《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》5


Terri p.o.v.

I woke up in Ian's arms. I remember the day before,I told Ian about what the fight was and cried myself to sleep with Ian by my side. I got up and shook Ian awake.

"Wha? Terri why are you up?" Ian asked me as he gets up too.

"Because we have school and because of that I have you." I answer smiling and started to change in front of him. I don't think he'll mind since he's into guys. Once I finished I turned around and saw Ian looking at me. "Did you like the view?" I joked with him which made he smile and roll his eyes.

"Come on." He says and puts his arm around my shoulders and we walked out of the house to my car hen got in. "You don't need to go to school right away." He informs me. I look at him and smiled.

"I will because my parents said if I miss another week that we'll move back to England." I told him I didn't know if we were either way because they've done this before and we still moved.

"Makes sense that you care for Me,Micky,Mandy,Lip,Carl-" I cut him off when I hears him say Lip.

"What did you just say?" I asked him.

"Micky?" He asked.

"No. After him." I then started the car.

"Mandy?" He questions me again.

"No! You said Lip." I inform him,he look down wishing he didn't say anything. "Why did you say his name?" I asked him.

"Because you like him." He tells me. That's a lie! I don't like him.

"No I do-" He cuts me off with a yes you do.


"You were calling his name when you were sleeping. You were yelling 'HELP ME LIP! PLEASE DKNT LET ME FALL!! I LOVE YOU!!!' " He says mimicking my dream.

"No I didn't." I denied,that was the dream I had but I don't usually talk out load in dreams. Ian gave me a look like he knows I lied. "Maybe I did. What are you going to do about it? Hook him and I together?" I joke to him but I think he took it seriously.

"Want me too?" He says with a smirk.

"No! I was joking." I tell him as we pulled up to the school instantly regretting this choice I made. "I don't know of I can go in...." I said in an unsure voice.

"Come on...you,TERRI SMITHS,can do something? You make people can't sleep because of your words to them. You make even parents fear you! Get your ass out the car and show everyone you are the same person since you were gone!" Ian lectures me,making me smile and roll my eyes. I got out with Ian along with some people staring us.

"You know I love you like my brother." I told Ian as some people looked away from us when I looked at them.

"I know and I love you like my sister." He says back to me. "Let's go to our locker." He tells and we walked to his locker and to mine.

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