《Lombardi - Finn Shelby》Questions


I looked towards Finn who had a look of confusion on his face. I closed my wardrobe and looked back to John who was waving around.

"I'll ask my mother, I'll get her out of the house sometime soon, and see what's up." I planned out.

"So you're going to leave me in this place with your father?" Finn asked looking at me with a disagreeing look.

"Yes, you guys can talk as well," I said looking into his pretty eyes.

I walked down stairs to my living room to see if my parents were there, they were.

"Hey Mum, do you want to go out tomorrow? I thought we could reconnect a bit, you know?" I asked biting my lip sheepishly.

"Yeah, sure. We can go to town and get you and John some new clothes, couldn't we?" She replied smiling at me. I smiled back before leaving the room and going back to my own.

I stumbled through the door where Finn was cradling John shushing him.

"She said yeah, we are going out tomorrow." I said pursing my lips.

"Okay, why don't we go to sleep hm? Got a great day cut out for us tomorrow." Finn sarcastically said settling John to sleep.

"It will only be good, if we get this information off them." I told him getting ready to go to bed.

"Oh, look at this. Isn't this really pretty?" my mum asked looking at the baby clothes.

"Yeah, its pretty" I smiled half agreeing, it wasn't that nice.

She smiled clapping her hands together.

"Why don't we go get some food?" she suggested taking my arm and guiding me out of the shop.

Finns POV>

I placed mine and Rose's things in our bag, no way am I going to stay here, her family is really suspicious.


I walked down into her living room where her dad was drinking.

"Hello Shelby." he sneered to me drinking the last drop of it. I stood by the door watching unfazed by his tone.

"Mr Lombardi." I answered back walking towards the couch close to him.

"Do you really love my daughter?" he asked placing the cup down on the wooden table in front of him.

"I wouldn't have married her if I didn't" I replied sitting down.

"You would kill yourself for her, would you?" he asked again reaching behind his back. He pulled out a gun and chucked it on the table.

I kept quiet.

"Go on make her happy and shoot yourself. I'm sure it would make her very happy, if you weren't in her life." he spoke, looking at me dead in the eye emotionlessly.

"I'd rather not," I answered back looking between him and the gun.

"Why don't I do it for you, hm?" he said grabbing the gun and i shot up, he pointed it at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked reaching for my own gun.

"Doing the job for you, you took my daughter away from me and I want her back." He spat at me.

"I never took her away from you, I wasn't the one who kidnapped her. Where were you that day, hey! I'm pretty sure she told me you were missing." I snapped back keeping my gun at my side.

"No, you and your family stopped me. I was doing a job for that bastard Thomas Shelby. The prick."

" You better watch what you're saying." I answered lifting my gun a bit.

"No you! The plan is finlly working, i just need to get rid of you."


"What plan?"

"The plan, of getting Milo to get you over here, so we can reconnect with Roseline and get rid of you." He psychotically laughed.

I lifted my gun and whipped my hand round making him drop the gun he was holding, I ran to grab it before he could. I picked it up and pointed them both at him.

"You may want to think about what you're doing, this isn't going to help your relationship with Rose. Is it?"

Gabriele smiled at me and punched me in the face. I stumbled to the left and recovered. I quickly punched him in the stomach and kicked him down to the ground. I punched him once more knocking him out.

"Fucking hell." I breathed out i placed the guns into my pocket and ran to Rose's old room. I grabbed our bags and went to stuff them in the car.

Once i had got all the car packed, i could hear Rose and her mother.

"Rose!" i shouted running over. "Come on we're leaving. These people are fucking crazy." I demanded getting her and John into the car.

"Now what do you think youre doing, you dredful boy. Does it look like she wants to leave?" her mum spat at me taking my arm.

"Yes she does, and i know all about youre plan of yours, you come close to us ever again and a bullet will go through your head, alright." i threatend her shaking her hand off me.

"Finn, what's wrong?" i heard Rose ask from inside tghe car.

"Nothing, lets go." in got into the car and drove off leaving her mum screaming after Rose telling her to 'Come back'.

"What was that all about?" Rose asked me in confusion.

"Youre father wanted me to kill myself to make me happy and then told me about his plan." i answered gripping the steering wheel.

"What was the plan?" Rose asked.

"To get Milo to constintly stalk us until we feld to your parents, and then to reconnect with you and get rid of me. It was all apart of their fucking plan." i snapped.

"Hey calm down, youre scaring John." Rose said putting her hand on my arm.

"Sorry." I said finally calming down. "Lets just get home, yeah?" I smiled slightly.



"Fucking hell." I breathed out.

"Yeah." Finn agreed.

"You going to tell Tommy?" I asked hugging him.

"I don't think so, I'll get somone to 'talk' with Milo. He was apart of the whole plan." Finn said getting ready to leave.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I said giving him a kiss.

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