《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Six


Thanksgiving morning had me buzzing around the house doing a bunch of things. I woke up around seven, the same time my mother did and after I ate breakfast I started cleaning the house. My room was the first thing I cleaned. I know Mr. Fuller wouldn't be going into my room but it didn't hurt to clean it anyway. There was no need to clean my mothers room, because she constantly cleans it.

After my room was finished I tackled the living room, where Mr. Fuller and Teddy would be while the food for supper was being prepared. I got the room cleaned fast, seeing as it wasn't really dirty or messy at all, but my mom wanted the couch, the chairs and the television moved a little.

The dinning room was next. Since we never use that room, only on special occasions when there is a bunch of people coming over, it was full of things. I found the thanksgiving dishes my mom had been looking for, for the past week and a half. I also found the thanksgiving table cloth, which had been missing for the few years. It just so happened to be mixed with the Easter box, and since we don't do Easter egg hunts anymore, no one ever looked in that box.

Next came the bathroom. Both my mother and I loved having a clean, fresh smelling bathroom. At some point in time Mr. Fuller would be heading off to the bathroom. Our bathroom wasn't dirty, like I said my mother and I loved having a clean bathroom. So it didn't really make a difference when I scrubbed the sink, bathtub and toilet. But it did smell good after I got done.

When I was finished cleaning the rooms, I began to wash the dishes I had found while I was cleaning the dinning room. After that I let them air dry, and went to go get the table cloth. I then washed it and let it dry up before I placed it on over the table in the dining room, then put the plates, utencles and cup we would be using on the table as well.


My mother started to cook the supper a little after one. After she started with the turkey, I got started on peeling the potatoes and getting them ready for later.

Mr. Fuller and Teddy arrived around four, with some homemade apple pie. At first my mother wasn't wiling to believe that Mr. Fuller made it all on his own. But then again she remembered my birthday party last year, when he brought over a cake he had made, therefore she ended up believing him.

I led them to the living room, where they sat down on the couch. And right away Mr. Fuller flipped on the television and I left the room to go help my mother.

When everything was ready and everything was put on the table.

"You can come to the table" I told Mr. Fuller and Teddy.

"I want Desiree to fed me daddy" Teddy told his father.

"You can feed yourself." Mr. Fuller laughed. "You're not a baby."

"That's not what I meant! I meant I want her to get my plate ready"

"Teddy I think Desiree has enough of her own plate to worry about"

"I don't mind. Come Teddy, tell me what you want to eat" I said.

"Yay" He yelled and came over to me, begging me to pick him up, which I did. I carried him over to the table where I put him down on his chair and grabbed his plate.

"What would you like?" I asked him.

"Turkey and stuffing!" He yelled. "Peas, corn, and carrots."

"Give him some potatoes too" Mr. Fuller said sitting down next to his son.

"Yeah!" Teddy cried. "I want salad too"

"Little boy eats a lot." My mother said laughing as she took her seat at the table.


"Yes, he does" Mr. Fuller laughed. Teddy didn't want anything else so I gave him back his plate, and as he waited for his father to tell him it was alright to eat, I made my side my plate and took my seat next to Mr. Fuller.

My mother got her food next, and then it was time for Mr. Fuller to get his. We all sat down with plates of food infront of us. My mother picked up her knife and fork. "Let's enjoy this meal." She said and with that we all dug in and started eating. A few moments of silence passed before anyone spoke.

"Mommy!" Teddy cried. "Can you come cut my turkey for me?"

"Desiree, that's you" Mr. Fuller laughed. I got up and went to go cut up Teddy's turkey into little pieces so that he could eat it.

"Why do you call Desiree mommy, Teddy?" My mom asked him.

"Because I want her to be my mommy!"

"Oh do you know?"


I laughed and sat back down. But my laughter quickly died down when my mother turned around and looked at Mr. Fuller and asked. "So when is the wedding?"

"The wedding?"

"Yes the wedding?"

"I'm lost" He laughed. "The wedding between who?"

"Between you and Desiree of course." She smiled.

"Mom!" I shouted.

"I'm afraid that wont be happening for awhile." Mr. Fuller laughed.

"Nonscense! She graduates this coming June. No better time then to propose" She winked.

He laughed. "I'm afraid I'm gay"

"Right" She laughed and winked.

The rest of supper was fulled with Teddy asking questions and asking for help with his food. Other than that it was pretty silent. After we ate supper we waited about half an hour, then we ate the apple pie Mr. Fuller made.

Mr. Fuller left only when Teddy had fallen asleep on the couch. It was definitely not a boring day.

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