《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》12


(A/N: I made a trailer because.....why not?)

Lip p.o.v.

Ian and I went to school but meet up with Mickey and Mandy because we usually go to school together but with Terri but she hasn't talked to me.

"Lip did she listen?" Mickey asked me as if I was going to say no that he'll curse her out.

"Half of it. But I couldn't finish cause her parents kicked me out." I lied to him but I didn't lie for the half part.

"Good...good....but are you....telling the truth though?" He asked as he knew I lied.

"Yeah I'm telling the truth." I lied again as we walked into school.

*two periods later*

She wasn't in any classes today. Ian and I decided to go over her house to see if was there. Ian and I arrives there within 5-10 minutes. We walked up to the stairs to her place and Ian knocked on the door. We waited for her to answer. Within a few seconds the door opened and reveal her parents.

"Oh hi Ian.....and Philip." Her mom says to us.

"Shouldn't you two be in school?" Her dad asked us.

"Terri wasn't in school,we got worries about her." Ian informs them why we're here.

"Well she's busy packing. Terri is also happy to be leaving because a boy who broke her heart won't be there." Her dad says looking at me then looked at Ian. "And some gay boy won't also won't be there." I was about to punch because what he said about Ian. They closed the door on us.

"I hate them so fucking much." I said and we walked down the stairs.

**later that night**

I lied on my bed looking at the ceiling thinking about Terri moving back to Manchester. I noticed that Ian was leaving.


"Bro where you going?" I asked Ian.

"Going to Mickeys." He tells me as I raised a brow. "I swear. He said he had something important to tell me. I don't know what." He informs me as he left the room. I groaned and grabbed my shoes and went to follow him. As I went to walk out I was stopped.

"Why are you following him?" Fiona asked me.

"Because he's going to see Terri and he lied to me saying he's going Mickeys." I explained to her which she didn't buy it.

"You leaving because you don't want Terri to leave." She tells me. I sigh that was one of the reasons and I then sat on the couch. She joins me. "You love her don't you?" She asked me.

"I do." I confessed to her.

"Then you need to tell her because this is your last chance." I look at my older sister. "Tomorrow you should go and visit her and tell her how you feel because I'm 100 percent sure that she feels the same." I smiles at her. "Now go to bed before Ian gets home."

**A few hours later**

I was woken up by my brother,Ian. I groaned as he turned the light on.

"She leaves at 4 in the morning." He informs me.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked him.

"Because at three we are going to the airport." He informs me.

"I'm not going." I tell him as I turned around to face the wall.

"What? Why? She's going to miss you the most. She loves you." He snaps at me and turned the light off.

**3 am**

"Lip come on wake up." I heard Fiona says shaking me.


"I'm not going." I told her.

"You need to go." She tells me as she pulled the blanket off of me.

"No. I said I'm not going." I snap at her. I heard her say something but i couldnt hear her,before closing the door.


I sat up thinking about what Fiona said about me in love with Terri. If I don't go then she would think I won't care about her but if I go she might yell at me along with her parents.

I got changed and went downstairs to look for the keys to Terri's car because Mickey took her keys from her then her car.

"Looking for these?" I heard Monica say. I turned and saw her with the keys.

"Give me the keys." I said to her as I walked to her and took them.

"Who's the girl?" She asked me as I walked to the door.

"Don't worry about it." I snap at her and closes the door to the house and went to the car so I can drive to the airport.



What should be Lip's and Terri's ship name be?

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