《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》2


Terri p.O.v.

The next few weeks same thing happen when I woke up with mom and dad arguing and my baby brother crying and cleaning up and driving to school but this time I went to Ian's. When I arrived and got out the car and went to the door,knocked and then walked in.

"Who's this?" Frank asked.

"Thats Terri. Lips girlfriend." Carl says making lip,Ian,and I look at her.

"I'm not his girlfriend." I say at the same time as Lip making me look at him.

"You look hot!" Carl says to me.

"Tha-" I started but I was cut off by Lip.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go." Lip states and walks out the house making me look at Ian in confusion,but then walked out with him and into my car.

"So I wanna have a smoke." I told Lip. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and took one put and handed it to me. I was in the driver.Lip was in the passenger and Ian was in back.

"Awe you guys are like my parents. So cute." Ian jokes. I glare at him in the review mirror. I do like Lip but he loves Mandy,Ian's best friend.

"We aren't dating and you know how I feel about Mandy." Lip says.

"I know." Ian said to his brother.

"I'm still in here." I told them making them look at me. I then drove to school. I hated how sometimes they think I'm not in the car. Great. I drove to the Milkovich household to pick up Mandy and Mickey. Mickey is like my brother and Mandy is like my sister too so I give them rides.


"Lip go get Mickey and Mandy." I said to the oldest one in the car.

"Why me?" He asked.

"Cause you are the only one who likes girls." Ian says making me smirk.

"Thats not fair." Lip states.

"Oh well." I said to him earning a groan then he got out the car. "Ian come sit upfront." I said to Ian. He then climbed up next to me.

"Why'd you want me next to you? Don't you like Lip?" He asked me. I gave him a weird look.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked him.

"Because it's obvious." He tells me. Wait? It is? Shit.

"What? It is?" I said earning a smile from Ian. "Oh fuck you." I then turned to the windshield.

"You are stupid sometimes." Ian states.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I saw lip,Mandy,and Mickey coming out the house.

"I mean that you love Lip. And your jealous of Mandy." Ian states. I gave him a look to shut the fuck up as the three walk over to the door.

"Why Ian in front." Lip says as he got in the back.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. Mandy come up front. Ian in back." I says smirking.I saw Lip glaring at me and Mandy came up front.


We arrived at school and we all got out and went out separate ways. Ian and I went to class together but on our way we wet to his locker.

"You do know that Lip likes you right?" Ian tells me as I gave him a look. "Okay I'll shut up." I smile.

"If you say anything about that in front of him I will personally kill you. I have watched criminal shows and I can make you look like an accident." I snapped at him. He moved back a bit making me smile a bit more. "You know if you weren't into guys I would bang you,to be honest." He gave me a weird look.


"Why?" He asked.

"I like Gingers." I informed him.

"Let's just get to class." He says as I close my locker. He put his arm around me and we start to walk to class.

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