《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》8


Terri p.o.v.

Once I arrived at my house Mickey and Mandy were outside,waiting for me. I pushed passed them and went unlocked my door and no one was there.

"What the hell did Lip say now?" Mandy asked me.

"We can't talk. He can't talk to me anymore." I answered going into the kitchen. They followed me inside.

"I'm going to make him eat his own dick." Mandy says pissed.

"Its okay anyways. I mean I'm stupid to think he really liked me. I'm just a normal hormonal teenager." I told them. Mickey comes up to me and puts down the bowl I just took out.

"Look,Terri,I know that you like Lip but you need to let him explain. He's been trying to do this after you stop going to school." Mickey says looking me in my eyes. I sighed because its true I do like Lip.

"How can I let him explain if he said one he can't hang out with me and two he can't talk to me anymore. So what's the point?" I snap at him suddenly. He roles his eyes.

"What if he has a reason? Huh? You won't let him even explain!" He snaps back at me.

"Maybe she's right,Mickey. He lead her on and broke her heart." Mandy says taking my side of this.

"You know what? I'm calling him." Mickey says taking his phone and dialing his number. I groaned and went to leave but when I opened the door Lip was there. I groaned and went to close the door but his foot and hand stopped it from closing. "You couldn't pickup your phone?" Mickey asked him and he opened the door for him.

"Maybe because I can't find my phone. Someone stole it." Lip informs Mickey as Mandy comes out of the kitchen.


"I'm going to make you eat your own penis!" Mandy says as she saw Lip and marched over to him but got stopped by her older brother. Lip moved back a bit,away from her.

"Mandy calm down." Mickey says to her.

"Why did you have to hurt someone who is already broken?" She asked Lip loudly. Lip looks at her then to me with a sad expression.

"We're leave and you better fucking explain." Mickey says to Lip and looks at me. "And you better fucking listen." He then dragged Mandy out the house and closed the door. I look at Lip and went into the kitchen.

"Can I explain?" Lip asked after the silence became awkward.

"I guess." I said unsurely because I mean seriously what can be bad about it? That he's in love with someone else? It's Mandy.

"The reason I said all that is because you're parents." He tells me as I closed the fridge and looked at him.

"What?" I asked him as I closed my eyes.

"They said that if continue to talk to you then they're going call the police on me and my family. Then you'll move back to England. But they said the same thing to Ian expect that you and your family are going to move because of your dad's job." He explains more to me. I sighed and looked at him again.

"It doesn't matter,none of this matters." I told him as he looks at me sadly.

"What do you mean?" He asked me in shock.

"I mean it doesn't matter because you haven't talked to me in weeks and when you finally do you tell me that you can't talk to me anymore. How do you think I feel? You told me it was a mistake being my friend and now? You're here saying that my parents told you that you can't talk to me. When did that ever stop you from doing what you want to do?" I snap at him. He reaches out to grab my hand but I moved away. "Get out." I told him. He just nods and walks out.

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