《Perseus Jackson: A New Order》I'm back


Hayami and I continued to float in space for quite some time. I had no idea how I was breathing but decided to ignore it and not jinx myself. I needed to have a word with the goddess of luck in the future.

After a while, Hayami was flashed out and I continued to drift about. It was extremely peaceful. I saw entire Galaxies and Nebulae. My vision soon went dark and I reappeared on my throne.

"Mind telling me now?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure I've served my time-out."

Chaos smirked at this. "That was Destruction." As she said that, the Greek word popped out. Καταστροφή. I saw a woman sitting next to Chaos and was puzzled.

"And who is that?" I asked, pointing at her. "End," was all she said, shifting into her male form for a brief moment. "I like taking a form similar to that of my brother...er...sister." I nodded in understanding.

"So what now?" I asked. The Primordials glanced at each other in worry. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Aether. He immediately turned his eyes away and started coughing profusely, avoiding my gaze. I turned towards Hemera who immediately started attending to Aether and patting his back. Was it even possible for Primordials to cough?

I looked towards Hayami's throne to find it missing. I then looked at Nyx questioningly. She glared at Chaos for a moment. She proceeded to shake her head. Nyx sighed. "Please mother, you know what happened to him there",she said to Chaos. Chaos' expression softened but seemed to say something to Nyx in her head. Nyx sighed once again and looked at me apologetically and averted her gaze.

"Can someone tell him?" Algos demanded. Nyx sighed for the third time and looked at me. "Perseus, Destruction fears your power over order. He will do anything to get rid of you and throw you into the Void or figure out a way to kill you. You being here, close to us means that you will be easy to find. If you go somewhere else, you would be safer," she said. "Somewhere else as in?" I questioned. The whole council seemed to hold their breath. "Earth," was all she said.


I'm pretty sure my eyes bulged out of my head. "He would easily find me there. You guys are a part of the Greek pantheon. If he doesn't find me here, he'll go to Earth."

Nyx shook her head. "We have always existed Percy. Erebus and I were Night and Shadows, we were created around the time of what you humans call 'the big bang'. Even now, a part of our essence, watches over other planets. When Earth was created, we blessed it with the ability to have darkness and shadows. We helped create it. Same story with Tartarus. Despite us being manifestations in the Greek pantheon. We existed long before it and are linked to thousands of other places similar to earth."

"You'll understand when you use your powers to a larger extent," Tartarus explained.

Nyx nodded. "For now, you must go back to earth. You will be mortal, in the form of Percy Jackson. Destruction knows nothing about you and it will remain the same. What you do when you reach earth is up to you. You could live your life there, away from the gods or you could go back to them."

"Yes," Tartarus said, "I will make sure monsters leave you alone." I nodded solemnly at what they said.

"Can I stay for a little while?" I asked like a little kid. Nyx smiled and nodded.

"We'll let you know if anything happens," End said. "Meanwhile I have a lot to learn," she said, grimacing.

I nodded to them and teleported to my room.

I paced around my room, thinking to myself. I had been doing this for a while. I had done a little archery with Zoë and come back to my room. Hypnos, Eris and Hayami had already offered to hide me in their rooms. I was really tempted to accept their oh so wonderful offer but I knew that it was the right thing to do and listen to my mother. I visited all of my siblings and informed them of my fate. Aether was especially sad because the Earth was not a part of his domain and because he was loosing his prank mate. Gaia, Ouranos, Pontus and Erebus told me they would keep an eye on me in my time on Earth.


I was snapped out of my thoughts when my body disintegrated and reformed on my throne. Chaos and End were now in their male forms. "Good luck Perseus," Chaos said.

"Don't die," Chronous said.

Ananke smirked, "Don't worry, we won't let that happen to you."

"You can access your powers and come back to your original state as a Primordial if extremely necessary," Ourea said.

"Good luck," Eros said. I nodded and signalled to them that I was ready.

Chaos absorbed my domain over Order and Nyx placed her hand on my chest. "Your powers over darkness are now locked," she said. "You will have the same powers as a demigod child like you would but your skills and stamina will remain the same."

I smiled at them. "Thank you for accepting me, giving me a home and treating me well. I will forever be thankful to you and greatful. I'm ready."

I then felt myself be consumed by the shadows and I appeared in streets of New York. I looked around and smirked. I was back. Percy Jackson was back.

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