walked out of the bathroom, i followed behind her.
she walked over to my dresses, since i have her two drawers for her stuff, and a spot in my closet. i liked that she had things here. so didn't have to leave if she stayed. she pulled out a pair of tiny ass shorts, and a shirt that was half the size she usually wears.
"okay ya no that's not what your wearing." i moved to grab them off the bed.
"Cooper" she glared at me.
"what look at how short they are" i held them up.
"that's the same shortness they always are dummy" she grabbed them from my grasp.
"mhm i am not to sure about that" i countered.
"your annoying me." she picked up he'd stuff and walked into the bathroom.
i knew i was being a pain, but i didn't want other people to look at what's mine, i didn't like to share. i decided it was time to get dressed myself. i pulled on a pair of shorts and a random t shirt, i didn't really care how i looked i didn't have to go out any where.
just as i pulled on my t shirt, Dylan walked out of the bathroom looking bomb as hell.
"where the rest of your shirt?" i raised my eye brow.
"Cooper your not funny." she seethed.
"it's so short" i slid my hands up up her shirt.
"hey" she smacked my hands off her.
"can't you like out on a jacket or something" i tried.
"no i can't have anything with sleeve for the tattoo." she tells me.
"fine" i grumbled and put my hands on her hips.
"why you all of a sudden complaining about my outfit choices?" she raised her eye brow.
"i don't like sharing, and you just look so damn good. that everyone will be looking and damn if that doesn't piss me off." i slowly slid my hands down her shorts.
"well they can look, but we both know you the only one touching." she whispered in my ear.
"fucking right." i grumbled then kissed her with forced.
she moved her hands to grip my shoulder. i gave her ass a squeeze, then pulled away cause there was a knock on the door.
"damn people always bugging us." i huffed.
"it's Hadley, she probably was at Max that why she knocked." Dylan pulled my hands off her. and made her way to the door.
"hey you, ohh you look cute" Dylan compliments her.
"thanks girl you too" Hadley smiled she was dressed Similar to Dylan.
"bye baby" she tuned and gave me a quick kiss before she walked out the door.
Max walked in after they walked out.
"sup" i asked as we walked to the couch.
"is it just me or do there clothes seem to keep shrinking in the dryer" preach my friend.
Dylan POV
"so you really are having a combined family diner tomorrow"Hadley chuckled.
"ya it was his moms idea, i mean what could i say. she asked my mom before she asked me. and i couldn't say no i would have felt bad." i spoke the truth.
"ya i feel you on that one, i don't want Max family to meet my family if i am being honest." she looked a little sad.
"girl why your parents are amazing." they truly where.
"ya i know but we live such different life styles. and i just don't want his parents to look down on me" she looked down at his hands.
"girl please money shouldn't matter, besides his mom loves you. so you have nothing to worry about." i tried to assure her.
"it's not his mom i am worried about" she confessed.
"his dad?" i asked.
"ya they just have a tough relationship, and i don't want the fact that i don't have money. a reason for him to not find approval of me. i would never ask Max to choose between me or his family." Hadley poured her heart out.
"girl Max cares about you so much, and if his dad can't see that. then that's his loss, because you are literally amazing. and you have worked you ass off for everything you have gotten. so don't even stress okay." i grabbed her hand to comfort her.
"thanks i needed to hear that." she smiled at me.
"i got you always girl" it was the stone cold truth.
"so you better hold my hand while i cry in there then." she gave me a serious look.
"you best do the same for me" i informed.
"we are really doing this wow" she took a deep breath.
"let's go we got this" i smiled.
"we do" she nodded and we opened the car doors.
"alright girls, i will do the big one first on each of you. then give you a small brake and move on to the smaller ones. who wants to go first?" the tattoo artist questioned.
"i will" i was feeling brave.
"alright, so i got your designs you sent me all ready. so we just going to give it a quick whip down. and then we are ready to go." she instructed as i sat down in the seat.
i took a deep breath i can do this.
"you good?" the tattoo artist asked as she whipped my arm.
i am good" i nodded.
two and a half hours later, and Hadley and i where done. and the tattoos turned out amazing. i loved how our dream catchers where a little bit different. mine was all filled in while Hadleys wasn't, and the sun and moon ones turned out amazing as well.
we paid then they told us how to properly take care of them before we left.
"it wasn't as bad as i thought" i admit.
"girl your ass cried" she laughed.
"so did you though" i pushed her shoulder.
"i know, how about food? i am starving" she suggested.
"ohh yes where you want to go?" i asked.
"Casey's?" she suggested.
"done" i loved that place.
(it's a made up place for the sake of my story)
we pulled up to the restaurant, and made our way inside to seat our selves. when i noticed Justin and Zachary with a bunch of there friends. shouldn't they be at school?
"yo Dylan what up" Zach called out and his whole table looked my way.
"hey" i didn't want to be rude.
"yo how you know this fine lady" a buddy of his bumped his shoulder.
"yo you tap that" some one else's asked him.
