《Lombardi - Finn Shelby》The Big Day


Today was the day, the day I would finally become a Shelby. Me and Polly spent most of our time planning, I wanted it to be perfect. I had luckily managed to find a wedding dress that would fit my baby bump.

I was close to my due date so me giving birth today was very likely but I wanted our wedding to be before the baby was born.

I put on my white dress and Ada helped me. She was defiantly more excited that me for my wedding.

"Whoa, this is so tight." I complained tugging at the material.

"That's because your stomach is about to pop," Ada told me.

"Can I go barefoot?" I asked her as she helped me put on my shoes.

"No. You want to look presentable. This is going to be the only wedding you'll ever have in your life." Ada told me standing up.

"True, come on I want to go." I said getting up panicking.

"Are you sure I look okay. I don't look fat do I?" I asked looking into the mirror for imperfections.

"You're fine Rose, you look beautiful," Ada reassured me.

We took the carriage to the church and I get my heart accelerate as we got closer. I stepped out and Arthur walked through the doors he smiled to me and I walked over taking his arm.

"You look great sister." He told me grinning. I smiled warmly before quickly flipping my veil over my head.

I held my white roses to my stomach and walked through the two tall wooden doors. The music continued softly in the background and I stared towards Finn. God he's handsome.

I stood opposite him and lifted my veil, I bet I looked like an absolute mess.

"You look beautiful." Finn told me smiling happily.

"Shut up, you look okay. Could be better," I joked laughing.

"Excuse me, this is the best I've ever looked." Finn said looking offended as Jeremiah began to speak.

"We are joined here today for the marriage of Finn Shelby and Roseline Lombardi." Jeremiah started looking around the bright room.

We said our 'I do's' and shit and I kept laughing whilst Finn put my ring on. Really mature of me. I quietened down though and pulled him into a kiss whilst the rest cheered for us.


Now it was time for the after party. I decided to have it outside in the open around where John was burnt. It was a nice place to have a party.

The party was only filled with people we knew. There was Finn's family and friends but none of mine as they were my family and friends. I would hate it though if my mum and dad showed up ruining everything.

I wished Michael was here though but he was in America sadly. Shame.

Everyone was dancing around the fire and people ate or drank. It reminded me a lot of Johns wedding, but the sad thing was the life of the party was no where to be seen.

"Hello Mrs Shelby." Eva said running over to me hugging me in the process.

"Hello Eva, having fun?" I asked rubbing my stomach.

"Yes I can't wait for the baby to come you know you never know you could have them tonight." Eva joked and I laughed.

"I'd rather not, I want to go home in peace." I told her chuckling as she skipped away.

"Rose?" I heard behind me and I slowly turned to meet my mum and dads faces.

"What are you doing here?" I sneered at them.

"We want you to ditch this wedding and come home with us. In Italy. You'll be safe there." My mum begged looking around at all the dancing people.

"No can do, I'm a Shelby now. They can offer me protection not you. You can't tell me shit." I told them showing my ring.

"Rose, you'll be ruining your life with these people. The baby will corrupted living around these people." my mum spat and I smirked at them.

"Well then, I guess I'm corrupted as well ain't I? At least my child will be fucking loved unlike you bastards who forgot!" I shouted drawing attention to me.

I soon felt immense pains in my stomach and I hunched over, my mum came over to help me but I moved away.

"Rose-." She began but I pushed her.

"Piss off yeah, leave! I don't want you here!" I shouted with tears flowing down my face:

I felt the liquid fall down my legs and I quickly searched for Polly or Eva. I glared at my parents and they turned to leave. I limped over to Polly, who was the closest, panting.


"Holy shit Rose, what's wrong?" Eva asked coming over taking my arm.

"It's happening, now." I told her and Polly, crushing Eva's arm when the pain came back.

"Right we need to get you home" Polly said walking away with me to a car. "Eva go get the boys, quickly!" Poll ordered as Eva zoomed off.

I leaned against the door breathing heavily when I saw all the boys running over with Eva.

"Whoa that's enough exercising for me today." Eva said panting.

"Rose are you okay?" Finn asked me nervously moving my hair out of my face.

"No bloody questions get in." Polly said and Finn helped me slowly get in.

"It's happening, and I'm scared," I said taking his hand when we sat down.

"I can't wait." Finn said kissing my hand.

"Piss off, you ain't doing the work." I spat mad that he gets to just sit there.

Polly soon came in the car and Arthur got in the other front seat. Eva also rushed in sitting next to me acting all serious. It almost made me laugh.

"Now Rose, you need to calm down, you don't need to be stressing. The baby will be fine and healthy," Eva evaluated annoying the hell out of me.

"Eva I swear to God can you shut up. You're making it worse," I told her squirming to get comfortable.

"Sorry." We told me over pronouncing her 'R's'.

"It's alright Rose, now you'll get to feel what Esme felt with all her hundreds of children." Finn told me and I glared at him.

"Thank you for telling my shit!" I snapped groaning again from the pain.

"Everyone shut up we're almost there," Polly said as Arthur drove.

"Right. We're here come on, Rose go into the living room and everyone else find blankets." Polly rushed out. I wobbled as I got out so Finn helped me.

"Wait Pol why are we at your house?" I asked looking around confused.

"It was the closest, I didn't want you giving birth in that field or in the car." She told me pushing me lightly through the door:

Finn helped me on to the floor and sat me up slightly. Eva ran in and gave Finn blankets before running out again.

"Wow, she's in a hurry." Finn joked putting the blankets next to me.

"This is torture." I told him wiping sweat off my forehead.

Right then, lets get this over with.

Finally, finally the little devil was out.

I laid back a little falling into sleep watching Finn cry, Eva wrapped our baby in a blanket and cleaned them up a bit.

The pain soon numbed and my legs cramped. I held on to Finn and Arthur's hand still. About broke their hands.

Polly walked over and helped me sit up more so leant against the couch. I slowly let go of their hands and waited for Eva to give me my baby.

She strolled over with the crying bundle of joy in her arms. She carefully passed me the small weeping child.

I looked into their blue ocean red and smiled.

"It's a boy." Eva announcer smiling. I cried a little and looked over to Finn. Must I say I see twins.

"What are you calling him?" Arthur asked beside me,

"John." I told them before kissing little Johns head. "God he's so beautiful," I cried contently:

I kissed his head once more before passing him to Finn. I was guessing that he was speechless as he has yet to say anything:

"Best wedding ever," he chuckled playing with little Johns hand.

"Johns a great fucking name." Arthur said patting my shoulder.

"John Shelby" Polly said leaning over Finns shoulder to see the child.

"I'm worn out." I complained closing my eyes slowly.

"Yeah we should get home," Finn suggested and I carefully got up. It killed but I got it over with. My legs trembled as I got up but I did it.

"Here I'll help you Rose." Arthur said helping me.

"Thank you," I said taking his hand.

It took us hours to get home but we finally did.

I laid in bed whilst Finn put John to bed. He came into the room the grin still wide on his face. I giggled and he got in with me. Today was truly the best wedding ever.

Damn I love this happiness. Please don't ever let it leave me.

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