《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》7


Terri p.o.v

Lip looks at me in the eyes as I tried to avoid the eye contact.

"If I get off of you are you going to try to leave again?" Lip asked me. I shook my head which is a lie. He made me look him in the eyes. "Look me in the eyes and say that." I looked in his eyes I couldn't say anything. He smirks. "I guess we're staying in the position." He says.

"What do you want say? Huh? To say that you're sorry? That you were being a douche and not a real friend?" I asked him questions. He chuckles and looks at me again before getting off of me.

"I am sorry. I'm sorry for being a douchebag to you. Sorry for ignoring you and saying that it was a mistake by saying that I was done with your shit and I didn't need you." He explains to me,making me smile. "But its also true. I can't talk to you anymore." As he said that I got pissed.

"Then why did you want to talk to me?!" I snap at him. "I thought you wanted to be friends again...hell be my best friend again. But I guess not." I got up from Ian's bed and opened the door and ran downstairs,I heard his footsteps behind me.

"Terri what happen?" Ian asked as I walked right passed him pissed. "Lip what did you do?" He asked his older brother.

"I told her I couldn't talk to her anymore." I heard say before I opened the front door and walked out. I saw Fiona walking.

"Hey Ter." She says but ignored her and went to my car and drove off.


Lip's p.o.v.

She wouldn't let me finisb what I was saying. Ian then came up to me with a very pissed off face.

"Lip,What did you do to her?" He asked with a pissed voice.

"I told her I couldn't talk to her anymore." I told him as she walked out the house and to her car and left.

"Why would you say that to her?" He asked another question. "I thought you loved her." He tells me.

"I DO! I DIDNT WANT HER TOLEAVE THATS WHY!" I yelled at him as I snapped. He looks at me confused. Fiona walks in and glares at me.

"Why did Terri left angry?" She asked me.

"I told her that I couldn't talk her anymore. I couldn't say why because she left. Her parents said that if I didn't...if we didn't stay away from her then they would move. And if we told her then they would still move. Or call the police on us." I explained to them.

"I don't like her parents." Ian says. "She told me that her parents said if she didn't leave the house and go to school then they would have moved." He explains to us. We all looked at him.

"What?" I said.

"They were already planning on moving." Fiona tells us.

"I can't believe them. I have to go and tell her the rest and apologize." I said as I walked passed them but Ian stopped me.

"Mickey and Mandy are going over there. They said they'll text me when they are done talking." He informs me. I nodded and went back up to my room.

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