"i am his brothers girlfriend" i informed them with some sass.
"damn i need to go to collage" one of them smirked.
"shouldn't you be at school" i raised an eyebrow at them.
"nah it's almost four o'clock, schools been out for hours." Justin said this time.
mhm i hadn't realized it as that late already. whatever i walked away from the table, and i knew the whole table was staring at my ass. what a bunch of horny buggers.
"and how you know those little babies?" Hadley looked amused as we sat down at a booth.
"didn't you hear me say i am dating there brother?" i asked her.
"no sorry" she shrugged.
"ya horny buggers" i rolled my eyes. i felt my phone buzz in my pocket. i pulled out out and Cooper was bowing up my phone.
"Cooper?" Hadley raised an eye brow.
"ya he's mad" i tell her.
"what about?" she asked.
"cause his brothers saw me, he wants to fight them tomorrow. but i won't let him. he's so dang mean to his family sometimes" i couldn't help but chuckle.
"they won't stop staring at us" Hadley pointed out.
i rolled my eyes, and turned my head so i could see. and sure enough they all turned and looked away from me.
"one of them is coming over" Hadley informed me. i rolled my eyes, it was Justin.
"it's for you" he handed me his phone. i looked at it and saw it was Cooper.
"can i help you." i knew what he wanted
"ya you can get your ass home" he demanded in the phone.
"Cooper i told you i am not leaving." i was serious.
"you don't leave i am coming to get you" he growled.
"your still not cleared to drive yet" i reminded him.
"Max will drive me" he countered.
" Cooper your not being serious" i rolled my eyes.
"dead ass" he grumbled.
"i am hanging up on you. and if you show your ass up here, you will wish you didn't. and i am not playing with you." i was pissed off at him now.
he was still talking but i hung up on him. and handed the phone back to Justin. he looked a little shocked but walked away once he has his phone.
my phone was buzzing in my pocket, but i didn't pull it out. i knew it was him, and i was not dealing with this right now.
"ready to order?" a waitress came over.
we placed our orders in, and where taking when all of a sudden Hadley just kinda stopped. i turned around to see what she was looking at and damn if i wasn't pissed.
"here take this and box my food up when it comes." i handed her a twenty.
she nodded, but didn't question me. he didn't make it to our table, i grabbed his arm and dragged him outside. we where not going to hash this out inside.
"i told you not to come" i yelled at him i was pissed.
"well you where ignoring me" he shrugged like it was no big deal.
"you are literally so aggravating" i threw my arms up.
"what did i do?" he played innocent.
"you don't trust me do you." i shot him a look.
"how can i when you look like that" he motioned to my outfit.
"wow your unbelievable." i was so pissed right now.
"your the one going out half dressed that's what's unbelievable" he shot back.
"Cooper i am giving you five seconds to get out of my face" i growled.
he didn't say anything just stood there.
"fine you won't leave then i will" i huffed then walked to my car. he grabbed my arm before i could get in.
"let go of my arm" i growled.
"no your not leaving" he says.
"let go before i make you" i was not joking.
he held on to my arm for a second before he let go smart man.
"where are you going i am not done taking to you." he moved to step in front of my car door.
"well i am done with you move" i growled.
"what do you mean done?" he asked.
"exactly what it means, you clearly don't trust me, and pretty much called me a hoe. so i am done, don't talk to me" i got in my car and drove back to my apartment. i felt terrible leaving Hadley there but i just needed to get out of there.
i can't believe he doesn't trust me, i have never gave him any reason not to. my phone was buzzing the whole way but i didn't pick it up. i had nothing to say to him.
i flung myself down on my bed, i didn't cry. i wanted to but didn't, because it wasn't worth it. i did nothing wrong. i pulled out my phone and called my mom. i should probably let her know that, the diner is off tomorrow.
she picked up on the third ring.
"hey baby" she greeted.
"hey mom" i tried to not sound upset.
"oh baby what's wrong you sound sad." she knew me so well.
"well we can't have that diner tomorrow" i kept it straight to the point.
"okay what happened?" she questioned.
"It's simple, Cooper doesn't trust me. even though i have him no reason not to,so i broke up with him" i was trying to not cry.
"oh baby i am sorry." mom sounded upset.
"don't be sorry mom, it happens. Cooper and i just dont mix. like i said from the beginning"
"honey your upset you don't mean that, do you want me to come over? we can talk in person?" she asked.
"no no i am okay" i wasn't but i just a wanted to be alone.
"alright honey" she was sad i could hear it in her voice.
"Dylan?" i heard Hadley call out.
i didn't respond, but i heard my door opened. i felt the bed dip beside me.
"what happened? i could clearly see a lot of yelling. Cooper looked really rough. he didn't say two words the whole ride." Hadley asked.
"i broke up with him" i was right to the point.
"what! why?" she looked shocked.
"he doesn't trust me" i started to cry.
she pulled me into a hug, i didn't want to cry. but i was really falling for him. and to find out he doesn't trust me, it hurts.
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