《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Five


September turned into October and October turned into November. And now it was in the middle of the month, and thanksgiving was only a week away.

"Desiree!" My mother called to me as I was getting ready for school.

"Yes?" I answered her.

She peaked her head into the bathroom and smiled. "Don't forget to invite Theodore over for thanks giving, today"

"I wont."

"Alright. You look pretty today" She smiled again at me. "It's a shame that Theodore is gay. Otherwise you and him would make a perfect couple. With the way the two of you have been spending time together I'm surprised he's still gay."

"Mom!" I yelled. She left the room laughing.

She was right though. For the last few months I had been going over to Mr. Fullers house. Friday's I would baby sit Teddy but Monday- Thursday and then Saturday and Sunday I could be found over at their house, just hanging out, if I wasn't out with my friends.


Thanksgiving was only two days away. I thought as I arrived at school.

I decided I was going to asked Mr. Fuller when I had class with him.

Mr. Fuller's class came quicker than I expected. Today seemed to be flying by, not that I wasn't happy about that, because I was.

"Mr. Fuller?" I said as soon as the classroom was empty.

"Yes?" He asked coming over to where I was standing.

"My mother wants to invite you and Teddy over for Thanksgiving"



"Of course, we'll be there!" He all but shouted. "I wouldn't miss one of you're mothers meals and Teddy would be able to bother you some more."

"He never bothers me. I love that little boy."

"And he loves you. In fact after you left last night he asked if you could be his mommy. I told him to ask you" He laughed.


"Well I got news for you. I'll be helping my mother cook."

"Aww my girls will be cooking for me and my son" He laughed.

"So I can tell her you're both coming?"

"Yup and tell her not to be surprised if Teddy calls her Grammy or something like that."

"Why would he?"

"Because I told him that if you were his mom then she was his grandmother. He liked that idea."

"I bet he did."

"Oh would you like a ride home tonight?"

"Sure" I said faster than I could think.

"Great! Meet me outside by the parking lot around three fifteen."

"Got it" I left his classroom.


It was the end of the day and I was waiting outside where Mr. Fuller had told me to wait. He exited the school and looked around, when his eyes landed on me he began to walk over.

"You ready to go home?" He asked.

"Yup" I answered.

"I hope you weren't waiting too long for me" He said as we walked towards his car.

"Not at all. Maybe about a minute or two" I told him honestly.

"Good. You don't mind if I go pick up Teddy, now do you?"

"Nope not at all." I smiled.

It was only a short drive to where Teddy was going to school. Once Teddy got into the car and saw me he yelled "Mommy!" And then hugged me tightly.

I looked over at Mr. Fuller, shocked. He laughed and said. "See, I told you"

A few minutes later we were at my house. "See you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" He said. I got out of his and shut the door behind me then I walked towards my house

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