《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》4


Terri p.o.v.

After the fight with lip he hasn't talked to me or even went near me. I walked in my house and straight to my room and broke down in tears. I just made one of my best friends give up on me. Made him leave from my life. There was then banging in the door.


"Okay." I say barely audible. I heard the door close. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. "I'm so pathetic." I tell myself. I then opened the mirror and took my depression pills out and opened the bottle and took one out and popped it in my mouth then took a sip of water. I went back in my room and heard my phone rings. I grabbed it and saw it was Ian and answered it.

"Hey Terri." I heard his voice say kindly.

"H-hey Ian." I stuttered out as I was still crying a bit.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm fine." I lied to him.

"Are you sure?" I sighed at that.

"Yes I'm sure." I lie again.

"Good. Anyways what happen with you and Lip? You guys haven't talked to each other or even look at each other. What happen?" He asked me.

"Ask him." I say to him and hung up on him.

****Two weeks later****

I stood in my room for I believe about two weeks. Ian keeps coming over to check on me but I refuse to answer or even open the door for him. Mandy and Micky do the same thing. Micky has a harsher way but Mandy doesnt. Lip has yet to come and even try to help. I haven't been in school for a few days. When I do go school I ignore everyone or go to the roof of the school and think. There was then a knock on my door cutting my thoughts off.


"Come on Ter come out. We all miss you." Ian's voice says from the other side. I didn't answer. "Lip also misses you. He won't admit it but you can tell." There was mumbles from the other side. Before I can even think I heard his voice.

"Terri,open up please?" His voice says. I thought about it and went to do it but I remembered what happen,of what he was saying. I then went back to the bed. "I tried. Now I'm leaving." He says as I went to the window and saw him walk out but not before be looks up at my window. He saw and smiled but got flicked off by me. He just rolled his eyes and walked off again. I went to the door and opened it to see Ian. Once he noticed that I opened it he hugged me tightly.

"Thank God! I happy that your okay." He tells me and he then let go and took his phone out. "Lip is going to be so happy." He smiles as he types on it. I then threw it on the bed. "Why did you do that?" He asked confused. I didn't answer,all I know the tears slowly came out. "No no no no no no don't cry! Please don't! What's wrong?" He asked.

"D-did Lip ev-ever tell you why?" I asked him stuttering some words out.

"No. All he said he made a mistake and you guys went into the argument." He tells me.

"That's right but he say what it was about?" I asked him another question. He shook his head no. "It was about me. He told me that that being my friend was a mistake and all. I asked for it though. I made him snap." I explain starting to read up again.

"Sh....he didn't mean it." He tries to comfort me.

"Ian.....I'm so scared. I don't know if I can bear it anymore...I don't know what to do." I say then just bawled right there.

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